
~You matter~


We arrived at the department, finally. We got the other cops to come out and help Micheal. "Addams!" A voice hollered out. It was the sheriff. "Boss, We encountered the killer of CrystalMay, Urgh-" "Ok, ok. Let's get you patched up before we talk murder." He nodded and we went inside. As we walked in, an officer stopped us. "May I ask, how did this happen?" He asked. "welll...." Kai spoke. "We were uhm...almost killed." The officer looked at us with a skeptical look. "You were almost killed?" We nodded heads. "There tellin' the truth, Rick." Micheal said while being patched up. "Oh..." "Not gonna lie, but I think we're one step closer to solving the missing kids case, Rick." Micheal sat up. "All we know is that the criminal is a woman. A teenager atleast." A teenager? Maybe she was the one who murdered Ms.Sarris, and the other people. "Do you boys have anyone in mind, that you might know, who could have done this?" I didn't know who would actually be a murderer. Maybe it's someone from school? "No...But I think this persons out to...kill me?" Kai claimed. I looked at him in confusion. What was he talking about? What did he mean? The officer glanced, "And why's that, son?" Kai walked to his dad and asked him something, I didnt knkw what. Micheal gave Kai two pieces of paper. Kai came back and gave him the papers. "Oh my...." He read the papers. "Uhm...I'm gonna have to get back to you boys ina. minute. Why don't you two have a seat." I shrugged at Kai and we sat down on some waiting chairs. I pulled out my phone and saw tons of anonymous messages. All from my sister.





Why did she want to know so badly where I was? She was never akways so worried like this. Or this mad... I texted her back.

MASON: I'm at the smoke shop, Mar.


MASON: Why do you want to know?! Your never this concerned-_-.


Wait...what?! How did she-..... I was getting a little freaked out. My stomach dropped as soon as she said that. Mary wasn't like most girls. Whatever she wants....she gets... One way or another. Me and her had to raise ourselves for 5 years, since our mom passed away when we were 11. Our dad hasn't been the best of dads. He was a bum, and had no control of drinking. He was depressed without our mother. We wanted to kick him out of our lives, and we were almost old enough to take care of ourselves. My hesitated mind kept on telling me, 'Is mar the killer?' 'Did she kill many innocent people?' 'But she's my sister! She couldnt possibly be....' "Some thing on your mind?" Kai asked me. I glanced over at him. "Uh- No, it's just....Im just sorta freaked out of what happened. heh." I shook off my intense thoughts. "Oh..ok. Just makin sure." I smiled as he said that. It was cute that he worried about me for the first time. I can't believe im saying this, but....I think I'm catching feelings. I blushed as I had that thought in my mind. I looked at the opposite side of me to avoid staring at Kai. "Hey boss?" Someone screamed out. "You might wanna see the news." The sheriff turned the T.V on. " In a stunning term of events, a local smoke shop owner was found dead not to long ago. Jerald Henderson, the store owner, was brutally beaten by a bat and shot 12 times in the chest. Surveillance cameras captured the whole term if event, Please cover the eyes of the innocence." As soon as they started playing the footage in the T.V, I can see the store owner was at the register. The video speeded up and I can see that....The girl! She walked in and I see she was holding a titanium bat. She swung directly at his head, then she pulled out her gun. The one she tried to kill us with. 12 gunshots were heard. Suddently, I felt something holding me. It was Kai. He was hugging me tightly. "Kai? Are you okay?" I held his face and lifted him up. He had tears in his eyes. I was suprised. "Jerry's dead...and it's all my fault!" He shouted. "What!?" I angered. "Nothing is your fault, understand me!?" I shook him by the arms and I held him. "You matter, Kai. You always had." He seemed skeptical. Like he didn't believe me. "What if she kills me next?" "Look, I want to keep you safe, and I will not let this person come for you! Okay?" Kai nodded.


Time had past and we still didn't know how Micheal was holding up. Kai fell asleep, and Kai's mother was still up. She seemed really worried. "He's going to live Ma'am." I said in a soft voice. She looked at me. "Thank you for all your help, dear. If it weren't for you, my son and his father would have been dead by now." She put a lot into that 'thank you' sentence. "I knew that Kai wouldn't be safe alone out here." "You two seem close. Are you sure you boys aren't....you know." Right there, I knew where she was getting at. "O-of course not, Ma'am. Absolutely not..." She smiled. "Please dear, call me Jane." "Call me Mason." As soon as we were done with our conversation, I looked down at my ohone, and I imediatly remember the messages from Mary.

'Im at the smoke shop'


How did she know I wasn't there? .....Unless....

I looked at my phone, then I looked at the T.V. and thats when it hit me....My sister was the killer...