
Your Omegas Are Mine [A Soulmate Omegaverse Reverse Harem]

Crushed by a bus, Quinn should be dead. But she’d woken up in the body of a fictional character— the antagonist in an R21 Boys Love fantasy novel featuring vampires, shifters and fairies; a villainess that had been killed by the main characters. Quinn knew that she should stay out of their path. That the only way for her to live was to survive in the wastelands—a feat that was not difficult with her newfound ability to cast spells and purchase items from her past. 3 years later and the people come to realise that Omega men could not survive without an Alpha mate; that children were now no longer born; and too many females had been killed in the war between Alphas and Omegas. Quinn should be exempted from the Mating Laws. Nobody cared for a Beta—a human-like Alpha that could never satisfy an Omega. Still, they kidnapped her; made her serve the men in their stupid school of magic. But in the elite halls of Azarius, she found the princes of the uprising, the seven overpowered men that had murdered Euodia in cold blood. Her soulmates. And as much as they hated her, they needed her to survive.

tinyeyecat · Fantasy
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63 Chs

23-End of Chapter 7

"Need?" The anger returned, and Omegas were screaming their horror. The pandemonium was deafening. There was one thing all Omegas had in common, their utter hatred for the females that ruined their lives for centuries. "We've been abused by those freaks, and you want to bring them back here?"

"There was a reason why these problems did not exist before," the scientist had declared, silence was achieved with Elysian's raised hand. A cold icy glare shot towards their way enough to end the challenge. "We need them in proximity. We need to feed on them, consume them before they consume us. And to be completely free, one will need to eat them whole."

Icarus had snorted, drummed fingers on the table and Helios was shot back to their past, to the memories of him with a mouth full of a beating heart. "You want us to feast on roasted Alphas on a fucking stick? Make meat pies?" He barked out a laugh through his head back. "You've got to be joking."

"Not entirely," was the scientist's reply. "But that would be easier if possible. However, flesh itself does not work." The vampire had stared at them, eyes strangely dull as he recounted the experience. "I've done it myself, have been inflicted with the sickness of the Lonely. It was an Alpha, one without scent glands and pheromones, a prisoner of war that worked for the research team. But I was drawn to her at first, went almost insane with a lust for her body despite all the procedures done to keep her from controlling. She was like a devil," he'd laughed, seemed almost insane. "Her body had lured mine, and it was the same for my lovers. But I knew we could overcome it together."

Helios felt a rush of cold air, the heat of his cheeks burning with awareness. His own experiences thundering in his temple, thrumming to the beat of his heart. He knew exactly what the scientist spoke of and somehow that made him incredibly guilty.

"Over the weeks we feasted on her blood, drank from her body in controlled amounts, gained a sort of resistance to her charms that allowed us to take more, drink more. Her blood was better for me, and she gave it willingly the moment I convinced her that we were all...together." His lips had curled, his smile increasing, but his eyes remained dark and dull. "I got better, as she grew weaker in her cell. Her scent fuelled me, her taste gave me strength. Her blood made me sane."

"You sucked her dry," Elysian asked, voice colder than ever.

"It was no easy feat with the strange influence she had on us. But we ate her heart at the end of it," was his answer. "The moment she died at our hands. Something inside me snapped. Her control over me no longer existed. I did not feel the same sensations or needs. All of us are free."

His laughter was like a bell spilling across the room.

"I can now be with my mates. Her seed was selectively extracted, and it made me fertile. My child, a boy, is strong in my belly, stronger than anything I've ever seen." He grinned and yet all Helios felt was a coldness he could barely describe. "I believe a compatible Alpha will work for all packs and consumption methods vary. But from the tests I've conducted on others, a steady constant supply before the final kill is essential."

The chaos erupted.

"Is there enough?" Solar had called over the chatter. "The Alphas in No-man's land merely come to a hundred. They believe themselves to be the last of the freed."

"There are more in hiding and plenty in our prisons. There will be enough. But our people will have to share. A group of at least five to a single Alpha should suffice," the scientist agreed, with a furrow on his brow. "This is truly a sign of natural selection. With this, all present Alphas will die, and by then we should find a better solution for our young. Omegas could impregnant Omegas in the past. I'm sure with medicine we will find a cure."

"The Alphas will be dead!" were the agreed cries of happiness.

"Their control on Omegas will end," was the vampire's agreement, "if all die and they are no longer born. This shall be our last stand."

Helios felt a rush of air escape him, his eyes drifting towards his mates, but there was no immediate denial, no disagreement. The gentle acceptance in their eyes was horrifying. Solar turned, laid a gentle hand on his lap and in his eyes, Helios saw understanding.

But in his mind was the reverberation of words from a person he did not recognise.

'Not all Alphas are scum. I'm sure there are good ones out there, you know?'

"Consider it done," was the cold, cruel response from Elysian, a hand firmly pressed against Klaus's shoulder. His king nodded. It didn't even take a second of consideration, and the lives of thousands of Alphas were gone.

The solution was announced to the kingdom the next day, and his people rejoiced for the cure.

Helios couldn't help but think of the blankness in the Omega's eyes as he sat plotting the methods of death for his saviour. A woman that he could taste in the air if he tried hard enough. His head turned northwards at the gentle breeze, a wry smile on his lips.

Already he could smell her on the wind.

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