
It's the beginning

A happy grin appeared on the master's face even though he was secretly smirking because the man was actually so easy to read. His ability to read people's minds was such a delight to him.

"That's a deal then, master." Cygnus clapped his hands as he should his excitement towards the prospect of working together with the Magus.

"For now, stand by and wait for me to call you. I'll be gone for the next few days so continue with your lessons and training for now." The Magus gave his instruction before he stood up and gestured at the door.

The master nodded as he also stood up and left. He looked back at the now closed door with narrowed eyes before he turned around and returned to his room at the Hall of Time. Now that the matter with the Magus Maximus was settled, he needed to proceed to the next step.