A millennium had passed, and everything had lost its meaning in his eyes. Many heroes emerged from generation to generation, but he stood the test of time. That was his life, waiting for someone to come along and defeat him, but no one did. Nobody dared. Nobody tried. How can he allow this to happen? With the aid of his magic, he rose from his throne and set out into another world in search of excitement and, perhaps, a worthwhile adventure. What would happen if this last boss decided to venture into the human world for fun? PS: This novel has joined Fantasy Carnival
Onyx, who had been resting after his guests left, jumped out of his seat with wide eyes. This sudden action caught the attention of the servants. He looked at the window and gritted his teeth. He instinctively knew that someone used their demonic powers.
He turned around and left the room. The sound of his hastened footsteps echoed in the halls. The servants gave way for him but they couldn't help whisper at each other after the holy knight passed by. In a flash he was already outside of the headquarters and stood there for a while.
The demonic energy was prominent and unlike any other. It cannot be masked by any magic because no matter how one would cover it, the malice and darkness couldn't be hidden. It was especially standing out in a place where no demonic activities occurred.