
My Ruined Peaceful Life

The smell of adventures, romance, sword and magic. It is the world that everyone dream of to be in it, gaining over-powered skills and jobs, becoming the strongest and conquering the world, even having a harem of your own.

Is what you all think about being a other-worlder, human that reincarnated or even transported into another world as the chosen one with unbelievable power given to them.

But the truth is different then what you all think it is, what it's truly look or to be honest smells like is blood, rusty swords, decaying bodies everywhere, and big duty or roles that everyone have to fulfill. Trying to survive in this savage world, only to save a world I even never care.

Truly a NIGHTMARE for a guy like me. My name is Arial Shade, my parents usualy calls me Ariel just because of my mom favorite singer named Ariel. I'am your not so average introvert guy that like games, anime, and manga. Living peacefully in the city I grew out since my childhood, before it's all ruin because of a stupid thing that happen to me.


Name : Arial Black

Gender : Male

Race : Human = 90%

Unknown = 10%

Age : 17

Date Of Birth : 15-05-2001

Skills : - Chosen One (Grd:Legend)

- The Art Of Mixed Martial Arts


- Parkour Veteran (Grd:Unique)

Titles : - The Unusual Introvert

Hobby : Playing Games, Martial Arts,

Drawing, And Parkour

Like : Games, Anime, Manga, Being

Alone, And Relaxing

Dislike : Crowded Place, Commanded,

Responsibility, And Trouble

Hey! It's my first and ever time doing a novel, so do please comment on how can I improve and what should I fix or know.

I'm just interested to do this, and who know maybe I will continue making novels. I have created some quick strip comic before, and I have a lot of ideas in my head.

I know this chapter is short, don't judge me. I will improve by times


"even though this is just a introduction lol"

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