
Your name?

At the age of 21 many omegas only start their romantic lives with an Alpha,go to parties and drink to their hearts content. Others prefer to stay away from Alphas and focus on their own wishes. But also a 21 aged Omega wishes to become something,a writer. Akio Aikawa always wished to help others and also to help himself achieve the goals he couldn't even dream of before. On the other side unusual events happen and he ends up in a complete mess. After dealing on his best friend his last hopes start to fade like they never existed. Soon enough,a dominant makes his apparition into his life. Will he be his enemy or lover?

Dorixxo · LGBT+
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30 Chs

Odd path

This is the moment I will actually know if this full-time job is suitable for me. Today I need to show off my skills.

"Akari, disguise in this!"

I think you're out of your mind? How the bloody hell I'm supposed to put this on? You didn't even bother to take my measurements before?

"What measurements should you take for a fake mustache and for some contacts."

You're dumb,what if I get an eye infection? What will happen then? Is Haruto that rich to pay for all my suffering?"

Are you trying to get us dead? Quiet! I'll be waiting outside,the cameras already captured a photo of the man.

"Already? He really has some good munition and equipment."

Only now you figured this out? You've been his assistant since years ago.

"Yeah but since I was some kind of teen at that early age I couldn't learn more about the adult stuff. Thanks to my age being the same as his I can learn more than munition and equipment."

You're a pervert!

"I know. But let's cut the crap about me being a pervert and let's concentrate on what's important."

As I open the door to get out and slowly step inside the auction room something quickly goes through my mind.

I forgot to tell Akari something...that she isn't obligated to act like a full time spy. I'm afraid that if she does so we're all gonna die.

Pick up that damn phone! What's vibrating in my pocket? Her phone! You dumb trash how the hell did you forget that you took her phone so she doesn't call anyone?

"Oh my,look who's here! The little Omega from earlier."

What the fuck are you doing here? Why are you calling me this instead of my name? Fuck off.

"Look who's got confidence now,a little angry creature."

That creature has a name.

"What if I don't want to say it? Why are you in such a hurry let's have some wine together."

Move or you'll die soon.

"I'm scared... who do you think you are,to tell me what to do? "

You misunderstood even without wanting to I'll save your life along with other lives so just cooperate and don't be such a brat, somebody is saving your life sacrificing their own. Be grateful.

"Me to be grateful to an Omega,never!"

You may consider me weak but at least don't risk your own life for your childish behaviour.

"Ok,ok can I help in saving myself?"

Yes just go and place this camera on the big wall of the room. You were pretty good at doing this kind of thing you were the electrician of your group, remember?

"Yes just give me it!" He says as he quickly snatches it from my hand placing it in his hands, quietly walking away to the big wall, placing it in his mind like he was planning to put it in an artistic way."

He places it on the wall and quickly starts the process without a word being said.

Akari appears in the room in disguise,the long mustache covered some of the details she had,the contacts covering her beautiful green eyes turning them into a blue like colour.

I already had what I needed in my pockets and jacket. As I'm the spouse of the boss I should just dress like I'm going to a normal event not an auction with lots of people in it. Something seems off. Very off but what? Akari and Takeo are in their positions,Akari disguised,Takeo arranging the source that can save us.

Me already knowing what to say.

The people start to make themselves seen in the room. It's about to start,I can already sense that energy Haruto has been telling me about. I shouldn't fear it anyway if I fear it,it will get worse for myself and not for someone else.

I should just be careful on the mission itself.

Akari seems to understand what I tried to tell her and started to slowly interact with the targeted person. He doesn't seem so bothered as if he didn't just kill thousands at the last auction.

The targeted person looked pretty normal behaved. But the thought that repeats in my head is that if I dare to attack I'll probably just kill myself without my own hands. He is a very complex human being,he always has something in mind from what I heard,as well as people that work with him. I wonder how many are here right now,a few hundreds should be. Less than that I don't think.

He's giving her a piece of paper? There doesn't seem to be something written on it. She's going into the room!

"Akio,where the hell are you?"

I'm here.

"So the target gave me this,I don't know what it is supposed to mean so I don't really know what to do about it. Wait a second! There's a "H" written in there."

If I'm not mistaking... I think it's supposed to represent his biggest enemy. I already know his biggest enemy.


Haruto, he's probably his target since he only makes his apparition at his auctions and events.

"It seems like you're right...now what should we do?"

You must stay in disguise,at least do your best to bring him into this room. I have a plan.

"Okay,wait here."

Akio gave me this mission,to convince that stinky human being to enter that room.

I honestly don't know if I'll succed with no ignorance to the fact that I'll probably pass out by the time he finishes his plan due to the strong smell coming from the target.

"What's the matter?"

So, I was wondering do you want to come with me? I kinda have some desires since I'm a beta we can do what your heart desires until morning.

I gently put my hand on his thigh, moving it up and down until I reach the special place.

His face starts to lighten and he promised to follow me everywhere.

This is the place I want to use in the process.

Hello dear target.

"Who the fuck are you?"

Who do you think I am?

"You son of a bitch, I was dreaming to meet you! To kill you and feed you to wolves."

This is why they're named dreams. What exactly makes you think that you should kill me? Think this clearly it might be the last time you are allowed to think, don't waste it.

What caused the mass murder from last time? Who's your boss,or maybe you are the boss?

"Shut up!" He raises his hand causing Akari to react immediately, catching his hand and throwing him down, making time for me to hit him with my legs until she grabs some rope.

Painful sounds come from the target as his face is being eaten by bruises and scratches.

If you continue on acting like a baby, I'm afraid that I won't have any reason to spare you. Quit playing around and tell me the information or you know the consequences,I said as I slowly pick up the gun, beautifully placed on the glass table.

"You bastard,you wouldn't dare to even touch me with a finger!"

Who says? You? You're making me laugh I say with a pitiful expression on my face. You really know how to hide things,too bad that today your special ability ends along with its owner.

Say your last words...got nothing to say? Then I guess I can start counting....




"I'll tell you everything,just don't shoot."

Go ahead.

"I don't think you know the person I'm gonna mention but anyways,Zain is one of the biggest criminals in this city. He's also quite the leader,he got his eyes on your husband since he was just a kid, they're both the same age and during all this time they stabilised to be enemies all their lives. I guess he really was annoyed by Zain's strategies so that's why he planned this along with you and this man."

I can hear you! I'm a woman! Look I'm a woman! Stated Akari as she removed the fake things I gave her.

"Nevermind,this isn't about what you are, I'm literally dying right now and you are stating the fact that you're a woman,like I care about you."

Watch your mouth!

Akari. Calm down. We need to be calm, very calm,this is a life-death situation so just forget it.

"How could I-"

Akari. She looks down while not even saying a word. The tension keeps growing in the room,as the target's probably terrified for his life.

If you want to keep that "precious" life of yours,you might as well be helpful.

"What can I do so that I'll convince you to spare me?"

Tell us where Zain is located,if you do, I'll let you go.


Shut up with your childish behaviour! I don't have to promise anything if I said something,so be it.

Just don't act so friendly, we're enemies after all.

"Ok, Mr. detective, I'll guide you to his office,only if you come with me without any weapons."

You're asking me the impossible but I guess I can do that Mr. target. I really want to see your boss.

"You sound flirty..." Said Akari as she looked up to the ceiling. A sigh leaves her mouth she seems tired already,I guess she's just overwhelmed, that's all,or there might be something I don't know.

What's with that voice,the Akari I knew would say it with enthusiasm.

"I'm just...tired. I haven't had a mission like this in years, it's normal that I'm overwhelmed and completely tired at least mentally if not physically. I just don't want you to get hurt,or I don't want to hurt myself without actually wanting to."

Are you just stating that you are worried. I'm quite overwhelmed too but don't worry as soon as this ends I'll treat you to a session of shopping and dinner.

"Shopping,why not treat me with bitches?" Said Akari as she giggles.

That comes later.

"If I don't bother you with something, I'd like to make a request. Can you please untie me? My hands hurt."

Quit crying like a baby, I'll untie you just stop being a big baby. I don't want training now.

"I might need some." Said Akari with a suspicious voice.

Why,you got some random girl pregnant again?

"No it's just that I want to know these things since I may have a family in the future,I want to know how I can help my significant other with the child!"

So sweet of you to already think about the future, you've become so romantic I raised you well.

Now,lead us to your boss.

As this miserable human being was leading us to his boss,I noticed some sudden change of attitude from the target,the other person seemed quiet as she never cared about anything,numb and traumatized, those are the words I could use to describe her,even though she doesn't talk the pain that comes from her is like a million words,a million stabbing words that could easily stab a heart as soon as it senses the existence of it.

As I look to reach Akari with my vision I sense that she kind of wants to approach the numb lady and I quickly rise my hand to tell her that she shouldn't disturb the already disturbed woman.

Her sad expression quickly made me regret the fact that I didn't allow the contact between the two, it's not that I don't wish for Akari to have a significant other,I just want to guarantee her safety,I just want to hug her and tell her to not be so dumb about finding love.

"We're here." Said the target as he lets out a sigh.

You can enter if you want it's not like I can stop you in any way just do as you please just don't harm the boss until his sister doesn't allow.

Do you really think I need someone to allow me to do something? If I want I can simply chop off his head.

"It's not that simple,you just need to trust me on this one if you won't I'm afraid this will be your last time in which you are allowed to think deeply about something...or should I say...the very last time?"

If you think you are scaring me,you are thinking wrong.

I was never scared of anything in my life so much that it gets in front of my plans. I was never so scared to give all I've got so don't worry about it. It's not like your worry is sincere,if it were for you to decide what will happen to me,I bet you would decide to just feed me to wolves.

"You know that I'm doing this for my own sake, right? I don't crave any favour from you in return,only the one that you will let me continue on living. Even though it shouldn't really be classified as a favour to let someone live."

In your case even the fact you are breathing is a favour I made you,I didn't even bother to ask you if you'd even like to be alive.

"Of course I would like."

Are y'all just gonna argue over and over again me and Ai are tired of your bullshit! Said Akari with a bored expression on her face.

We came here to met the boss,if this is our goal we shall fullfil it! Said one last time as she entered the spacious mansion.

It was luxurious,the huge living room could be simply classified as the one created by the rich, millions if not billions were spent on this. The huge couch was of a red that couldn't be explained in words it looked exactly like one a royal family would have. He sure wasn't a royal but he sure wasn't some kind of middle class human,he sure was rich,I doubt he wouldn't be since he is engaged in such illegal activities, killing, kidnapping,are some things you could simply expect from a person like this,all I want to see now is that face this annoying human being was telling us about,the annoyance he sent all of us was of a level I don't even think I know but it sure was above one.

"Oh my,it seems like I have guests. If I have them I should as well greet them with all my being. Make yourself at home, should I prepare some tea or coffee and should I add some sweetener?"

Cut the crap! You already know why we are here! You know it well.

"It seems like you are angry, should I call an ambulance or, do you want a different kind of treatment for your stress,I know a very good one. It seems like you're an Omega too! Oh my,are you by any chance Haruto's spouse?"

Isn't it obvious? I came here to talk to you like you usually talk to people.

"You seem to be in the wrong, sweetheart. I don't talk with them,I kill them." He whispered as my ears were trembling at the hearing of his lustful words,it made me feel like a piece of garbage that could be easily thrown away with a single touch.

"You're scared. I'm sorry for being so awkward,I promise I'm not like this,I usually don't hold a conversation,I end it right after it can even start. You're something special,a person that can easily be mine."

Keep your weird fantasies to yourself, I'm married and my only goal is to kill you.

"You're making me laugh. I didn't have such a laugh since 3 years ago."

What's there to laugh about?

"Your dumbness. It's spreading through the room and I don't think you have the guts to actually kill me. You only enjoy to throw words..."

Quit playing around just tell use what are you planning on doing,do you want to kill someone or something?

"I can't believe you know,are you a witch? I didn't think witches still exist!"

Why the hell are you playing around? Being handsome doesn't change what I'm here for,are you targeting Haruto?

"Are you that worried about him,more than you are for yourself? You are playing with fire at the moment,be careful to not burn yourself..." Says as he moves making a circle towards me as I feel some pressure on my neck.

Are you by any chance trying to kill me or who are you exactly trying to get rid off? Me or should I say yourself?

*He starts to laugh like he never did before,his eyes lighter as he looks at me with a concerned like face.* "As much as you are making me laugh,you are also making me want to take your eye out and add them to my collection since my collection needs a new pair,the last pair was a green one,green like the eyes of a coward."

"How about I take your eyes out before doing anything else... Don't you think it will be better if you just do as I say? At least give me one."

One what? *I say as disgust is flowing through my body I don't even want to face him again after this,neither I want to give up my eyes just for some selfish bitch that can't even take care of an issue himself.*

"One eye..I love their colour,it reminds me of my ex."

I don't care who it reminds you off,all I know is that I won't give you my eyes. You can beg how much you want.

I suddenly hear words that I didn't even think I'll get to hear from Akari: "I'll give you my eyes." Said Akari as she looked deep into his eyes.

"How should I put this in words,the eyes you have are the ones I already have in My collection, your eyes are similar to them. I don't really need them but I guess I can take one."

Are you out of your fucking mind?!

I just know for a fact that this isn't gonna end well.