
Your name?

At the age of 21 many omegas only start their romantic lives with an Alpha,go to parties and drink to their hearts content. Others prefer to stay away from Alphas and focus on their own wishes. But also a 21 aged Omega wishes to become something,a writer. Akio Aikawa always wished to help others and also to help himself achieve the goals he couldn't even dream of before. On the other side unusual events happen and he ends up in a complete mess. After dealing on his best friend his last hopes start to fade like they never existed. Soon enough,a dominant makes his apparition into his life. Will he be his enemy or lover?

Dorixxo · LGBT+
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30 Chs

As the flower withers

"You should be careful about your words,you know that your friend is extremely scared of me. I was also in her house it's pretty out here and how she looked like brought me only joy,she was crying,her teary eyes were like a blessing that came from heaven."

You bastard,what did you do to her?!

"I didn't do anything in that moment. I'm thinking about doing something but I didn't have the chance. Her father was getting ready to enter her room so I couldn't really do something,if only her father wasn't home I could have gotten a taste of her that I crave so much,I couldn't get a taste of her the first time mostly because she ran off and left me with my unsatisfied lust...my unsatisfied lust..what a saying. What a shame,I needed to solve it all with Miko after."

As I hear these words I begin to tremble at the thought that my cousin gave herself to an Alpha so soon. That she did that with an Alpha,I guess she was helpless and fooled by her fake charm.

When she gets fooled and she certainly does it more than she should do it she gets fooled easy no need to struggle to fool her as soon as you are nice with her she will fall at your feet whether you are an Omega, Alpha or Beta. She will always become clingy in a short period of time.

You used her! I exclaimed as I held my tears in. How can a decent human being use another human as a pawn but also as a sex toy? What the hell is wrong with you? Are you crazy?

"Maybe I'm crazy,I don't care what you think about me. I don't care what you will think about me in the future, it's just that I enjoy to fuck with a girls feeling especially for an Omegas,it is surely beneficial for my self esteem.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm going back to the one that I really wish to have by my side,not her guilty pleasure."