
Chapter 3 | Hopeless Wishfullness

~1 Year later~

Another cold winter.

It had been dull in the palace.

All the corrupt nobles have been dealt with.

No enemies were present.

Rupert was fed up.

He found no meaning in life to continue.

It was truly hopeless to wish for Lariette to be in his arms.

To be cradled.

To laugh in joy.

But he looked at the cold walls of his office.

'No Lariette.'

Without Lariette, he had nothing.

Was this how his mother had felt?

Rupert visited the grave one last time.

"There is no pretending." He said. "I love you and I will love you until the day I die. And if there is life after this, I'll love you then too with all my heart."

He went on his knees and took out his gun with bullets coated with poison.

He pointed it to his head, his hands firm.

He looked at the grave one last time.

"It was my fault." He said, a tear slipped. "Without you, nothing seems beautiful anymore. I love you to my soul, darling. I shall join you in death."

And with that,

The trigger got released.

The white snow painted in his blood.

The emperor is gone...

He is now...


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Coffee_Chancreators' thoughts