
Mysterious Hamid Khan


I was really happy after my misunderstandings got cleared up with Dad. I decided to teach Faisal and his Mom a lesson. They have ruined our lives. They were blackmailing Dad.

I asked Samad to meet me. He was angry because I was rude with him earlier but I apologized first and then I discussed the issue with him. He was asking me to look into the records of Mom.

His Dad have sent something to her.

Samad "Check the office records or your home. It must be there. We might find something about that."

I decided to look for that at home. I was looking in Mom's room but there was nothing. The next day I was thinking about all that and I went to the secret room and was searching there but there was nothing.

As I stepped out of the room I noticed the computer. I was looking for something in it when I remembered the folder I found last time. I was opening it but it was requiring a password.