
Evil Side of My Hero


Danyal "If this proved to be true. I won't leave you this time. Enough of your sins."

Faisal "You know what! I think I should tell you the whole story."

He smiled and dragged a chair and sat infront of me.

Faisal " You must be thinking why am I taking this much interest in telling you everything. Because you are not gonna live longer. I don't want my younger brother soul to be regrettingly leaving this world. Let me tell you what happened exactly. But I wanna see your reaction first."

I didn't understand what was he talking about. He took out his phone and Showed me a number. It was Dad's. He called him and put the phone on speaker. Dad didn't pick it up but he tried again. Finally he picked up the call.

Dad "Why are you calling me now? I told you to not contact me. I have given you everything then why are you still trying to interfere in my life."

Faisal "Woooh Easy Dad. I have a surprise for you. I am sending you a picture decide if you want to call back or not."