
Your Little Ones Are Stirring Up Trouble, Mr. Zhan!

Xiong Mao had been set up and lost her innocence. Left with nothing, she was forced to leave the country in a wretched state. Four years later, she returned with her little darlings in a bold and powerful manner. Unexpectedly, the man she had slept with back then turned out to be an immensely powerful tycoon who wielded power over life and death. Her little ones took advantage of how unprepared she was to pick up the bigshot and brought him home. Her eldest child: "Mommy, he looks like our Daddy. Keep him, okay?" Her second child: "He's handsome and rich. Let's keep this treasure box, okay?" Her third child: "I like handsome guys." Xiong Mao panicked and said, "I gave birth to you three alone! There was no one else! And he's not your dad!" The formidable tycoon smirked and said, "Why don't I help you remember, hmm?"

Summer Grace · Urban
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40 Chs

This Man, She...

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Gu Yi, still feeling a little shaken, drove Zhan Yeling away from New City Hua District. 

Had he known, he would not have suggested to President Zhan to personally deliver the payment to Xiong Miao in her neighborhood.

Xiong Miao returned home, utterly exhausted.

"Mommy, I missed you so much."

"Mommy, I missed you."

"Mommy, I missed you…"




As she walked through the door, her six little children rushed towards her with their stubby little legs, clustering around her in a tight hug.

Xiong Baobei's plump face rubbed against her leg, leaving a trail of tears and snot that felt warm and wet. The other five boys also clung to her leg, their faces showing signs of loss and longing.

Seeing this, Xiong Miao's heart ached. She squatted down, wiped the tears off Xiong Baobei's face, and sat her on her lap. She then reached out and held Le Le and Jun Jun, the two closest to her.

"Mommy missed you too. Did you all have dinner?" she asked. No matter how many hardships she had to endure, seeing her lovely children made her forget all about them because nothing was more important than her babies.

"Uh-huh, we ate, and we've been good," all six children nodded with their innocent faces.

"Mommy, we're going to do a commercial to help you earn money," Jun Jun, her second son, declared with furrowed brows and a pout. It was clear he was worried about his mother.

"That's right, we can earn money too!" her eldest son, Qian Qian, nodded, agreeing with Jun Jun's proposal.

Even at just three and a half years old, they could see how tired their mother was every day. Xiong Miao had managed to swallow all her hardships, but hearing her children speak so considerately made her eyes well up with tears.

She looked up and blinked back her tears, trying to hold back her sobs. "My babies, you're still young. If you want to be little superstars, can we wait until you grow up a bit more?"

"Okay, Mommy, don't cry." Qianqian reached up to wipe the tears that had inadvertently slipped from her eyes.

He thought his words had upset his mom.

"Mommy, don't be sad, we're being good," Wanwan, her third son, insisted, his little face flushed with urgency.

"Mommy's not upset, I'm just happy. You know what tears of joy are, right?" Xiong Miao chuckled, trying to amuse her children.

"It's late; you should all go to bed. Go lie down, and your mommy will come to sleep with you after she finishes her bath," Su Mumu, who was standing nearby, intervened.

Upon hearing this, the little ones obediently went to their rooms.

After Su Mumu had tucked them in and returned to the living room, she found Xiong Miao sitting motionlessly on the couch.

"Miao Miao, has someone been bullying you? Was it that despicable Director Su again?" she asked. Su Mumu could tell something was off about Xiong Miao.

"That Director Su! He hasn't even paid for the kids' commercials yet, and he's been bullying you over and over! I can't stand it. I'll report him to the police tomorrow!" Su Mumu was livid.

"It's not Director Su, it has nothing to do with him. I'm just tired from working overtime. I'm cold and exhausted. I'm going to take a bath now. Please don't call the police rashly. If things get out of hand, I might lose my job," Xiong Miao said calmly and headed for the bathroom.

She was concerned that Su Mumu might be too impulsive and actually call the police.

In case her issues with Su Hongyi became public and made it to the media, her secret about her six precious ones wouldn't remain hidden for long.

If Zhan Yeling found out that she had been hiding his children, there's no telling what harsh actions he might take.

Today, for no apparent reason, he had nearly choked her to death.

This man, she simply couldn't afford to cross him.