
Your Little Ones Are Stirring Up Trouble, Mr. Zhan!

Xiong Mao had been set up and lost her innocence. Left with nothing, she was forced to leave the country in a wretched state. Four years later, she returned with her little darlings in a bold and powerful manner. Unexpectedly, the man she had slept with back then turned out to be an immensely powerful tycoon who wielded power over life and death. Her little ones took advantage of how unprepared she was to pick up the bigshot and brought him home. Her eldest child: "Mommy, he looks like our Daddy. Keep him, okay?" Her second child: "He's handsome and rich. Let's keep this treasure box, okay?" Her third child: "I like handsome guys." Xiong Mao panicked and said, "I gave birth to you three alone! There was no one else! And he's not your dad!" The formidable tycoon smirked and said, "Why don't I help you remember, hmm?"

Summer Grace · Urban
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40 Chs

She Had Her Own Determination.

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The suite was a picture of decadence, bathed in the glinting lights and exuding an aura of opulence. Xiong Miao, carrying the red wine, stepped in and headed straight towards the wine table. A row of handsome men lounged on the sofa by the table; some engrossed in card games, others busy with their phones.

Without giving them much notice, Xiong Miao reached the wine table, squatted down, and placed the wine bottles on it. Her every move radiated youthful charm. As she was about to get up after placing the wine, she heard a voice next to her, "Pour me a glass of wine, and this money is yours."

A tip!

Xiong Miao's first thought was that she could buy an extra can of baby milk powder for the little ones. It's not that she loved money, but the pressures of life were so great that she needed to work hard for her children's quality life. She glanced over to see a stack of red banknotes on the coffee table, seemingly around five hundred yuan.

Pouring a glass of wine for five hundred yuan, it was worth it.

Industry rules demanded that when pouring wine for guests, one must lean over since the guests were seated. Standing would give the impression of looking down on them. What she didn't realize was that while she was opening the wine bottle, the man who tipped her was staring intently at her chest, his gaze gradually turning inappropriate.

Oblivious to this, Xiong Miao served him the wine, took the money, and was about to leave when he said, "Wait." She paused to see the man place another stack of banknotes on the table, seemingly around two thousand, "Pour some for all my buddies."

Xiong Miao kept her smile intact. two thousand, the babies' winter clothes were accounted for. She squatted down and began to serve wine to each of the men.

"The new tea lady is pretty," one of them remarked.

Xiong Miao didn't respond. One vital thing about working in a nightclub was having a strong mental fortitude.

"Sir, here's your wine," she said, offering the wine glass to the man seated in the corner. As she got a clear look at the man's face, her heart skipped a beat, and her smile froze on her face.

Zhan Yeling, why was he here?

Because he was in the corner and the suite was dimly lit with only colorful lights flickering, she hadn't noticed him when she entered. At that moment, she was squatting at his feet, looking up at his icy face.

His dark eyes were profound, and as she offered him the glass of wine, the movement stirred up the faint scent of magnolia, a familiar aroma. She recognized it, and he recognized her distinctive voice that he'd heard only that day.

He knew exactly who she was.

Zhan Yeling's gaze was chilling and intimidating, his slightly narrowed eyes radiating an endless danger.

Xiong Miao felt a chill run down her spine, her hand, holding a wine glass aloft, remained frozen as he didn't take the wine.

If he didn't accept the drink, how could she take the two thousand?

For the winter clothes for her kids, she had to persist.

She tried to stretch her lips into a professional smile, held the wine, and locked eyes with the man.

"Zhan Ershao doesn't like women approaching him. I'll do it," Lu Chenyu, sensing the icy atmosphere emanating from Zhan Yeling, immediately recalled his habits.

He took the wine from Xiong Miao's hand and handed it to Zhan Yeling.


Xiong Miao let out a sigh of relief, picked up the money from the coffee table, and headed out.

"Ah!" Someone grabbed her hand from behind, pulled hard, and she was yanked onto the couch.

Immediately afterward, her waist was circled, and the man's breath, mingled with alcohol, said, "Miss, you're very beautiful. Accompany me tonight, I'll give you twenty thousand."

It was the man who tipped earlier, pulling her into his embrace.

At that moment, Xiong Miao felt like she'd been pawed by a dirty hand, her skin crawling with goosebumps.

"I'm sorry, I'm just here to serve tea. If you're looking for a lady, I can call one for you," Xiong Miao stayed calm, trying to free herself from his grip.

But the man insisted, "I don't want anyone else. I want you."

"Please respect me!" Xiong Miao, desperate, broke the rule of customer's always right and pinched the back of the man's hand, standing up in his moment of pain.

"Dare to defy me, you're asking for trouble!" The man, enraged, caught Xiong Miao who was about to escape, and held her from behind.

"Let go of me!" Xiong Miao was scared, struggling with all her might.

Her common sense told her that the men who frequented nightclubs were wolves, beasts. They were ruthless towards women.

"Duan Hongjie, if you want to play with women, do it outside. Don't you know that Zhan Ershao doesn't like seeing this?" Lu Chenyu said impatiently.

Everyone knew what kind of person Duan Hongjie was. Arrogant and overbearing, treating women like playthings.

This scene was obviously not the first of its kind.

"It's been a while since I found a woman with such a good figure, such a beautiful face, and such a fiery personality. Sorry, I'll take her out right now." Duan Hongjie smiled at Lu Chenyu, his smile full of expectation for conquest.

"Let go of me!" The arm behind her was like a shackle, and Xiong Miao couldn't break free even with all her strength.

She was pushed towards the door.

Despair flooded over her, she knew all too well where the man was taking her, and what he intended to do.

Suddenly, the hand clenching her slender waist was forcefully pulled away.

"Zhan Ershao..."

"Get lost!"

As Xiong Miao realized she was set free, she made to run away, only for her arm to be gripped by a large hand, as if with a vice, and was briskly led out.

Through her tear-blurred eyes, Xiong Miao saw that it was Zhan Yeling who was dragging her along.

Where was he taking her, what was he planning to do?

Zhan Yeling had taken a woman from Duan Hongjie's clutches!

This was earth-shattering news.

Inside the private booth, the rich young men exchanged puzzled and astonished glances.

Especially Lu Chenyu, his expression of disbelief was the most dramatic.

As for Duan Hongjie, he was resentful but didn't dare compete with Zhan Ershao for a woman. He could only stand dejectedly by the door, watching the woman he desired being led away by Zhan Yeling.

Once they were outside the club, Zhan Yeling abruptly let go of Xiong Miao. She stumbled backward a few steps before regaining her footing.

Her chin was then gripped by him, causing her to wince in pain, her entire face cringing.

"Woman, you're desperately in need of a man, huh?" he spat out through gritted teeth.

His jet-black eyes were filled with fury, threatening to burn everything around him.

Neon lights flickered across his handsome face, mingling with the anger in his eyes, reflecting in Xiong Miao's, making him appear demonic.

Just like those men in the booth, he was shaming her too.

Xiong Miao grabbed his hand, which was clutching her chin, trying to free herself, "I earn my money through hard work, there's nothing wrong with that."

Zhan Yeling let out an angry laugh, "Your work, is that what you do in bed? Your talents, are they physical revolution? Woman, you really open my eyes!"

How did he ever get tangled up with a woman like this?

Because of that night four years ago, he still remembered her kindness. He had planned to find her and take her home once everything settled down.

What a fool he was!