
Your light

Charles0101 · Action
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2 Chs


A few minutes have passed after those words appeared in front of me, while I organize my thoughts I decided to check the room I had entered, I went to the kitchen, then I checked the rooms and the bathroom. Without realizing it was already night, I decided to look for something to eat, I checked all the drawers that were in the kitchen and I found nothing. It made me come to the conclusion that I had to go out and look for food, I went down the stairs and I was back on the street, on my way to the building I had seen a Super market so that my objective was clear. I walked for about 15 minutes and I could see the entrance to the supermarket, I managed to break in, the light didn't work, so I started looking for canned food and food that will last for a long time. I managed to fill a backpack with what I needed and was about to leave when a noise made me stop. At the door there were several monsters whose appearance was similar to wolves, perhaps they were attracted by hearing the noise when I forced the door, the situation was very dangerous and it was certain to fail, but for me there was only one option.__— "activate skills "__ I said as I prepared to fight.