
Darkest Secret

A faint voice… Wait, I know that voice…

"Jeanne…? Jeanne, are you awake…?" I slowly opened my eyes and saw one of my best friends' faces.

"… Vince…?"

"Oh, thank God, you're awake." He then assisted me to sit up. "You had everyone worried back there. You even made me sober up."

"Ugh… What happened?"

"Ha-ha, funny you should ask… Apparently, you went ballistic after the hotel staff told us that we were off limits on our floor and then you barged into the other VIP room. It turned out that the other VIPs were Out4Blood." Oh no, did they see them munching on that poor guy…? "But lucky for you, there was spilled wine on the floor…".

"I'm sorry you had to see that – Wait, what? Spilled wine…?"

"Yeah… You accidentally slipped on it too and hit your head on the floor...." What? No… No, that's not what happened. "The group was kind enough to help you on the couch and asked for help. They even let us in the room to check on you..." Stop, no, no, no, that isn't right! "Turns out that they requested the whole floor because they're going to film something and it'll be too noisy. They're afraid that they'll disturb other guests –".

"No, stop it!" I had to grab his collar to make him stop talking and hear what I have to say, "Listen to me, that's not –".

"Jeanne! You're awake!" Ebony had then made an appearance; I was then thankful that I saw another one of my best friends. But that happiness was short-lived as the one behind her was none other than the man who has violet eyes. "Oh, and this is Choi Kangwoo, he's a member of that group, you know, Out4Blood… He wanted to check on you since you hit your head quite hard.".

"Hi, Ms. Jeanne… How is your head?" What? Why're you even greeting me with such an innocent face? He looked at me like it was the first time we saw each other and it's freaking me out!

When I didn't respond and just looked at him horrified, Ebony answered for me while Vince looked perplexed at me. "I'm so sorry, I think she's still in shock.".

"It's okay, I understand… I'll be outside then." He bid us goodbye but before he left, I could see him slightly smirking my way. I then touched my neck and a patch confirmed my suspicion, it wasn't a dream.

"Girl, that was rude –"

"We've got to get out of here." I interrupted Ebony while both of them were surprised.

"What? Why?" Ebony clearly doesn't understand as well as Vince, "Calm down, Jeanne, you hit your head pretty hard.".

But I just got up and practically dragged them out of the room, "No, you don't understand! These people are –".

"Ms. Jeanne!" I then heard Elise call my name and then hugged me, "I'm so glad you're alright!" It surprised me but I did hug her back to avoid suspicion. I looked over her shoulder and saw that we came out in a big living room-looking place. The place was posh, fitting a VIP suite but what was distasteful was that the members of the idol group were practically blocking the doors. Damn, we can't get out that easy even if we wanted to. Two of them sitting on the couch, one sitting on the edge of the couch, one standing by the couch, and one standing by the door.

The rest of my friends went near to check on me, Justin and Louie stood behind Elise. Louie had then asked, "Hey, how was your head?" I blinked at him for a few seconds as I look at Elise when she released me. They looked like they saw nothing at all, am I the only one who remembers…? "Jeanne…?" Louie called me once again.

"Yeah… yeah, I… I feel fine."

"You're lucky you didn't have a concussion." A new voice got my attention and it was the group's manager, Eiji, carrying a plastic bag. He seemed to just come inside the room and then went near us. "I'm so sorry about this incident. We promise to make up for it.". He then gave me a sheepish smile. How can he act as if nothing happened to him? Didn't he know that he was being lapped on by those… Those monsters! He's even wearing a long-sleeved turtle-neck shirt, obviously hiding those bite marks.

"Um, Miss Jeanne…" Elise then clung to my arm as she excitedly said to me, "They offered to pay for our hotel fees as compensation for what happened.".

"Wow… Well, that's generous of you…" I sarcastically pointed out to which the man just smiled in return. "Alright, are – Are we good, then…? Now, if you'll let us go back to our room…?".

"Of course, of course." My friends and I had then quietly gone out of their room but of course, they escorted us out too. "Oh, and Miss Jeanne…". He added before we could be out of reach, "We appreciate it if this matter will be within ourselves… We don't want any unnecessary news spreading.".

"Yeah, sure…" I said as I gently grabbed Elise and Justin when I noticed them happily waving goodbye to the group. Having one last look, I saw the youngest member waving his arms goodbye to us while Kangwoo was leaning by their door and looking straight at me. I then remembered the sharp pain I had in my neck as I imagine him sinking his teeth into it.

Back in our room, the juniors jumped around like kids on a sugar rush, "Oh my gosh, they were so close!" Else exclaimed.

Justin then added, "I know right, and they oozed awesomeness!".

"Come on kids, they're just normal people." Louie commented as he sat on the single couch, "But I must admit, they're so white. I can't believe a person could be that flawless.".

"I know, right?" Ebony said when she sat on her boyfriend's lap who sat first on the couch, "I should've asked for their skincare routine." You guys… you don't know them; they aren't even humans.

Feeling my body tired, I headed down to the restroom. Vince had then noticed me and asked, "Hey, Jeanne… Where're you going?".

"Sorry guys, I feel tired but I'm going to wash up first."

While I was in the restroom, I splashed my face with cold water in hopes of sobering me up. But when I close my eyes, the only thing I could remember now is that scene. Mouths dripping with blood, sharp teeth pierced in the skin plus those shining violet eyes. I looked in the mirror and took the patch off my neck, and there I saw it; two distinct punctured wounds. I could still feel that hot tingling sensation when I touch it.

Everyone has a secret, even I have one. Unfortunately for me, I stumbled upon a secret that was never meant to be revealed. Their unnatural looks totally made sense now; their white skin, their endless energies, their whole existence. I've read something like this somewhere before and if I'm right, Out4Blood aren't humans… They're vampires.