
Your Idol, My Lover

"I'm done. I'm done pretending that everything is fine. I'm done believing that this is what I want, that I'm okay seeing you with other girls and hearing how a great couple you two can be. I'm done having no right to say that I'm your girlfriend to the world. I'm done being kept a secret. I'm sorry but I'm tired understanding to everything you do. I'm sorry, I have to do this because I am hurting so much, I couldn't bare. I'm sorry." Kim Song, owner of a small company that provides wedding services, has a little secret that no one should know about. A secret which will cause the fall of his beloved's career. Simply because, his beloved man is just a member of very popular boy band in the world, The Phantom Knight. A story in which no one can know their relationship and remain as a secret and for how long ? No one knows. Will Kim choose to keep herself as a secret girlfriend and get hurt silently just to be with her love one or will she choose the other way around? ========================================= Hi! This is my first work in Web Novel and I'm just a newbie here but hope you like it. Please support my work and I hope I will meet your expectation on my book. Thank youu!

givemeTAEandKOOKIE · Teen
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Chapter 2 - First Meeting after the Tour

I first check my own reflection on the mirror to fix myself before getting out from the car and wear my sunglasses for protection from any media.

We've been together before any of this happen, and to tell the truth, Tristan and I are still adjusting from this kind of setup, it's been 3 years since we're doing this but we can't still adapt. We miss each other a lot and the communication we have are limited. They are always on tour, doing their promotions here in South Korea and overseas, shooting their Music Video, recording their songs and doing some varieties. Plus, my kind of work consumes all my time from planning, designing and all my attention just to give our clients a successful and memorable experience in their most important day of their life.

That's why, every time we both have a chance to see each other, we're both grabbing it and meeting place is never a problem, as long as we can be together, that's more than enough for us.

I'm walking towards their dorm when one of their manager saw me coming and quickly run to my side to welcome me.

"It's nice seeing you again, Kim" Mr.Go greeted me with a smile on his face

"Me too Mr.Go" i replied flashing my most happiest smile.

"You must be excited seeing him again huh" he teased as he notice how I can't wait to see Tristan again.

"Of course, it's almost been a year since I last saw him personally." I honestly said.

"Well, I can't blame you. Let's get inside first before some reporter see us, especially you" he quickly said and begin to walk a little bit fast while trying hard to be a lowkey.

Ah! There is another one thing I remember, meeting him is so hard! I always feel like I've done something wrong whenever I visit him in their dorm because I have to be extra concious to my surrounding and move like a ninja hahaha. But it still worth it, if in the end I can see and hug him to feel his warmth.

"By the way Mr.Go, are the boys already home?" I ask the moment we step our feet in the elevator.

"Not yet, they are still on their way here"

"Hmm. But how come you know I'm coming?"

"Of course Tristan already told me and I leave them first to accommodate you"

"Ah I see." i said and we keep on talking, specifically how his work is getting busier and busier as the group is getting more popular while waiting for the elevator to arrive on our destination.

The moment the elevator open, we quickly move out from there and secretly went inside in their dorm but I suddenly got nervous when the dark welcomed me.

But what makes me more nervous is I don't feel Mr.Go's presence and I couldn't open the door anymore.

What happened?

I just got here with him but where is he?

"Mr.Go" i called out his name as I'm starting to shiver and feel frightened knowing that I'm all alone here.

My heartbeat starting to raise as the time goes by and my hands are sweating cold while groping in the dark.

"Mr. Go" i called again but I didn't get any response.

What the h*ll is going on now?!

"Ah!" I screamed in fear when I suddenly feel the vibration in my pocket.

"Kim, it's only your phone, stop exaggerating" i talk to myself trying to make me calm but It's only nonsense, my hands are still shaking and my heart is beating so fast.

I was about to get my phone on my pocket when someone suddenly covered my eyes and I started crying.

"Kyaah! W-who a-are you?! D-don't touch me!" i screamed in fear trying to get off from his hold, but he is strong enough not to move an inch from all my resisting. The fear started to crept in my whole body and feel the chill on my back.

"Help! Someone help meee!" I screamed more and more trying to call some help but I know it's pointless because the whole dorm is soundproof but still, I should try especially if my life is on the line.

And as I keep on resisting, I starting to feel tired and feel all the sweat cold over my body and couldn't breath properly as I'm crying hard more than before but I was stop when I heard his voice.

"Stop struggling so much young lady or I'll kill you" he threatened me in his creepy voice and I don't know why but it calms me. I stop moving following what he said but I'm still crying while he is covering my eyes

I think I heard this voice somewhere. - i thought to myself

"Please let me go" I beg while thinking who is the owner of this voice but I was taken a back again when I heard him again but this time it's not the same, his voice suddenly sounds like a chipmunk.

"Just shut up and do what I say" the man said and I remained silent as I still feel the fear. I'm silently sobbing and we stayed like this for a minute and once he thought that I will stop from struggling, he remove his hold on me and I quickly run to my fullest to ...






i don't know, i can't see anything cause it's so dark,so I keep on running and running just to get away from that man but without knowing, I bump into something and stumble that made a loud thud. I suddenly touch my knee when I feel the hurt on it and cry out loud. The man who covered my eyes runs to my side quickly and

"What the-!? Love are you okay?!" he worriedly ask, still in his chipmunk's voice but I did not answer, instead I cry more. I don't care if this man is near me, all I know is my knee is hurting so much.

"Justin! Jim! Turn the lights on now!" the man screamed and rub my back gently. "Shh! stop crying love.." he continue consoling me but I just keep on crying while holding my knee but I suddenly stop when the lights turned on and thought my heart stop for a moment when I saw the man in front of me, looking so worried and sorry.

"Tristan Kim?" I unbelievably called the man in front of me. He slowly move his head up to look me in the eyes with a force smile on his face.

"Hi Love" he unsurely greeted me with peace sign.

I just stared at him without saying anything while trying to digest what is happening when I saw the banner in front of me with words " Welcome Love" written on it.





Mr. Go


The dark room


The man who covered my eyes


The voice I heard familiar


And the Chipmunks voice


All of it


are this man's plan??????!!!!!

"Yaaaah! Tristaaan Kiiim!" i screamed his name so furious the moment I realized what is happening and glare at him with my mostly deadly stare.

I saw how he swallowed and smile at me unsurely "Y-yes Love?" he ask with his gentle voice.