
Your fault or mine?

WARNING:The story you are about to indulge yourself into contains true events. 4 pair of hands ruined 4 lives. Changed them forever. But you, the reader will decide who was at fault after reading the book.

Alizeh_Ali24 · Teen
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1 Chs

Playlist of this short novel:

"Lover"—Taylor Swift

"Cardigan"—Taylor Swift

"Traitor" —Olivia Rodrigo

"This is what a heartbreak feels like"—JVKE

"The hart wants what it wants"—Selena Gomez

"TV"—Billie Eilish

"Just because"—Sadie Jean

"Reminder"—The Weeknd

"Reckless"—Madison Beer


"Until I found you"—Stephan Sanchez

"Lose you to love me"—Selena Gomez

"My mind & me"—Selena Gomez


I was sitting all alone. Watching him enjoy his life while mine broke into pieces. I was so dependent on him all the time. I used to think he was my only gateway to happiness and that if I didn't get to have him I wouldn't have anything anymore. My name's Amara and this is the story about 10 people who shared the most wholesome bond that four people unknowingly ruined.

To the reader: The story you are about to expose yourself to, will make you go through a rollercoaster of emotions.




"Are you coming to school today?" I texted.

"Not sure babe, I don't feel like it." Replied Sean.

"Are you kidding me? We haven't seen each other for 3 months because you were away for the whole summer." I texted back.

"No I don't feel like coming in. Too tired. See you tomorrow." He replied.

*I left the message on seen.

I hastily put on my uniform and shoes. I was already 10 minutes late for my first class I arrived at the front gate of the school. Climbed 5 staircases. But then I heard someone yell my name. "Amara!" Bridget yelled while waving standing on the floor above mine. I looked at her and was stunned to see her. I couldn't believe it. It was Bridget Adams. My best friend since I was 10 but we stopped talking because I moved from New York to Boston. She was beautiful as well as petite. With long silky hair and brown eyes. "Bridget, is that really you?" "Hell yes it is! Didn't your mom tell you about my transfer?" "Uh no…" "well I transferred from the Arkadia campus in New York to this one in Boston. "The thing is I heard you weren't doing well and I just wanted to be there for you as much as I could." Bridget said while hugging me. I really needed that hug. I tried to remain calm in front of her because I didn't like gaining sympathy from anyone nor did I like telling everyone my story while sobbing in their lap like a baby. I was 17 going on 18 I should be able to handle all of this on my own.

I was sitting in the most boring 1 hour physics class of my life. But then… He walked in through the door. Smiling at me. Whilst staring right into my eyes. Those soft but yet dark brown eyes. They never failed to make me feel butterflies in my stomach and never failed to grasp my attention. It was as if whenever those dark brown eyes stared into mine I was no longer in control of anything. He was all I saw. But me being stubborn as usual. I pretended to be mad at him, but from the inside I was so happy that he actually decided to come and I knew perfectly well it was because of me.

After class I was discussing the surprise quiz with my classmates and one of my closest friends came and put his arm around me. Behind him, I noticed Sean looking at us with furry in his eyes. I knew perfectly well he was jealous and that's exactly what I wanted.

He walked over. He pulled Aidan away from me. "Excuse me but do you know whose girl you have your arm around? No one dares touch Amara nor look directly at her understand?" He said.

Ofcourse the entire school knew we had been together ever since the eighth grade. No one dared lay their hands on me let alone look at me because they know I'm his and his alone. I felt so superior amongst the rest of the girls because I knew that all my friends were dating douchebags. But Sean…he only had eyes for me and only me. There isn't any girl that can take him away from me.

Sean came and wrapped his arms tightly around me giving me a passionate hug. Then a kiss on my forehead. "I missed you Amara." He said. "Get your hands off of me. I'm still mad at you." I started to walk away but he grabbed me pulling me into an empty classroom. He got my attention immediately by starring deeply into my eyes. He grabbed my neck and whispered into my ear.

"I love you. You're mine and mine alone and believe me I mean it when I say I don't even want a guy within 12 inches of you let alone breathe in the same air as you." he said.

"That'll be a bit difficult though don't you think? I mean there's men everywhere. How will you keep them away? I asked. "You don't need to surround yourself with men to get my attention. Learn to stay away from those men as much as possible and I won't have to do it for you." He said. We walked out of class together hand in hand and spent the day together just like old times.