
Your Ending And My Beginning

So what's the word of "I Love You" means to you? A Confession? Or a feeling you want to say to a person you love? For Akito, it's a "Confirmation". He told this to Yuna, Her Childhood Friend and his Crush. But he was shut down by her Childhood Friend. Devastated, he returned to the club he manage in the school to get his bag, There he met his Senpai who is reading a weird novel that features the events that happen to her Childhood Friend. Will Akito find his peace after a breakdown? This is the story of the defeated Childhood Friend after the Ending of the story.

Yuu_Fall · Realistic
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18 Chs

Chapter 13: Nightmare

After the Date, we immediately went home. I went straight to bed after washing myself and fall asleep after a long day.


"Hey Akito."


This dream again... When will I ever stop dreaming about this. I'm already sick of it. I already moved on so why...


The cycle of this dream kept repeating over and over and over and over again and whenever I tried to stop myself, I still kept chasing her.

I tried moving myself at the opposite direction but no avail, I still kept chasing her. I tried begging myself to stop but I still kept chasing her and everytime I caught up to her, A shadow figure will stop me by chasing them. But whenever I tried anything to the shadow I always wake up with a massive headache.

But this dream right now... It's weird. I chased Yuna, I almost grabbed her hand, The shadow figure stopped me by grabbing my hand. But after they grabbed my hand, I can move my body and talk. I tried asking the shadow, "Who are you and why are you stopping me for chasing her!"

After I said those words I thought this shadow will force me to wake up after I ask them but it didn't and she only moved her lips. I tried reading them but suddenly I felt like I wasn't standing on a ground anymore and I was falling down to the void.

The shadow just looked at me standing above me like they were floating, I still tried looking at the shadow's lips and the only word I read was-

I'm Sorry.


I immediately woke up, panting like I was at a marathon. I immediately had an headache but it wasn't normal than before because I felt like my head got crushed by an unknown force.

I tried to not shout and I immediately look for a hard object that I can bite to and I saw a black pencil and it was perfect to bite too.

I immediately put the Pencil on my mouth and bitten it so that I can't shout and ease the pain. After a few minutes of pain, it calmed down. I spit the pencil out of my mouth and saw that I made a crack on the pencil.

I slowly went to the bathroom to wash my face, and after I wash and wiped my face I saw my haggard face that looks like I was tortured for 1 year in the prison.

I looked at the calendar and it was Monday. I put on my school uniform, ate the meal my Sis made and went to school.

Luckily I made it to the classroom, greeted Hitsune and sat down on my seat. It was boring but I still kept taking notes to not forget the topic and so I can study. But while I was taking notes my eyes suddenly darkened and went to sleep for a minute.

I opened my eyes and Immediately i was lying on a patch of grass. I stand up and saw a beautiful sky, a land full of grass. I looked around and saw a big oak tree. I slowly walked towards the big oak tree and I saw two kids. One is a girl who looks like 6 and the other one was a boy who looks like 6 too. I listened to their conversation while hiding behind the tree.

"Hey #*%^! Let's make a promise!"

"What is it?"

"When we grow up we will get married okay!"

The girl's eyes shined so bright with a wide smile, shouting, "UMU!"

They recited the pinky swear and immediately someone shouted from the distance. It was a girl wearing a glasses and it looks like she's a teenager.

The girl with glasses immediately ran towards the kids "There you two are!" She said. The boy replied "Geh! Nee-Chan..."

The girl was nagging to the boy but the small girl stopped them and the two stopped fighting. The girl immediately told the kid to go home. The boy clearly wanted to stay here but the girl shouted at her and calling his name, Minamoto.

"Minamoto? Wait so this dream? It's actually Yuna's about the promise!"

I silently whispered so that they won't notice. Eventually I didn't hear their voices anymore. I immediately peek a little and I saw the face of the girl with the glasses looking towards my face with a blank face.

I was shocked, scared and almost traumatized at what I saw. I screamed and tried to stand up and run away. But as soon as I took a step, someone grabbed me by my shoulder and when I turned my head. I saw her face, slowly crumbling turning into a shadow silhouette that looks like the shadow who kept stopping me for chasing Yuna and Minamoto-kun.

"Y-you! So your the one who kept stopping me for chasing them! Tell me! Who the hell are you!"

The shadow immediately slowly moved her lips

I'm Sorry For Everything.


But as soon as I said that the void immediately shake like there was an earthquake, piece by piece was breaking. I tried on asking her but the only thing she replied was "I'm Sorry For Everything."

"Why are you saying sorry! What did you do to say it!"

Immediately her lips stop and let out a voice saying.

I Changed Your Life.


Suddenly a flash of light emerges from my eyes, blinding me while I felt like I was falling again like last time.





I immediately stand up suprising everyone even the teacher who was shouting my name near me. I looked around and saw that my classmate was looking towards me. I looked towards Yuna and tried to say something but suddenly I saw a glimpse of a shadow behind her.

"H-hey what's that?" I pointed on Yuna. Everyone looked towards Yuna but they saw nothing, but as they turned around towards me they immediately got shocked. I got curious to why their face looks shocked and I hear a drip on the floor.

I looked down and saw blood between my feet.


I wiped my tears on my face and saw it wasn't a water or a tear. It was blood. Suddenly I was attacked by a crushing headache making me lie on the floor, shouting while holding my head.

The whole class was scared and slowly ran towards the teacher except for one. Hitsune-san.

She ran towards me, helping me to ease the pain. She shouted to the teacher to call an ambulance but the teacher was shaking so bad that he didn't know what to do.

Hitsune clicked her tongue and immediately called her butler to help her carry me to a nearby hospital.

After a few minutes, her butler immediately arrived and carried me by her arms, running towards outside of the school.

The butler immediately put me on the back while Hitsune followed and helped me wiped the bloody tears on my face.

We arrived at the hospital but I was losing conciousness but Hitsune kept slapping my face to wake up I tried opening my eyes and I saw her tears falling down on her eyes. I tried to wipe them but I was already losing concious.



I woke up and saw a nostalgic ceiling that I saw everytime I got sick. I slowly rising myself up and immediately I felt like there was an object that was holding my hand. I looked towards that direction and saw Hitsune-san holding my hand.

It was a glimpse but the only person who helped me was Hitsune and her alone. I slowly pat her head and whispering to her ears, "Thank you."

She slowly opening her eyes and I immediately lean back. She slowly looked towards me, sitting while looking at her sleepy face. She opened her eyes widely and saw I was awake while looking towards her. She slowly started crying and put her face towards my chest.

I was shocked but I suddenly hear her mumble "Thank god your alright..."

I replied to her "Sorry for worrying you and thank you for helping me, Emma."

She was shocked at first but then, she immediately smiled at me saying "Yeah!"

We were looking at each other and immediately we heard a familiar voices coming outside. The door immediately slammed open and we saw three girls outside.

Simultaneously, the three shouted "Akito! Are you okay?!" at the same time. The 4 girls looked each other and they looked towards me. The three girls who entered was Miyazaki Senpai, Prez and Hibiki-nee.

The three immediately ran towards me and the 4 shouted "Who is/are this girl, Akito!"

Even when I'm in the hospital, They kept destroying my peace...

ENDING #013~