
CHAPTER 1: My oh-so-GREAT School

Another pleasant morning for this pleasant day. I am currently and is leisurely walking on my way to school, not minding the fact that the school bell already rang one hour ago indicating that it is time for the first period of subject.

The class already started at 8:00 am. And here I am still at the middle of the road, admiring the clear blue sky and listening to the calming chirps of little birds.

Why am I still waltzing here instead of rushing over to school?

Why of course, because that institute is so high-end and magnificent with bunch of magnanimous, considerate and excellent teachers!

. . . . .

Yeah, right. I would not even hesitate to say that this ever-so-magnificent school is such a trash.

After a few more walks, I'm already infront of our school gates and there's no one guarding it.

See? It is a private institute but has no guard. You can easily enter even with or without IDs, or whether or not wearing your uniform. Anyone could easily get out of the campus grounds however they like.

And I, Roxanne Dela Pacion, am proud to present to you, the Institution of Pinili. Where you could exclusively experience for free what it is like Inside the Purgatory. Classrooms with poor ventilations, lectures that doesn't makes any sense but will give you activities, projects, and quizzes that only has less than ten percent covering the lesson and the rest you have to figure it out yourself, and of course the heaven and hell differs to those people who you could get along with.

Yes this is IP; Inside the- ehem, I mean the Institution of Pinili.

It is almost four years since I start studying here, it is such as surprise that I managed to survive here. Well, it is not like I have any other choice. I just have an average family, and this is also the nearest school that I could attend to. Furthermore, the tuition fee here is most affordable, it only costs around 2,500 pesos [around 47 USD] each school year.

And I seem to have a problem. . . . I don't know which way my classroom is!

Goodness! I really forgot that today is the start of our new school year. I'm not even sure if I still have the same class with my former classmates.

I sighed as I looked around. There's no one to ask to, these juniors walking around are useless. All of their answers are I-don't-knows. Now that I think about it, I'm also useless. I've been studying here since first year in highschool and I still don't know where is where and which is which.

For a moment, I remembered what our homeroom teacher used to say before. "Your classmates today will also be your classmates tomorrow". Meaning that I have the same class with those bitc- hrmm.

At loss of what to do, I grabbed my phone and opened my messenger. I searched for my friends but none of them are online. Then one certain name caught my eye.

Despite the brightness of that green dot that indicates if the user is online. It seems to dim in my eyes.

This guy. . . Nevermind, I have no other choice.

[ To: Miles Luna

"Hey Miles~

Do you know which way our classroom is?"

sent-. . . .received- ]

I waited for at least 5 minutes, and I received no reply. I once again looked for an active status, and there I saw again at the bottom of his name. . .

[Miles Luna

active 3 minutes ago]

This little-!

*Sigh. . . Forget it. There's no use getting annoyed.

This school is not that big, actually. I believe that classrooms for 4th years are on third floor, on the left, same wing with the 3rd years. I quite know the locations, I'm just not sure if it is correct.

To be honest, I hate being humiliated. . . So I avoid making mistakes as much as possible.

Well, it's now or never.

As I take a peek at one of the classrooms, I finally found the class I'm supposedly in. And there, the homeroom teacher I assume, is standing infront of the whole class.

And me, having the audacity of being a late comer, went inside and smiled at her as I greeted her "Good morning, Ma'am."

And she, who doesn't seem to mind, just smile back. See? Our teachers here are so lenient. So lenient that by just sucking at them would give you the highest marks.

I saw one of my friends waived and signaled me to seat with them. And so I did.

And there, the homeroom teacher proceeded to what she seems to be discussing. And it looks like she also just got here just a few moments earlier than I am since all that she's been talking about are the classroom regulations. I didn't listen any further since her classroom rules and regulations are the same product as the one we had in previous years. So, I just secretly pulled out my phone and decided to entertain myself by browsing the social media.

A few moments later, I felt my phone vibrated and a chat head popped out of my screen. As soon as I recognize the avatar, I felt a strange sensation. . . . Like excitement, maybe?

It was a message from Miles. . .

[from: Miles Luna

"Oh hey~ Rox.

Have you found the classroom yet?"


This guy is clearly teasing me. . .

But instead of being annoyed, it is quite funny. I could imagine the way he would say it.

[to: Miles Luna

"Know what?. . . . Nevermind"

sent- seen-]

I sarcastically replied back. As soon as I raise my head, our eyes actually met. I am silently giggling, and he's doing the same. . .We are giggling at each other. . . like idiots.








Wait. . . . He's been here the whole time??!!