
Your Chains that Bind Me(BL)

"These blue flowers reminds me of you and our time we spent together" - Vincent Leondale "We were separated for 13 years because of a simple mistake, now that I've returned, You're still the same person I fell in love with" - Noah Wisteria I remember that this is the same time I was separated with him, and yet it was raining heavily that day as if it was also sad for my unexpected departure. But today, it's as if the weather was welcoming me back. Noah Wisteria, The second-born son of the Wisteria Family and Vincent Leondale, The first-born son of the Leondale Family. What chains of event's shall be presented to this pair of childhood sweethearts when they are reunited at last. Will they find out what occurred 13 years ago? And why were the neighboring continent, Calsithea in disarray?

Nox_Louis · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Chapter XIII - My Request, The Sealed Beings

Noah gazed down as he contemplated his plan as he went out from the drawing room to cast another barrier around the forest to keep the fairies, spirits and his Aunt safe. He sighed as he went out and saw the pathetic state of the surrounding forest where the beings were barred earlier with a barrier.

This beings are tall and smells of decay from the dead mana they emit, capable of making different types of weapon observing from the previous battle that a spear, sword and a battleaxe appeared and formed from their bodies. They have a monstrous face, slit eyes and pointed ears. Its mouth permanently shaped with a smile of glee with rows of sharp canines and what seems to be a long tongue.

They don't have a fixed body structure and seems to have different forms and movements and are very sensitive to noise and movement.

A sudden ring bought him out from his trance as he bought out the communication plate and revealed the face of Reve and Reginald behind him, who is drinking something.

"Is there something wrong Reve?" Noah asked as Reve gestured 'no' but began to speak.

"Simon told me you have encountered Calsithean people, I called to tell you that you can visit Calsithea and find out what the hell is happening and don't worry about the state of the tower for the time being." Reve bluntly said, Simon is his wind spirit.

"And, if by chance you return to a destroyed tower then. Make your threat from earlier become reality and make another tower, it wouldn't be much of a problem for you." He said in a matter of fact tone as Reginald laughed in the background.

"Would that mean someone plan to wreck and destroy my tower?" Noah asked as he flew and levitated enough to see the whole expanse of his Aunt's forest.

"It's not that, but just in case. That is my only concern, but other than that please don't worry for the barrier and solve this case first. I have the feeling that this will not end with just our barrier having a hole near the border." Reve said with a slumped shoulder but determined look.

"I will and as soon as I get back, get ready to fix the barrier. But if the barrier breaks before I returned, start without me." Noah instructed as Reve nodded, "Yes Master Blanche." before ending the call.

Noah looked at the surroundings again before he outstretch both of his arms as a large magic circle appeared below his feet and in front of his hands. With a deep breath, he concentrated and cast out.

[With the guidance and eyes of Celesto, I grant thee protection and shield under the time and stars he command. To those who dare break this blessing, thy life shall be its compensation.]

As he soon finished the chant, a sudden spark of silver blasted out and created a sphere that slowly became bigger and descended the land. It soon engulfed the surrounding forest in silver light before it faints and reveals a faint silver glow in its perimeter.

Noah sagged as he focused to land on the ground without him falling to his demise and the possibility of Vincent rampaging was really not something he would want to deal with nor would he like.

"Noah!" Sophia, his spirit of Light came out as she slowly guided him down the ground. He sat down on the small patch of green grass near the burned and black grass he burnt, he wanted to return the grass to its former glory.

"Sophia, I'm fine." He said to the fussing spirit with a chuckle.

"All you say is that you're fine, but we spirits know you are in fact not!" She said with a huff of disapproval, and Noah ca do nothing but to listen to her reprimands.

"If you continue to use your mana thoughtlessly, then who know what will happen to you?!" She finally stopped and gulped a huge breath.

"As I was saying, continue treating your body like this. We will not talk to you anymore." She huffed as her big eyes gleamed with tears as Noah frowned but smiled gently.

"I'm sorry for worrying you four, I also admit to being reckless. I deserve your reprimand, but please don't ignore me?" Noah said as he soothed the pouting but teary eyed light spirit.

"Our Contractor is so thoughtless, we were worried. Makes sure to rest and do not refuse Vincent;s help later." She said as she kissed Noah's forehead affectionately before disappearing and leaving behind dust of gold.

Zechariah came out without a word and touched the charred land as it began to return to its former glory, with every part of the burnt land finally came back to life Zechariah flew towards Noah's and pats his nose.

"We four agree strongly with Sophia, Noah is reckless. We do not want harm to befall you." He said as he pressed his tiny forehead to Noah's. "We know you value everything related to life, if so please value yours." Zechariah said as he backed a few inches away from Noah before he disappeared, leaving a trail of shimmering dust.

'Now, to return back to the castle.' Noah thought as he slowly got up and walked towards the forest path leading to the Elven Castle, he walked slowly to regain his strength. He knew that his spirits are right, just because he is called the the Supreme Councilor doesn't mean that he is not someone who cannot die.

He know the backlash on using so much mana in several occasions, that lead to several mages to quit and stop their lives and pursue a different occupation. The risk, training, memorization, resources you need to learn and the time spent makes being or learning to be a mage difficult.

He thought about this as he saw the castle again, while Fairies and Spirits slowly guide him and the sacred beast's children joined their little walk until the large wooden door of the castle.

"Thank you everyone, all of your help is greatly appreciated." He said a goodbye and entered the castle while the fun and mischievous fairies, spirits and baby sacred beast were jumping with glee.

This castle was a place Noah frequented in the past, because Queen Elianor liked to bring him together with her and dressed him up in different clothes she managed to buy during her trips.

It was a fond memory for Noah as he passed by the specific dressing room given to him by Elianor as he walked towards the drawing room.

He arrived in a tense atmosphere that he decided to ask about later as he suddenly felt his strength fell and soon he was was Vincent's chest near his face, Noah let Vincent gently drag him towards the sofa he used and was given a special tea brewed just for his condition.

"I've set up the barrier, everything here should be safe. It would hold out for the time being and will only dissolve after I fix the barrier." Noah said with a drained smile towards Elianor.

"Thank you dear, now here's some tea I made. This will help your recovery." Elianor said with a smile and handed Noah a cup.

"Thank you, Aunt." He said as visibly relaxed from the scent of it.

"Then Vince, should we go to Calsithea?" Noah asked, clearly knowing that if he said he would go alone Vincent would make a fuss.

"Calsithea? What for?" Vincent asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly amused and excited.

"Well, I need to let out some stress from overworking. You wouldn't mind, don't you Vince?" Noah said with a smile not reaching his eyes.

"Of course Iris, I would be glad." Vincent answered with a smiled and rested his head on Noah's left shoulder, murmuring about him being sleepy.

After there agreement, the vampire pair talked about Calsithea. It was specific and the conversation was nothing compared to a book written about the continent that only intrigued Noah more.

"Then, can I request something?" Noah asked as the pair looked at him in question.

"I would like to visit the Church of Maria Leanna and also find the missing Earth Spirit, Terra." He said as Aelfdene's expression darkened.

"Child, why do you seek him?" He asked as Noah looked at him in daze, "I need to find him, someone has told me to find him." He said that seemed to snap that string of daze and Noah's eyes cleared from the fog.

"Noah, please be careful. The last time I've saw him, he was sentenced by the progenitor." Aelfdene decided to trust Noah but the feeling of something big moving behind the scene was definitely bothering him.

"Of course, we have no problem with that." The Vampire pair answered with a smile and nod, both of them knew what it feels like for something to call out to you without an explanation.

"We'll talk about the Sealed beings next then." Sebastien said as Aurelius turned his head from left to right in exasperation. "Seb, let them rest." Aurelius said with a glare that Sebastien already straightened up.

"Tomorrow, we will tell you about our discovery. For now, rest. Human's are really fragile beings." Aurelius said that ended their meeting for the day.