
Your Chains that Bind Me(BL)

"These blue flowers reminds me of you and our time we spent together" - Vincent Leondale "We were separated for 13 years because of a simple mistake, now that I've returned, You're still the same person I fell in love with" - Noah Wisteria I remember that this is the same time I was separated with him, and yet it was raining heavily that day as if it was also sad for my unexpected departure. But today, it's as if the weather was welcoming me back. Noah Wisteria, The second-born son of the Wisteria Family and Vincent Leondale, The first-born son of the Leondale Family. What chains of event's shall be presented to this pair of childhood sweethearts when they are reunited at last. Will they find out what occurred 13 years ago? And why were the neighboring continent, Calsithea in disarray?

Nox_Louis · LGBT+
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24 Chs

Chapter XII - My Concern, The Pair of Travelers

The Red Sword was quick and merciless, it's wielder swung with no hesitation while Noah watched the scene. Vincent was looking elsewhere, he now knew what was wrong.

Sebastien swung his sword and shredded the first being with Aurelius and quickly leaped up another tree to kill the other.

"Wow, these things sure are nasty." Sebastien said as Aurelius peeked out from his neck and hummed .

"Cursed mana. No wonder they smell unpleasant, I wonder if Keira would like to get a sample of these?" Aurelius asked as Sebastien contemplated.

"Probably, We'll have to ask Noah for samples then." He said. Keira will clearly beg for them to hand these things over to her, and besides they need to meet up with her again.

"Finish them." Aurelius sighed before hiding his face again.

Sebastien smiled before nodding, "Gladly." and finished it with a single flick of his sword, the final being was shred to pieces.

"Noah, where did that girl go?" Vincent asked as Noah gathered the beings by the help of Veron and Zechariah.

"Girl? Wait, Where's Evelyn?" He asked as he looked around the surrounding only to see and hear nothing.

"That girl ran away from here. That is the last thing I remember." Sebastien said as he floated and landed down near the two.

"I'll find her, please Vernon." Noah said, worried. Vernon nodded as the winds picked up, answering to his request.

"Noah, this may be rude but can I ask for at least three samples of those beings? We know a person who would like to study about it." Aurelius said as he got out from Sebastiens hold and dusted his clothes, but still leaned onto Sebastien's chest.

"A Person?" Noah asked as he took out three enhanced vials from his pocket dimension .

"Yes, her name is Keira. She is a Dark Mage, please do not be alarmed. She is a kind person." Aurelius defended as Noah smiled and handed over the vials.

"I do not have any ill feelings and views for Dark users, they are all natural elements around me." He said as Vernon tugged Noah's sleeves and pointed towards the North-East.

"We'll come along, we still need to catch the rat who awoke us." Sebastien said as he reached out his hands to Aurelius and both of them floated.

"I appreciate it." Noah said as Vernon gathered wind beneath Noah's feet as Vincent began to jump onto the tree's.

The North-East, Noah thinks. He knows what lies in that area.

All of them arrived on the location at the same time, what greeted them was a barrier with a faint golden glow and a very repulsive sight.

Encasing the barrier hold several beings trying to claw and spear their way out of the said barrier to no avail, they seemed to be screaming and are angry.

Noah only looked at it before getting his communication plate and held it out in his palm, soon after his movement Reginald appeared on the hologram screen as Noah showed him the situation.

"Ah-Hahaha..." Reginald nervously laughed as Reve appeared behind him, his nose still stuck in a book and glanced at the screen. He looked scary.

"I see that you found my present Blanche! They were a lot so I kinda gathered them all into one piece...hehe..." He answered as Noah looked at him blankly before handing the plate to Vincent and positioned it to where Noah was headed. And without another word, a large magic circle appeared on top of the barrier. A sudden light engulfed the area with a loud boom and took a few seconds to see and hear clearly.

"Star's Judgement." Noah said as the magic circle disappeared and the previous large barrier was gone, and so as the revolting image inside it. Complete obliteration.

Sebastien whistled while Aurelius nodded his head in satisfaction, Vincent on the other hand looked in awe. Reginald...was pale as a piece of paper.

"Archmage of the Time and Space Tower Reginald Clarus Thorton, is this the result of your mission?" Noah asked in a unreadable tone while he floated on top of the purified remains on the ground.

"My deepest apologies, this Archmage delivered an failed mission to his excellency." Reginald said while his head hung low.

"Do you know why I am angry?" Noah asked, his voice was clear in the dead of night.

"I do not know your excellency." Reginald honestly answered.

"This area is under the jurisdiction of her royal highness, Queen Elianor of the Elves." Noah answered with a nonchalant look.

"In this case, this will only serve as a warning again Reginald. But please do explain to my wonderful Aunt of the adventures you took to flatten down her beloved forest in a mere day." He added as the communication plate cut off the call.

"Now, to get and seal of the Forest of Fairies from the outside world." Noah said as he went down and asked Vernon if any fairies were in the vicinity. Luckily, a fairy did appear and lead them all to an isolated part of the Forest and opened up the path.

Inside the path was illuminated with countless gems and light compared to the dark and gloomy night from the forest they came from.

Filled with excited fairies and spirits as well as magical beast and their kin, this place is also filled with natural energy and mana.

"Noah!" The Spirits greeted as they lead them towards a castle made from the trunk of a large tree, carved to perfection with hanging vines and flowers surrounding it.

"Her majesty is waiting for you, we received a message from brother Sylph a few days ago." One wind spirit said as they all crossed the staircase leading to the tall and large oak doors of the Castle.

"Brother Noah!" Aurae, a female high rank wind spirit greeted them by the staircase inside the hall, her dress was white with several leaves and vines hanging around, she is also barefooted and held a tiara made from silver breath.

"Mother is in the drawing room, she sent me to fetch all of you." She said with a smile as all of them floated and easily arrived at the drawing room, faster than walking.

"Enjoy your stay, I will prepare refreshments." She said as she opened the door and waited for everyone in the group to enter before closing the door and leaving.

The interior of the room is made up of wood with marbles floors with minimal furniture inside, with a chandelier made from the hanging vines decorated with small crystal lamps.

Seated in the head chair surrounded by four sofas was none other than the Queen herself, Queen Elianor who looks very pregnant.

"Noah, my dear." She greeted with as smile as she caressed her stomach gently. She has the long and pointed ears of an elf with her dress colored in green and decorated with flowers, on her left arm sat a golden bracelet engraved with the symbols of the wind. Her eyes are green and her hair is gold with a crown made from the branches of the oldest tree gifted by Dale, the Spirit Ruler of Earth.

"Aunt Elianor, It seems like you already knew why I came here." Noah said with a laugh as she gestured all of them to take a seat.

"Of course Dear, I happen to know my husband very well. Being married for 300 years has its advantage." She said with a fond look.

"Well, Uncle Aelfdene is very worried. He asked me to check on you since you came here, there was an unexpected trouble that happended." Noah explained as Vincent handed him a cup of tea Aurae bought, Sebastien also served Aurelius his cup of tea.

"Then, why don't you call my husband here then? I know he can't get out of his Forest without permission. That is the reason why I he didn't accompany me, being someone like him is full of restriction after all." She said with a huff and laughed.

"I will, Aunt." Noah said as he opened his domain large enough to enter as he saw King Aelfdene not far from where he opened it. This was of course, in front of the Castle in the Forest of Evergreen.

"My Queen!" Aelfdene exclaimed in surprise as he crossed the Domain into the room. "Silly Husband, making our dear Noah run an errand for you." Elianor said with her arms crossed and her lips pout.

"My Queen, Are you not glad to see his face? You were asking me about your dear nephew for a few months now, saying that you need his cute face to be engrave in your mind." Aelfdene said wih a fond sighed with Elianor slapping his arm gently.

"Then, I shall place another barrier Aunt. Please enjoy while I cast it." Noah said as he went out and left Vincent, Sebastien and Aurelius behind inside with the two couple.

"Now then...What is this peculiar feeling lingering from the two of you?" Elianor said with one of her eyebrow up, her arms crossed, her aura demanding an explanation.