
Your Blood is Mine (Vampire's Revenge) [BL]

He was betrayed.... and now he is coming for his blood.... Prince Leron was coronated as the Crowned Prince of Ilvedia, but during his coronation, a mysterious figure appeared before him. This figure turned out to be the Prince of Crescentia that he betrayed, Prince Vladstin, who became a vampire lord! And Prince Leron's childhood friend, Sangfroid, turned out to be a vampire hunter! As these two clash for an undead war, what will become of Prince Leron and his kingdom? ------------ "What am I? Would you like to guess?" Vladstin said in a playful yet spiteful tone. The prince gulped before saying. "Y-You are dead..." "Correct. And who made me this way, I wonder?" He whispered into the frightened prince's ear, no breath coming out from his mouth, just an unbearable coldness of his lips. "H-How did you c-come back.... Why are you here...." The prince stuttered, shivering from both the coldness of the person grappling with him and his anxiety. "Why am I here?" He grinned, his sharp fangs gleaming. "Prince Leron, I came for your blood." ------------ Trigger Warning: Deals with heavy themes like parental abuse and manipulation, depression, anxiety, violence and suicide. If you are bothered by these themes, read this book with caution and stop when it is uncomfortable for you. This is the reason why it was changed to r18, though there will be NSFW chapters much much later in the third volume Updates 1 chapter daily 6:00 am to 8:00 am (UTC+8) WPC- Silver Prize for Revenge Writing Prompt ------------------------------------------ ~BRIBE ME, PLEASE~ Ok, I'm getting desperate and pathetic so now I'm willing to accept bribes. I get jealous easily of other books that have a huge following and get sad everytime, thinking what's the point of writing if I feel like no one's reading/appreciate it. 1 NEW 5 star review with genuine feedback (emojis and just saying compliments doesn't count) - 1 extra chapter 100 comments in a week (only those with TEXT count) - 1 extra chapter 5 NEW people voting for this book- (so invite your friends haha) -1 extra chapter dedicated to them 100+ votes in a week in any of my books - 1 extra chapter for all of them Magic Castle and up - Burst update If you love my stories and would want to read more of them, please show your support through one of these bribes. Thank you!

Aries_Monx · LGBT+
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202 Chs

The Act Begins

"He already blames me for my mother's death, I understand why he would despise me." Prince Leron delivered his sob story convincingly, pretending like he's trying hard not to cry. "He said he hated seeing my face, that it brings so much pain from my mother's death. He threatened to kill me many times. He doesn't want to bother to continue raising me if I could not do anything useful."

Those last two statements were actually true, so this made acting easier for the young Prince Leron.

He buried his head on Queen Vanesda's frilly, puffed-up sleeves. She smelled of herbal ointment and eucalyptus, which Leron remembered very much.

"Hush, child. It's alright." Queen Vanesda comforted him. "You are safe from you dastardly father now."

"Even if he was upset at you for breaking your mother's urn, that must have been an accident, right?" King Lazar said. "Your father is a very vile man, Crescentia can be your new home."

"You can stay with us!" Vladstin offered, patting his back. "We could share my bed, it's too big for me anyway!"

"Sob... T-Thank you... so much..." Prince Leron said with his runny, red nose, wiping his tears.

"We are here." King Lazar opened the carriage.

The first impression of the little Prince Leron to the Crescentian Castle was that it was really small and cozy.

Castles shouldn't look like that at all from what he had seen. Castles should be high, and overbearing, with many turrets and spires rising up like thick claws to the sky. They should be imposing, and many of what he had seen are still renovating with many slaves and workers reforming it day by day, just to get better than the other royal castles. There was an unspoken competition between the castles of the Thirteen Kingdoms, especially when Unity Day is near.

But the Crescentian Castle seems uninterested in such competition for glamor, and would rather remain comfortable in that humble state instead.

Somehow, it fascinates Leron. He soon learned that this was not the only thing that shows the Crescentians' uniqueness.

They ate at the dining table half the size of Ilvedia's. The Royal Family uses spoons, forks, and knives, but there was not much variety on the cutlery compared to the other kingdoms. They seem satisfied with one for every use, unlike the others who have a different fork for dessert, spoon for teacups, knife for red meat, knife for chicken meat, and so on and so forth. It was very simple and they ate happily.

"Did you like the tomato soup with pigeon meat and mashed potatoes?" Queen Vanesda asked, wiping her mouth with a colorful towel. "We call that 'rampilo', it's a classic dish."

It tastes like commoners' food, especially since it has pigeons instead of fancy meat like venison and steak. But it tastes really delicious. "It was scrumptious, I have to commend your chef."

"The chef is grateful for the praise." King Lazar wiggled his eyebrows at his queen, teasingly.

"Oh stop it, it's not like I was fishing for compliments from the child!" Queen Vanesda stomped lightly on his foot, then turned to Leron with a dazzling smile. "Thank you, Leron. Would you like seconds?"

"You are the one who cooked this, Your Majesty?" Prince Leron's eyes went wide.

"Oh, please. You are my guest, call me Aunt Vanesda." The queen said, giving him more food. "Now, eat well since I made all of this for you. It was such on short notice but luckily I thought up some fast recipes on a whim."

Prince Leron noticed too, they do not ask for servants to do something for them. They rarely called them out, and when they set out the table and the royal family started eating, they were dismissed saying they can have their lunch also and return when they're finished. Prince Leron was puzzled by this.

"Hey, you seem to like carrots." Prince Vladstin noticed. "You can have some of mine if you want."

"No, thank you." Prince Leron gave a small, coy smile. "It's uncommon for us in Ilvedia to share food that's already on our plates."

"Really? I didn't know that." Prince Vladstin said. "Is it illegal to share food from your plate?"

"Not illegal..." Prince Leron said. "More like, it was improper and uneducated."

"Oh." Prince Vladstin nodded. "If you want more carrots then, just ask. You should eat more. I wanna see your cheeks puffed up with food, it would look really adorable!"

They finished their meal, the royal family of Crescentia giving thanks to their gods.

Vladstin led the way to his bedroom as the king and queen got busy with matters. They were supposed to set off work today but they've met the exiled prince, and made preparations to accommodate him and plan a festival for his arrival. Prince Leron was unaware of this, listening diligently as Vladstin toured him around the small castle.

"This painting was by my great-great-great-great-great-great-great.... Ah, I've lost count. Anyway, this was by my ancestor who made a portrait of his younger brother before he went to another country to be a monk." Prince Vladstin said. "I don't remember exactly his name though, I wasn't listening to my tutor and was drawing him. I'll show it to you later, he looked like a cow!"

Vladstin giggled, slapping his knee. Prince Leron thought that he really was the most laid-back and jolly young prince he had ever met. All the young royalties and nobles like him were usually reserved and quiet, or snobbish and stuck-up. Vladstin was so relaxed with him, like he has no intention of hiding his true self, an open book to everyone he meets.

"Tell me about yourself, Leron." Prince Vladstin said. "What do you like to do?"

"Well...." Prince Leron could not decide. "...I like books and fencing."

"Whoah, really? Those are the two things I find boring the most!" Prince Vladstin admitted. "But you like them, so I think I could give them a try as well."

"Why do you not like reading and swordfight, Your Highness?" Prince Leron asked, curious.

"Books make my eyes feel heavy, and I fall asleep. I prefer it when someone else is reading them to me." He replied. "And swords are too unnecessarily heavy. If someone knocks your sword away, wouldn't you have to fight with your fist? That's why I prefer practicing wrestling more."

"I find wrestling too savage...." Prince Leron muttered unconsciously, then corrected himself. "But, I mean— it looks fantastic! I like watching strong men fight without weapons."

"Really?" Prince Vladstin's eyes brightened. "You should watch me get into matches during festivals! I will join for the first time next year and win for sure!"

"They have a children's wrestling match at your festivals?" Prince Leron lifted an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" Prince Vladstin chuckled. "Everyone who is able to compete gets to compete, we're all equals in the ring!"

Prince Leron finds that unreasonable and unsafe. Vladstin was just eight years old, he cannot possibly fight large, burly men at nine, can he? But he decided to keep quiet and not say anything about Crescentia's weird customs.

"Which side do you prefer, facing the wall or facing the window?" Prince Vladstin asked when they reach his equally humble bedroom with yellow curtains, jumping up and down from his bed. "Or we could face each other when we sleep. Mother said I have bad morning breath though."

"Anything is fine." Prince Leron sat at the edge of the shaking bed. It was two-thirds of his own bed back at Ilvedia, but Vladstin claims it's too big for him. Despite this, he somehow agrees.

"I can't believe I have someone sleeping over." Vladstin stopped jumping and ruffled Leron's hair. "We could secretly sneak in desserts and tell each other stories past bedtime. Oh, oh, maybe we should play with the orphans too! I'll introduce you to them!"

"The orphans?"

"Mother has her own orphanage near the castle. They have their own building on the west side." Vladstin pointed. "They are kids who lost their parents, or have families that are too poor to support them and are homeless. Or maybe disowned, like you."

Prince Leron thought he wasn't really 'disowned' since he would only be owned up by his father if he succeeds, but he digressed.

"They're not as half as interesting as you though." Vladstin laid on his bed with a thud, arms behind the back of his head. "Or half as nice to look at. And I've seen many cute boys and girls, but they're nothing compared to you."

Prince Leron was not used by this honest display of affection, his cheeks reddening. "I-I am not that good-looking...."

"You are very pretty. When I saw you, I knew I wanted to be your friend forever and ever and ever!" Prince Vladstin gestured widely with his hand. "It was like a fated meeting, you know? Like the stars aligning or something like my astrology teacher would say."

"Are Crescentians really this open with their feelings?" Prince Leron asked.

"Yeah. Because if we don't open up how we feel, how would the other person know? That will just cause misunderstandings." Vladstin said, balancing another tart on his nose. "Hey, look, I can balance it without my hands!"

Opening up your true feelings. That was something Prince Leron was warned not to do. He cannot open up anything to keep this act, to gain the Crescentian family's trust.

He really felt sorry for these kind, gullible people who wear their hearts on their sleeves, only to have them crushed.



Ok, I'm getting desperate and pathetic so now I'm willing to accept bribes. I get jealous easily of other books that have a huge following and get sad everytime, thinking what's the point of writing if I feel like no one's reading/appreciate it.

1 NEW 5 star review with genuine feedback (emojis and just saying compliments doesn't count) - 1 extra chapter

100 comments in a week (only those with TEXT count) - 1 extra chapter

5 NEW people voting for this book- (so invite your friends haha) -1 extra chapter dedicated to them

100+ votes in a week in any of my books - 1 extra chapter for all of them

Magic Castle and up - Burst update

If you love my stories and would want to read more of them, please show your support through one of these bribes. Thank you!

I have a new book joining a new contest, the title is QT: No to Bad Boys! Transmigrated as an Otome Side Character. If you like quick transmigrations, otomes, enemies to lovers and sassy transmigrated MCs that are so done with life, please check it out!

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