
Chapter 2

I stared blankly into space,

Elijah, you might be right after all it was all an illusion due to my heat

but even so my wolf and I wanted it to be with him through the next few days I suffered alot more than I ever did during my heats,

Liam would help me cool off by preparing ice baths and cold drinks but it wasn't enough to make it painless but it was enough to help relieve my temperature and pain

when I started attending class again I completely ignored Elijah for more than a week "hey Lex-"

as soon as he tried to strike up a conversation I picked up my things and left, it isn't really his fault but I didn't want to talk to him so I went to the forest right after class where I meet Coco

but he wasn't here, I blankly stared at the spot where he usually came Coco was nowhere to be seen, I layed down in the grass, helpless as I thought about the events from the past few days,

the way that guy almost did something horrible to me, how I mistook Elijah for my mate and how much pain I've endured due to my heat

I closed my eyes then felt something soft pressed against my face then fur, I opened my eyes to see Coco whining as if telling me what's wrong I quickly hugged Coco tightly as my tears started slipping down my face silently

"I'm sorry Coco, I wasn't able to visit you in the past few days, I had alot going on" my voice sounded more broken than I had expected Coco nudged me and placed his hind legs on my lap and his front paws on my collarbone as he kept rubbing his head against my own

before smudging the tears away from my face I laughed a little at his attempts to comfort me but hugged him again as I slowly let myself fall back down

"you know, I really love spending time with you Coco, even if it hasn't been long, I feel like you know alot about me already and that you like listening to me I wish I could understand you so that you'd tell me all your problems too"

Coco looked at me in confusion "if only you were human Coco, I wouldn't let you go, well I won't let you go anyways because you've become precious to me"

Coco seemed embarrassed from how low his tail wagged but how would he get embarrassed of he is only a wolf? I shrugged off that thought as I smiled

"I don't need a stupid mate if I can spend time with you... even if I did mistake him for my mate he didn't have to be so mean about it..."

I said the latter in a low voice but Coco must have heard judging from the movement in his left ear I sighed and closed my eyes again for a bit and when I opened them I saw Coco's head above mine as he bit my clothes and dragged me a bit

" you want me to follow you?" I followed Coco as he led me through the woods where we stood infront of a small yet clear pond with small fish swimming in sight as the sunlight through the trees' leaves shone through the water with a breeze creating small ripples through the calm water

With pond flowers growing by the edges "woah..." i was amazed by the beauty of this place I was so happy that Coco Brought me here I ended up running towards him and we both fell in the pond

Coco had his ears on his head as he glared at me and swam back up, I was drenched so I decided to take off my clothes so that I wouldn't catch a cold I held my hands up to my chest as I was shirtless to preserve my body heat

as I was about to take off my underwear too I felt Coco's almost dry fur surround me to warm me up, i guess he wanted to keep my warm so sat down placing my arms around his neck as his body was wrapped around mine but he suddenly twitched when I leaned on him,

it was weird but I looked at my clothes that were neatly hung on the tree branch then back to the fish and creatures by the pond,

my body heat was starting to come back i started stroking Coco's fur gently as his breath slowed down his eyes started to close as time went by, my clothes dried,

I nudged Coco slightly but he wouldn't budge I whispered in his ear that it was time to go and gave him a few more nudges as he blinked slowly, opening his eyes he removed himself from me as he started stretch,

when I got up, Coco lowered his head looking at the pond rather than following me, which was different from his usual behaviour but I ignored it and went to grab my clothes

then Coco gave me a glance then headed my way and led me back to our meeting spot I found my bag, gave him a beef jerky and gave him a head pat before going back to the dorm,

as it was almost night time I wondered if Coco was actually not a wolf but then again if he wasn't a wolf were would he go every night other than the dorms and why would he stay close to me, wouldn't he be rather cautious?

I had a few more thoughts before brushing off the idea of Coco being a werewolf when I went back i headed straight to bed due to exhaustion, hours later after the dreamless night it was around dawn,

I decided to wonder around campus i found myself near Elijah's dorm when I was going the other way I was suddenly pushed to a wall, two hand beside my head and Elijah was looking straight at me "why do you keep avoiding me?"

"..." I looked to the side as I didn't feel like answering his question "listen Lexie, I know you're mad at me ever since that day but can you please stop ignoring me..?"

he sounded a little desperate, he just stated truth then, so why am I so mad my expression showed my annoyance as I glared at him "why do you care, I'm not your mate"

Elijah opened his mouth as if to reply back but he closed it and looked down as if he was hurt "if you have nothing else to say then let me go"

Elijah let one of his hands fall to his side as I left he put his head to the wall and said damn it as he pounded the wall with his fist I sighed as I left, indeed why was I so annoyed by him, it's true that I felt mad at him but still deep down,

I wanted to comfort him I shut out that thought as I went back to the dorm I wanted to take a long shower but decided to go to the gym first as I could cool off

then take the shower I had my thoughts shut out completely for the time period of my work out but battling inner demons isn't easy especially when one of them is a pitiful Elijah Trevor,

as he started clouding my mind I grit my teeth then headed to the punching bag, wrapping my hands, getting ready to punch the hell out of the limp sand bag,

I kept punching it until it started to show cracks and fell over I finally regained track of time as I went to the dorm to shower and prepare breakfast as it was my turn

I opened the fridge as I was drying my hair with a towel then found a plate with "I put dinner in the fridge cuz you went to your room as soon as you got back" I smiled as i packed it for lunch instead and knocked on Liam's door

"hey, breakfast is ready" Liam opened the door with a funny bed head "what's with that bedhead?"

I struggled not to laugh as he looked like he was some sort of rooster, he looked in the mirror before rushing back to his room and brushing his hair before coming back with an awkward smile

"good morning!" "good morning" I couldn't hold myself back and laughed a bit as he looked embarrassed I gave him his plate and a cup of coffee as he sat at the table

"you seem to have been awake for more than a Few hours?" "yeah well, I did sleep quite early, so I woke up at dawn and decided to workout"

"wow so dedicated, the only time I've seen you miss out a workout was on your heat cycle" "Well I do enjoy it" yeah and it helps me forget my worries

I finished my food then placed it in the sink, I got ready to leave as Liam cleaned the dishes and was about to go get ready too "see you later"

"yeah, see ya" Liam replied as I was going out I saw Vanessa rushing to the door "hey girl how are you?" I haven't seen Vanessa for about 3 days because she was off campus for a project but now that she's back I can hang out with her today as she had the same class with me

"so are you still ignoring that Elijah guy?" I hummed in agreement "I thought you liked him though?"

I looked at her like she grew two heads "how or why did you ever think that? " "the way you talk about him is too endearing as if you have fallen bad for for him but seeing how you're mostly annoyed by him I guess I was wrong"

"if I had feelings for him I'd at least know something but even he confirmed he wasn't my mate, so I don't really care"

"I'm not a werewolf so I wouldn't know if you can have feelings for someone other than your mate or whether you can or cannot fall in love like humans do"

"it's fine even i who is one can't tell, but then again I'm not one to talk" we reached class as I saw Elijah put his bag down

then put his head on the desk i then got my attention back to Vanessa as we sat and chatted before the professor arrived, the lecture was long and boring

but I did subconsciously stare at the row infront to the right, where Elijah was I then snapped out of it and payed attention to the lecture and as it ended I dragged Vanessa out quickly before Elijah can come bother me

this went on for about 2 more weeks as I left the last class, I had to pick up assignments one by one after everyone left and right when I placed them on the professor's desk

I heard the door to the lecture hall close and get locked I looked at it to see Elijah looking at the ground with his hands of the door handle I walked towards the door

"excuse me, I have to go now" he didn't move at all when I was about to reach out for the door my back got slammed on the wooden door but not enough to hurt

"we've been at this for more than 3 weeks.." Elijah still didn't look up from the floor "why do you keep avoiding me? I've had enough"

what did he mean by he's had enough, he held both of my wrists together above my head as he finally looked up at me,

his eyes glowing, before I could comprehend what was happening he leaned in and kissed me, Elijah kissed me I was so shocked "why, why did you do that...?"

"... That's because you..... you're my mate" "what"

"what did you just say..?" "I.. Uh.." " I what, is it fun toying with me?" "huh?"

"did you not say that you weren't my mate? So why are you doing this now?" "Lexie, I am your mate the reason I told you I wasn't because I thought It was all your heat messing with your head"

"are you serious?" "yes, I know it wasn't right, I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have said that but I didn't want to take advantage of you while you were vulnerable"

Elijah said while looking heart broken his eyes glossy, he couldn't have been lying, my wolf whimpered as well, that wasn't possible if he wasn't my mate that was alot to process

"I... I need some time to process all of this" I felt a sharp pain in my heart when I looked at Elijah as he looked terrible and anxious but let me go

as I opened the door but not without glancing once at him as he looked away still looking down, who knew the great Dominant Alpha Elijah Trevor could look like this,

the sadness in my heart was unlike any I've ever felt but I managed to push it away as I went to visit Coco but he was nowhere to be found I waited longer

but thought he might be near the pond he took me to last time, there i found him but he was in bad shape, wrapped around himself, twitching and whimpering,

I hugged him as he jumped but relaxed but he was still breathing heavily "hey, Coco were you also hurt badly today? I also hurt someone who's precious to me, he must have felt the pain of rejection today, I can't help but feel really sad"

Coco tried comforting me but it wasn't enough I just layed down with him "who knew a big and tough guy like him can also make expressions like that"

Coco looked at me with a slight head tilt "even if I felt really hurt when he lied to me, I forgive him and I want to apologise as well for making him feel this way but it's not like I can easily do that"

Coco seemed to have calmed down a little, I sat up as he put his head on my legs but I pulled him closer to my lap and stroked his fur as I hummed a tune,

Coco was like a child that was hurt by the world, all he needed was love before sleeping soundly I thought I'd give it a few days before accepting Elijah's apology when I went back to the dorm room,

I opened the dorm room and went to the living room to find Liam under a bigger male pressed against the couch as they made out "why don't you take this inside? Don't want the room smelling like sex"

"o-oh hi Lexie, sorry forgot to tell you that I was bringing my mate over" "it's okay just cover up, I'm Lexie bolton" "Ian Fletcher, nice to meet you Lexie"

"nice to meet you too, though it would have been better if you were less dishevelled"

I snickered as both of them were embarrassed "I'll go make us some dinner so have fun while you can" they both nodded as Ian picked up Liam and locked the door to the room,

good thing the rooms don't have thin walls, I went to the kitchen and decided to make sea food, I started by peeling shrimp and cutting crab sticks and sea bass, putting it all in a pot with some small oysters, and squid.

I added some spices and water then added a big chunk of crab meat before leaving it, I started cooking shrimp and squid spaghetti then prepared the salmon to lightly grill it as I chopped some cherry tomatoes and cilantro on top

as I started serving the plates and served the soup in the bowls I went to knock on the room, Liam seemed to have slight problems walking but he was okay, Ian came out a few seconds later and took Liam's hand,

those two seemed wholesome i smiled as we sat at the dinner table, both Liam and Ian's eyes shined as they said thanks and dug in, it was to be expected after 2 hours of that but they seemed to enjoy the meal quite alot

which made me feel better than earlier when they were done, they washed the dishes,

I got to know Ian over dinner and after before I went to my room to shower and get ready to sleep I already made up my mind to continue ignoring Elijah for a few more days then take him by surprise,

my heart felt a lot lighter than when he talked to me last time and I kind of feel excited to see his reaction.

For the next few days whenever I saw him I felt my heart racing, I really wanted to talk to him but it was just one more day to go

I had planned to talk to him then give him a hug but things don't always go as planned

as I walked back to my dorm I saw Elijah walking in a distance I followed him which seemed to alert him as he looked back, a slight frown on his face appeared,

maybe because of that expressionless face I had but it wasn't my choice,

I just couldn't hold back anymore, I approached him as he stopped, I looked at him dead in the eye, as he opened his mouth

"hey I'm sor-"  before he could apologise again I kissed him, it wasn't just me but also my wolf who was desperate to finally be united with our mate who we longed for,

Elijah who was taken by surprise was no longer stunned and kissed back as we pulled away he tilted his head as if asking if I accept him I put my arms around his neck and looked at him with a smile

"of course I accept you" you could literally see stars in his eyes as they lit up with excitement, Elijah buried his head into my neck, somehow I could tell he was smiling,

suddenly he picked me up and took me to his dorm room I held on tightly as he unlocked his dorm room and took me to his room as he put me down on the bed

"what do you think?" I looked around, i liked the room's design, he seemed to have added pale grey wallpaper on the walls and a black fluffy rug,

he had a queen sized bed and an organized white desk with a black comfortable chair he had some decorations to go with the room's aesthetic "I like it"

I said as I looked around again then suddenly Elijah had both of his hands on each of my sides as he got his face closer to me own "you know what I'd like to hear more than that?"

"...?" "that you like me, Lexie" I was probably very red at the moment because I can feel the heat on my face rise by the moment, my heart beat was very unstable "I-I.."

he leaned in further as I looked down "I really like you" even if I was late to realise that I was certain I liked Elijah I looked at him as he had a wide grin "and I love you"

my heart felt like it skipped a beat for a second there, love really is like a roller coaster, huh? As Elijah pulled my further onto the bed he layed down and pulled me to his chest, where I could listen to his own unsteady heart beat

"you know, I should really apologise" "what for?" "for fooling you.." "huh?" "well.. I am Coco"

"what do you-" i was cut off by Elijah getting up and taking most of his clothes off as I looked away quickly but took a peak,

there stood Coco, it made sense for anyone to be mad but I was embarrassed,

as I remembered all the times I complained to Coco about himself, everytime I tightly hugged Coco,

that one time I took off most of my clothes, letting him lay down on my chest, I understood Elijah's actions for always being fidgety when I did one of those awkward things I buried my face in my hands,

Elijah got on the bed in his wilf form as he whined and nudged me a little I sighed as I looked at him with what I'm certain of is a completely red face reassuringly

as I stroked his fur Elijah decided to suddenly transform back which shocked me as the spot I was staring right at was um, that area,

I quickly looked up as I heard Elijah laugh "do I meet your expectations?" that made me question if he ever felt the emotion called embarrassment "no" "no?"

did that make him lose his confidence? It'll probably be stronger than before now

"Well, my expectations, were far lower than you think" "oh then, I surpassed your wildest dreams, how reassuring"

he gave me a peck on the cheek as he sat up he went to his closet, I couldn't stop staring it his fabulous ass, I knew he was smirking but I couldn't help it, he then put on a pair of sweat pants before coming over and sitting down,

pulling me into his lap, he went back to giving me pecks but this time it was on the back of my neck, shivers went down my spine as I was not used to this i felt something press against my inner thigh,

I ignored it but then realised what was happening, I then faced Elijah, putting on a bold act to hide my embarrassment and nervousness

I kissed him deeply before pulling away, biting his collar bone, as I was able to take a good look at his well build body my wolf finally took over spreading my pheromones all over Elijah,

he seemed to enjoy that quite a bit as he did the same when suddenly a knock was heard on the door, Elijah huffed in annoyance as he got up and opened the door staring blankly at his roommate

"what is it?" "well um, your brother is here" "Liam is? I see" Elijah picked up a tank top from the closet as i got up as Elijah took my hand and we both went to the living room,

Liam seemed surprised but had a sly smile as he looked at our hands that were still locked together "congratulations to both of you"

Liam seemed genuinely happy, Elijah sighed and sat down "so what did you want?" "did I interrupt something important?" "well, yeah, you did"

how come I'm always embarrassed when I'm with my mate now "well, weren't we supposed to eat together today?" "oh shit, I forgot" "that's why I ordered pizza!"

  Elijah's roommate yelled from the kitchen but just loud enough for us to hear, "oh thanks" "no problem" Elijah looked at the kitchen for a second "oh wait I forgot to introduce you two,

okay so Lexie this is Aiden, my roommate, Aiden this is Lexie, my girlfriend"  I was probably liking this way more than I should have "nice to meet you, Lexie"

"nice to meet you as well, Aiden" mom was right this time, I would find my mate and here he is standing next to me, turns out I do have a mate and my emotions are alright, I held Elijah's hand tighter as he looked at me and smiled warmly, I had a small smile on my face as well, we sat down and talked with Aiden and Liam before Liam went back to the dorm room later, Elijah walked me back to the dorm room as well as he gave me a goodnight kiss and went back to his own dorm room

To be continued....