
Your's Truly [we were meant to be]

Aaron moved to New York with his parents, and the first person he met was Ava, his next-door neighbor. They started out shy and ended up being best friends. Ava is a bubble girl who is both beautiful and intelligent. She was always spreading joy and smiles. Her mother is the only person to whom she is devoted. Aaron is a skilled photographer. He is shy, cute, and has a good sense of humor. He is always Ava's savior in her silly problems. Aaron and Ava are always overly protective of one another. Their friendship is fulfilling. But everything changed when Nathan came into their lives. Come, and fall in love during the season of love. Let's fall in love with Aaron and Ava in Yours Truly ♡

Angelic_Rankita_98 · Urban
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14 Chs


The night passed with a new friendship between Ava and Aaron. After the conversation in the garden, Ava and Aaron engaged in a serious discussion about music and shared their playlists to enjoy each other's music taste.

However, it was Tuesday, and Nicole had some plans for the day. Axel had been to his workplace already. Nicole was alone downstairs as Ava was in her room, sleeping peacefully.

The fragrance of freshly baked black forest cake filled the house. The rich scent of melted chocolate was all over the place; Ava sniffed In her sleep, drooling while she dreamed of a chocolate house. It was usual for her to still dream about the delusional and childish kinds of stuff.

"Mm... This chocolate pillow is so tasty," she mumbled in her sleep while pushing her face more into the pillow. She almost bit the material of her pillow cover and felt the fabric on her tongue. She gagged and woke up immediately.

"Yuck," she wiped her mouth in disgust. "Did I chew it?" She scrunched her nose, looked away, and sighed. Ava did her morning routine, got fresh, and went downstairs to greet her mother.

As soon as she stepped into the kitchen, Nicole greeted her with a smile. Ava peeked from her shoulder and noticed a cake on the kitchen counter. With wide eyes and a gasp, Ava strode to the counter and stared at the cake. "Mom, did you bake the cake?"

"Yes," Nicole was putting the used utensils on the sink when she noticed Ava. She was about to dig her fingers into the cake when Nicole screamed. "Don't!" She hurried to the cake and put it aside, away from Ava.

"Why?" she whined. "I had a dream of a chocolate house, and now I have a black forest cake in front of me. I am hungry, mom; let me taste it."

Nicole shook her head. "I baked this cake for Sophia." Ava sighed to hear that. However, she stepped back from the counter with a grumpy face.

"I thought it was for me." Ava plopped on the chair while Nicole prepared coffee for her.

"Don't worry. I have baked another cake for you," Nicole said, hiding a smile.

Ava raised her brows. "Really?" She glanced around the kitchen to find the other cake. Nicole flicked her forehead before placing the coffee mug on the table.

"It's in the fridge." Ava got up from the chair abruptly, making a screeching sound. "Don't try to eat this right now. Let it get cool first." She dropped on the chair again. Ava dragged the coffee mug to herself and took a sip.

"Don't you have to go to the office?" Nicole asked Ava as she sat across from her at the table. Ava shook her head. So, Nicole smiled and looked at her. "Please do me a favor and deliver the cake to Sophia."

"Why?" Ava started whining like her usual self. Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Please," she said. "I have to visit the clinic early and go shopping with my friends afterward. You are staying at home. And Sophia lives next door." Nicole gave her every reason why Ava should deliver the cake to Sophia. She sighed but nodded her head.

"Alright. I will go there after breakfast."

"Thank you," Nicole smiled. Ava rolled her eyes but got up from the chair. She got ready, took the cake, and headed next door.

Pressing the doorbell button, Ava waited outside of the house. Within a minute, Sophia opened the door. Her lips curled up into a wide smile as she noticed Ava.

"Hey. dearie. What a pleasant surprise!" She giggled. Ava realized that Sophia was also dramatic, just like Nicole.

She smiled at Sophia. "I brought this...Mom told me to deliver the cake to you." Ava lifted her hand, showing the brown bag to her. Sophia smiled and stepped aside.

"Please come inside," she said.

Ava walked into the house as Sophia closed the door behind them. "Thank you for the cake," Sophia said, taking the bag from Ava. "Now that you are here, why not sit down and have a drink with me?"

"Drink?" Ava gasped.

"I mean tea or coffee," Sophia laughed at the bewildered girl. Ava's cheeks flushed when she realized her mistake.

"I am sorry...I--" but a male voice cut her off. Both of them turned to the source and found Aaron there.

"Hey," Aaron said.

"Hi," Ava smiled at him. "How are you?"

"Fine," Aaron nodded his head. Then he turned to his mother. "Mom, I am going to the municipal's office," he informed.

"But you don't know the place here, Aaron. And your dad is in the office. Why don't you go in the evening."

"The office will be closed in the evening." Aaron sighed. "I am not a kid, mom."

Sophia chuckled. "I am sorry...but you are bad with directions. Remember that day you got lost in the supermarket?"

Before Sophia could continue, Aaron cut in the conversation. His cheeks turned pink when he glanced at Ava. "Mom, that happened a year ago... why do you keep repeating that?"

Sophia sighed. "I am worried about you." She then turned to Ava; a mischievous smile crept upon her face. "Ava?" she called her.


"If you are free today, why not give Aaron a city tour and help him find important places?" She held Ava's hands and pleaded with her eyes. "Please?"

"Okay," Ava smiled. "It's not a big deal." Then she turned to Aaron. "Would you like to go on a tour with me?"

"It's okay, Ava. You don't have to--"

"I insist."

Aaron sighed as he nodded his head. "Let's go."

Ava nodded. Aaron took the car keys and left the house. Ava followed him. Sophia swiftly sent a text to Nicole, informing her about the little outing of their children.

< an hour later >

Ava and Aaron left the municipal's office after he submitted a request to open a studio.

"But you could buy a readymade place," Ava said while getting into the car. Aaron sat in the driver's seat and buckled his seatbelt.

"I know," he nodded. "But I prefer to have my customized designed studio...with my own aesthetics and all." He started the engine and turned to Ava. "It's cliche, isn't it?"

"It's cute," she clamored out. But the lines on Aaron's forehead changed her words. "I mean...that is interesting. You are so passionate."

Aaron chuckled. "Thanks." He drove down the road.

There was silence in the car. Ava looked out the window, admiring the city as Aaron focused on driving.

"Where are we heading to?" Aaron asked.

"Well," Ava shifted her gaze from the view to Aaron. "I am a little hungry. Should we start from my favorite fast food restaurant?"

"Heck yeah," Aaron chirped. Ava smiled and told him the direction. They reached Oh-K-Dog, a famous hot-dog special restaurant in Manhattan.

"Hot dog!" Aaron cried as his gleaming eyes stared at the restaurant.

"Calm down," Ava said, taken aback at his reaction. "Do you like hot dogs?"

"I am a fan," Aaron pinned her with a severe look, emphasizing his taste. Ava shook her head.

"Let's go inside." They both entered the restaurant. After reserving a seat for them, they ordered their preferable food.

"Aaron..." Ava called him.

"Yes?" He lifted his brows as he directed her.

"Since when you started photography?"

"Three years." Aaron grinned. The twink in his eyes could tell how passionate he was about photography. "I always liked to click pictures whenever I had a chance. When I was eight years old, I asked my dad to buy me a digital camera as my birthday present. I used to take pictures of everything-- any moment or place. When I turned fifteen, I got my first ever polaroid camera. You won't believe it, but I loaded my cupboard with polaroid that my mom threatened she'd throw the camera." He laughed remembering the memories.

Ava was corrupted by his stories that she found herself laughing with him. Likewise, they spent their afternoon with laughter and old memories.
