
Your's Truly [we were meant to be]

Aaron moved to New York with his parents, and the first person he met was Ava, his next-door neighbor. They started out shy and ended up being best friends. Ava is a bubble girl who is both beautiful and intelligent. She was always spreading joy and smiles. Her mother is the only person to whom she is devoted. Aaron is a skilled photographer. He is shy, cute, and has a good sense of humor. He is always Ava's savior in her silly problems. Aaron and Ava are always overly protective of one another. Their friendship is fulfilling. But everything changed when Nathan came into their lives. Come, and fall in love during the season of love. Let's fall in love with Aaron and Ava in Yours Truly ♡

Angelic_Rankita_98 · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 00 - are you okay?

The city bathed in sunlight. The golden light coated the town like a blanket, adding a good mood to everyone. After a week of heavy rain, the sun felt warm and pleasant. Like the weather, Nicole seemed to be in a good mood lately. She cleaned the house early in the morning, which also surprised Axel. The extra layer of joy wasn't invisible to anyone. Nicole was always verbal about her emotions, but today, it was seen in her actions too.

"What is the occasion?" Axel murmured to himself. He was afraid he'd forget an important day, and that will put Nicole in a bad mood. He quietly watched Nicole in the kitchen. Nicole prepared breakfast while humming to some classical songs. It was a rare view in the house. However, the pleasant mood soon changed into confusion as Nicole placed a plate full of pancakes on the table.

"Where is Ava?" She inquired. Axel shrugged a shoulder. The quick and blunt response didn't sit right with Nicole. She raised her brows. "Don't you dare give me a shrug when I'm talking to you?"

Axel chuckled while nodding his head. "I'm sorry, darling. I forgot you don't like this gesture."

Nicole tilted her head; her brow still arched upwards. "Then don't do it again." She was the one who shrugged this time, catching Axel off guard. He parted his lips, probably trying to point out her behavior, but Nicole sprinted to the stairs almost immediately.

He sat back with a sigh. The corner of his lips stretched into a smile. "You are still the same, Nicole." He smiled, thinking about his loving wife.

Meanwhile, Nicole entered her daughter's room. She gasped to see her sleeping peacefully. Her phone started to vibrate beside her; the loud ringing broke her sleep. Ava groaned, stretched her hand, and effortlessly turned off the alarm. The behavior surprised Nicole even more. Ava shifted her weight to the other side, falling asleep again.

"Wake up!" Nicole walked up to her bed. Ava didn't move from her spot or respond to her mother. Nicole sighed, bending a little, and started to shake Ava off her sleep. "Please, wake up. Did you see the time?" She raised her voice a little so that Ava would wake up.

"Five minutes more," she said in her groggy voice. Nicole pulled the blanket from her body. And the sudden cold air hit her body, making her shiver. "Mom... please,"

"No," Nicole huffed. "I have so many works to do. Please wake up and help me in the kitchen."

"But it's Friday, mom."

"Not your weekend." Nicole pulled Ava up, and she released some sounds of complaints. Ignoring her childish whines, Nicole pushed Ava into the washroom. "Get ready asap."

Ava rolled her eyes but proceeded to brush her teeth. After doing her morning routine, Ava joined her father in breakfast in no time. She noticed how Nicole was quite excited and working with delight. Usually, Nicole stayed calm or vocal about her displeasure about the chores. Today, she didn't complain about anything, and that surprised Ava.

"Dad," she whispered, grabbing Axel's attention to her. Axel looked up from the newspaper, glancing at his beloved daughter. "What happened to mom?"

Axel laughed as he read the amusement on Ava's face. It was natural for her to be astounded. Axel folded the newspaper back and put them on the table. He shifted his weight on the chair to talk to his daughter in a hushed tone.

"Can you guess what makes your mom the happiest?"

Ava had a mischievous grin on her face upon hearing the question. "Of course," she giggles, "when you obey mum."

Ava noticed the displeasure on Axel's face. He clicked his tongue, giving his head a firm shake in disapproval. "You are wrong." He glanced at Nicole before returning his attention to Ava. "Your mother is happiest when she is around her favorite people."

"She lives with us all day but doesn't look this happy." Ava pouted.

"That's because--" Axel was cut off by Nicole.

"Have you finished breakfast yet?" She chimed in.

"Mine is done." Axel pushed the empty plate and got up from the chair. He kissed Nicole's head and wore the coat. "I will be back earlier. Text me if you need anything else."

"Fine," Nicole patted his shoulder before hugging him.

"I am leaving, sweetie," Axel told Ava. She waved her hand while munching on the food. Axel chuckled at her before leaving the house. Nicole returned to the dining table to grab the empty plate when Ava turned to her.

"What's going on, mom?" Ava raised a brow. Nicole stopped what she was doing and turned to the girl.

"Nothing," she mumbled.

"Why are you so happy?"

Nicole smiled, pulling a chair next to Ava as she sat there. Her eyes sparked up before she began to speak. "Do you remember Sophia?"

Ava took a moment to remember the name. She nodded her head. "Yes. Your childhood best friend who lives in London. Why?"

"Well, her husband got a promotion and coming to New York to live here. Sophia is coming back here after two decades. I am so excited to meet here again after all the years." Nicole didn't hide her joy from Ava.

Nicole was always affectionate to the people she loved; she never hid her true feelings for them. Ava knew the traits of her mother. She also knew that Nicole was a great friend to everyone. She had seen that herself. It was no issue that Nicole was happier to meet her long-term best friend.

"You know the best part is?" Nicole started, breaking her trance of Ava. She looked at her mom with confusion.


"They bought the house next door," Nicole exclaimed. Ava now sensed the additional reasons for her to be overjoyed.

"That's amazing, mom. You will get to meet her every day."

"You are right," Nicole clasped her hand in the front. "However, I invited them for dinner tonight. They are probably at Chelse, landed the previous day, and went to meet Sophia's parents. She said they will shift here this afternoon and at night at our house."

"Sounds like a plan." Ava got up from the table and sighed. "Mom, I gotta go now. I will try to come back earlier."

"You have to come back earlier, missy." Nicole narrowed her eyes at Ava.

"I promise I will be back," Ava mumbled before kissing Nicole's cheek.

[At 17:34 | shopping mall]

Ava grumbled while pushing the cart before her. She sometimes loathed herself for being impulsive. She almost had a deadline to reach home that day, yet she had to be humble and offer a helping hand to Nate for shopping.

They had a farewell party on the upcoming Monday; their measliest favorite manager Jenna was leaving because she was pregnant and didn't want to work at FashGalleria. She wanted to have a mediated life, dedicating herself to her family -- that's what she said the other day. And Jeff held a meeting to arrange the farewell party for her. He divided the work to separate employees. However, Ava had to enroll herself in two projects -- buy the stuff and take care of the decoration.

Now she was at a shopping mall with Nate, pushing a cart and putting all the necessities. Finding each piece of stuff they needed for the decoration was hard, as they had to roam around the whole section to find them.

"I am tired," Ava whined, leaving the cart and rolling on the floor. Nate released a shrieking sound and chased the cart, holding it before it could crash to one of the shelves.

"Are you crazy?" Nate furrowed his brows at Ava. But she didn't care about the scowl he had on his face.

"I have to return home before 18:30. And I am stuck here, shopping for some unwanted farewell party and giving my energy for nothing." She leaned on the wall behind her and closed her eyes momentarily. "I want to go home."

"Why did you agree to do extra work?" Nate mumbled. "Jeff didn't say he'd pay you extra for it."

"I know," Ava stood on her feet straight and strolled towards the other section. Nate followed her. "But no one was ready to do it. And you know how Jeff is; he'd found a way to manipulate one of us to do it anyway." She inhaled a deep breath. "Also, thanks to my best friend for ticking me when Jeff asked for someone to take care of the shopping. If Stella hadn't rubbed my arm, I wouldn't have raised my hand and taken the responsibility."

"Kudos to you for doing it against your will." Nate put a hand on Ava's shoulder. "You can leave. I will handle the rest."

"That's not fair." Ava shook her head vigorously. "Besides, it's my duty, but you tagged alone to help me."

"That's what I do for my friends," Nate smiled warmly at the girl. "You can leave the rest to me. Don't worry; I am not doing it for free."

"Of course," Ava rolled her eyes; a smile crawled to her face. "What do you want in return?"

"I will tell you later. Now hurry up. Your mom must be waiting for you."

Ava threw her arms around Nate and cooed at him for the favor. "Thank you so much, Nate. I promise to do anything for you."

She picked up her purse and strode to the elevator. She soon reached the lobby area and exited the mall. As she ran towards the parking lot-- she bumped into a hard chest. She almost hit the ground -- she lost her balance; the person caught her on time. He slid his hand around her waist, and his other hand held her arm.

"Got you," a deep and husky voice spoke. Ava looked at her savior, and she couldn't take her off him. His auburn red hair and soft locks fell on his forehead, leather jacket over a white tee, and they couldn't hide the muscles beneath the materials; his captivating eyes could hypnotize her all day.

Ava snapped back from her reverie when the guy spoke again. "Hey, I am talking to you."

"Yeah?" She gaped when the realization hit her. Ava quickly stood on her feet and turned to the guy. "I am extremely sorry. I didn't see you were coming."

"No problem," the guy smiled at her. "Did you get hurt anyway?"

"No," Ava parted her lips to say something but was interrupted by her phone. She pulled her phone out of the purse, a scowl on her face. It was Nicole. Ava turned to the guy. "I am sorry, but I have to go. Thank you for saving me." She walked away in a rush. The guy didn't get to tell her the thing he wanted to say.

However, he noticed a shining material on the floor beside his foot. He bent down, picked up the bright thing, and looked at the bracelet. It must belong to the girl he bumped.

"Seems like we are meeting again," he mumbled and put the bracelet in his pocket.