
Chapter Seven


I glare at my Father over the oak desk in his study, his steely grey eyes locked on me waiting for an answer. The thing is I didn't know if I could do what he was asking me to do. Hadn't I already done enough? I'd spied on the girl for the last eleven years, watched her every move, made note of her weaknesses, not that I didn't already know them but to keep Father happy I had to keep up appearances. That is until six months ago when she completely disappeared, there was no trace of her anywhere. Father had been furious when I told him I'd lost her, and then out of nowhere she shows up to Youngblood, a whole new person than the last time I had seen her.

"You have until the end of term, if you do not deal with the problem I'll have to do it myself." His words are clipped and final, either she dies or I do. I nod, bringing the glass of whiskey to my lips, draining the glass before slamming it back down on the desk. He rolls his eyes at my antics, gesturing towards the door behind me, my cue to leave. Shoving the chair back with a snort I take the man in before me, his greasy black hair hanging in clumps down to his shoulders, his steely grey eyes cold and dead, what the hell was he up to now? Why the fuck did he want the Princess dead? He needed her to take the throne. Only someone with her blood line could rule. He smirks as if reading my thoughts, and knowing him he was.

"Asher, listen to me and listen to me well boy." His voice is harsh, my eyes snap to his against my will. "You will do as I say, there is more here at stake then you know, all you need to know is she must die, leave her bastard parents to me, you take care of the rest and the throne will be yours, if not well.." he trails off, the threat of death hanging in the air.

I slip silently into the dark dorm room I know is Rose's, all those years ago when Father tasked me with watching her, my heart had splintered she looked so much like her, my Spirit. It would be so easy to end her bleak life now, but that wasn't my style, I didn't kill to end suffering. I made them suffer first and Rose would be no different. I swallow the lump in my throat, decision made. I lean down and press a gentle kiss to her forehead careful not to wake her. I breathe out softly when she doesn't stir.

"I'm sorry Rose but it has to be this way, soon you will understand everything." I whisper into the air, silently leaving the way I had come.

I snarl as slamming my door behind me once I make it to my room unseen. I didn't need anyone see me right now, no right now I had to figure my shit out before I brought my brothers down with me. I may be cold and heartless but not when it came to my brothers. But even I was smart enough to know they weren't going to make it out of this unscathed, they tried to hide it but they were all falling hard and fast for the girl that haunted me for eleven years. I had watched her enough over the years to know she wasn't Scarlett, Scarlett was dead, I just needed to get my brothers to understand, then I could tell them about mine and Fathers plan. They'd be pissed and probably try to kill me when they found out, but it was a risk I was willing to take. I would die for my brothers, I kept telling them I was doing this for them, for us.

I spot Rose the next morning eating pancakes in the dining hall, her roommate missing. I frown they hadn't been away from each other other than classes since the start of school. I think back to last night, remembering the empty bed that should have been occupied by Snow. I take the opportunity and slide into the seat next to her. She looks up at me rolling her eyes before going back to her food.

"Now is that any way to greet a Prince?" I ask cocking an eyebrow, easily falling into the prince of school role.

She snorts "if you thought I was going to get on my knees and kiss your fucking feet you thought wrong." Her fists clench on the table . "You and your brothers need to stay the fuck away from me, I am not some bitch you can push around who will do whatever the fuck you say. Newsflash asshole, no one at this school really likes you, they fear you, the girls here don't want you for you, they want you for the fame. I'm not them. I don't want the "fame" I don't want you, or your brothers. I'm sick of assholes like you thinking they can push everyone around just because their Daddy has a little money and influence. Well guess what I'm here to fuck shit up, so buckle up buttercup because if you keep coming for me, I will end you and your brothers, and maybe even your precious Daddy while I'm at it."

I shift in my seat as my cock grows rock hard. What the fuck was wrong with me? Someone offers to off my Dad and I get turned on? I harden my face, desperately trying to ignore the hardening in my pants.

"If you mess with even one hair on their heads, you will regret the day you were born." I whisper in her ear as I move to get up.

"Already do so try your worst." She winks at me before shoving past me and out of the dining all before I have a chance to move. I grind my teeth stalking after her. I catch up to her easily I grab her arm spinning her to face me. "You don't decide when, if or how you sue, I do". Her eyes widen a fraction, but that's all the reaction I get. I growl in frustration letting go of her arm to grip her throat. Her eyes lock on mine as I tighten my grip, my stomach unclenching as she struggles to breathe. She doesn't fight back, her eyes search mine almost pleading with me to end her suffering but that would be to easy, and not really my style. I slam her back into the wall again and again until her eyes roll back in her head. I release her throat and let her slump to the floor, leaving her there for someone else to find. She's not dead so not my problem. Fuck! This was going to be a long three months. I knew I could have just killed her here and now and gotten it over with, but something was stopping me, something that one day may very well get everyone I love killed, myself included.