
young village woman

DaoistMz5UJX · Realistic
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33 Chs

The contemplation of five bucks

"Sister-in-law, you... if you have nothing to do, then I'll go first.

Lu Yun was overjoyed. On the surface, he was still as shy as a little woman, with his head down and his face flushed red.

"That's fine, you can go back, remember what your sister-in-law said, you must dare to change your mind and see if I won't peel you off." Liu Yun's eyes on Lu Yun were full of endless ambiguousness.

Lu Yun snorted, turned around and dashed out, the speed and embarrassment were too fast to describe it as a mouse running away.

Liu Yun giggled, watching Lu Yun's leaving back like a cat playing with a mouse, and rubbing the palm of her hand that held Lu Yun's k47 just now.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you so slow, what are you and that kid whispering about?" Seeing Liu Yun entering the room, Zhang Yi immediately fell on the bed and lifted up his vest, revealing his dark, fat back.

"It's nothing, isn't it just apologizing for you?" Liu Yun walked over, stretched out her white and tender hand, and scratched Zhang Yiman's pimpled back.

"No, I saw it just now. You look at that little brat, something is wrong. - Lover's Pavilion-Read- Lover's Pavilion-kankankan8" Zhang Yi hummed comfortably, but he wasn't a fool either, he still found out after all. Something strange.

Liu Yun slapped it down with a slap, leaving five red fingerprints on his back, and yelled, "Okay, Zhang Yi, you've grown so much, you dare to suspect that the old lady is stealing the man. After so many years of you, when did you not keep the woman's way, you have no conscience, the old lady who is like a flower and jade followed you, this stupid bear, the blessing is not over, and you have not put on a big hat, If the old lady doesn't live with you, I will go back to my mother's house as soon as the sun rises."

Zhang Yi originally asked casually, and there was no evidence at all. He didn't expect that his wife would be furious with his words. , hugged Liu Yun, and begged for apology repeatedly: "Daughter-in-law, I just said casually, don't be angry, or you will slap me twice to vent your anger."

"Bah! Hit you? You don't look at the thick flesh on your body, it's me who hits you." Liu Yun said that she would not hit, but two small pink fists unceremoniously landed on Zhang. Prosthetic chest.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, or I'm rewarding you. This content is the content of chapter 015 of the country girl." Said, while Liu Yun was not paying attention, Zhang Yi suddenly pressed her on the bed, "The fire just now is still alive. If you don't go, daughter-in-law, let's move on."

"Dead bear, what are you doing, get up... get up. - Lover's Pavilion-Read- Lover's Pavilion-kankankan8" Liu Yun pushed hard on the man who was pressing on her, but the voice of resistance soon turned into a wonderful voice groan.


Lu Yun left the cafeteria as if his butt was on fire, guessing that there was still some time left for his self-study in the morning, after debating his direction, he plunged into the dormitory.

Lying in the quilt, Lu Yun opened the plastic bag that Widow Liu had stuffed into him, a pack of ham sausage, a few packs of instant noodles, and... five dollars! ! !

The money was tied to the back of the ham with a rope. Lu Yun frowned and stared at the five dollars, not at all happy.

Is it possible that you really treat yourself as a little white face?

But he could feel that Widow Liu did not feel that way towards him. If he just gave him some food, he would accept it calmly, but now he not only has food, but also five yuan.

In this remote rural area, five yuan can buy a lot of things, and if you go to the market to buy food, it is enough for a family of four to eat one episode.

Why didn't Aunt Xiulian give me the five dollars in front of me? Is it because I am afraid that I will misunderstand that she regards herself as a little white face?

Lu Yun stared blankly at the roof, his mind was full of the shadow of the five dollars and Widow Liu, and he fell asleep before he knew it. - Lover's Pavilion -Read- Lover's Pavilion -kankankan8

"Lu Yun, the class is about to start. Don't you get up soon. This morning is Mrs. Tie's history class. Be careful if she slaps you if you're late."

I don't know how long it took, Lu Yun, who was entangled with Widow Liu in his dream, was pushed twice by his roommate next to him.

"Oh." Lu Yun opened his eyes in a daze, looked at his roommate who was wearing clothes in a hurry, and asked, "Are you in such a hurry to be reincarnated?"

"Grass, if you don't get up again, you're really going to be reincarnated. It's not like you don't know Mrs. Tie's methods. Of all the students who have been taught by her, who is not afraid of her?"

"What?" Lu Yun's eyes widened and he blurted out, "Old Mrs. Tie's class? Shit, why did you forget this." Fortunately, he didn't take off his clothes, got up quickly, jumped off the bed, and rushed out.

"Ri, they're all a bunch of dishonest guys." The boy who pushed Lu Yun woke up, saw that Lu Yun wasn't waiting for him, and tugged in a hurry, kicked a hole in his crotch .

Lu Yun's class is the first and fifth grades of junior high school. There are forty-three students in the class, including fifteen boys and twenty-eight girls.

Lu Yun rushed into the classroom and sat on his seat like a gust of wind, when the bell for class just screamed.

The distance from the dormitory to the classroom was only more than 200 meters, but Lu Yun was sweating profusely, panting heavily, secretly glad he was not late, otherwise the old lady Tie's iron sand palm would not be a joke.

"Lu Yun, you're almost late again. Here, wipe your sweat."

Lu Yun was looking for a history textbook in the drawer with his head down, when a coquettish voice came from his ear, and he didn't need to look up, he knew it was Liang Hongyu, the monitor and deskmate.

Class seats are divided according to one male and one female. Because of his height, Lu Yun was assigned to the last row on the left side of the classroom. It is said that the height of 1.68 meters at the age of 13 is already amazing, but the height of a girl Liang Hongyu is one centimeter taller than Lu Yun, and she is the tallest person in the class and even the entire first grade.

"Monitor, I didn't come to class last night, and the class teacher didn't ask you where I went?" Lu Yun took the handkerchief that Liang Hongyu handed over, wiped it on his face a few times, and asked worriedly.

"No, but you have to be mentally prepared. You dare to miss the class teacher's class and wait for the board." Liang Hongyu looked at Lu Yun worriedly and said softly.

"Don't be afraid." Lu Yun giggled, "It's a big deal, please help me ask for mercy, the class teacher listens to you the most."

Liang Hongyu blushed and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about, what is the class teacher who listens to me the most, I really don't care about you when you talk nonsense."

As a teacher, there is no one who doesn't like students who have good grades and are obedient and obedient. Liang Hongyu, a little girl, happens to focus on these two points, and several teachers treat her as a treasure.

Liang Hongyu also performed well. When she represented the school in the composition competition held by the county, she lived up to expectations and took out many strong players in one fell swoop, and won the first place.

However, this little girl also has a weakness, that is, she loves to blush. As long as you tease her a little bit, her pink face will instantly turn into a red Fuji apple.

This guy Lu Yun has average grades. When he is in self-study class, his biggest hobby is to make fun of the beautiful monitor beside him. Whenever he looks at her red face, he gets very excited.
