
young vampire lord

dada_david · Sci-fi
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6 Chs

Welcome to Super Chill

Jack and jerry got into james car and drove to a kind of restobar(restaurant and a bar). Super chill was boldly written on a backlit sign. Jack pulled up the turtleneck shirt he was wearing up to his nose to cover his face. He was also wearing a baseball cap to cover his head and hair. people can be crazy sometimes. James also put on a baseball cap with nose mask while Jerry put on just a bucket hat in a way that you can only see his lips.

They walked into the restaurant, and sat in a booth seat. There was a good amount of people inside but a particular group of people caught not just Jack's attention, but everybody's attention.

They were a group of five men drinking and talking loudly, they look like the kind of person that can beat people up for just spilling a drink on them. A waiter came to attend Jack and his friends and they ordered for some drinks.

Suddenly there was a scream of agony from one of the men in the group that caught everybody's attention, everybody around looked to the scene and saw a waitress standing in front of a man holding his left hand in pain.

"What happened" jack thought

"Don't ever try that rubbish with me in your life" she said and walked away

"Where is the fucking manager of this place, I'll make sure you get fired!!" He screamed in anger

Not quite long a man walked in and told those men to leave peacefully or he will call the cops on them. They left in anger and a sceptical way

"Well that wasn't the scenario I was expecting, right James? Well it was a good show" Jerry said "but it ended so soon" he signed

"I concur with you on that Jerry" james said

"Me too" jack said taking a sip of his drink


After drinking and chatting for a long time till james dad called him to come home for some family stuff while Jerry's mom called him go to the library to get one or two things. James asked if he should give jack a lift home but he declined.

So there he was, left all alone in this restobar.

After a few while jack decided to go home walking straight for the door when someone beats him to it.

"Sorry, am in a rush" she said

It was her, the waitress that made a man cry in pain. She was no longer in her staff uniform. She was now wearing a black trousers, black snicker, a purple hoodie, her long black hair with her hazel eyes starring at Jack for a brief.

"Bye guys" she said to her fellow workers before rushing out.

"Bye Ari" they replied

"So her name is Ari?" Jack thought

That was when he noticed the tip of her hair was tinted purple in colour.

"I guess she must really like the colour purple" jack thought

He walked out of the restaurant and looked at the route she took, she as walked quite a good distance in just a short period of time. Then he saw some movement in the shadows. He squinted his eyes and saw four men come out of the shadow and followed the waitress.

Jack looked at them closely and realized it was those men from the bar.

"trouble He sighed


(Arianna pov)

Moving to another entirely different place can be a bummer, like from continent to continent kind of moving. It's been a week since we move here with, me and my family. There is just me, my dad and my twin brother

"Ari !! Come down for breakfast" Anny called.

Anny is my twin brother

I walked to the dining room and everybody was helping to serve the dishes with Miss Grace

Miss Grace have been staying with us for as long as I can remember. She is like a mother figure to me and Anny.

"Good morning dad, Good morning miss grace" I greeted

"Morning my angel" dad replied and he gave me a kiss on the head

"Morning Arianna" Miss Grace replied

Breakfast was finally served so we all sat down to eat

"You are going to begin work at that restobar today right?" My dad said with a serious tone "hope you are ready"

" yes dad, am totally ready" I said

" just be careful dear" Miss Grace said with a little worrie "try to stay out of trouble, you know this city is one of the most populated place with lot of supernatural beings. Especially vampires" she said vampires with loathe

Yeah we know about vampires and other supernatural beings, we are hunters. And we are pretty good at it. We don't hunt animals, we hunt supernatural beings.

You might be thinking that we are crazy, why the hell would we come to a place like Nas. Nas is a very dangerous place for hunters like us, why?

Because this particular country has a lot of supernatural beings living in it. So which hunter would want to come to a place where you are practically surrounded by enemies.

"I'll be careful" I said to Miss Grace

"You guys will be starting school after the weekend" dad said "So on Monday, you should be ready"

"Do we have to?" anny said with a frown on his face

"Yes you have too," dad stated "I just want you guys to be very careful from now on. And we would be using a different name here. Instead of 'Bliss' we would be using 'Guero', we have to keep a low profile, understood?" Dad said

"Yes sir" I said

"Yes daddy sir father" anny said, and we all bust into laughter

It was finally time to leave for work. I took a cab, and it was a 30 minute drive.

I came down from the cab after paying the driver. Super Chill was boldly welcoming me. I walked in to begin my job as a waitress

Work was going fine till a group of men came in to order some drinks. I was the only available person so I went to take their order.

"Welcome to Super Chill. What would like to have, drink or food" I asked with a smile on my face.

"I would like to have you beautiful" man 1 said "I mean look at that ass" he said with a smirk and the other men laughed

"I would like to take your orders now" I said still with a smile. But only I know that deep down I want to hit them so hard that they start learning manners

"Come on darling, we just trying to appreciate the gift behind you" man 2 said

I was boiling in anger inside of me that I cant show until I heard someone say

"You are needed in the kitchen Ari, I'll take their orders" Creg said

I looked at Creg "Alright" I said with a smile and walked away. Creg also Works here with me. His shift is also the same time as mine, so I know we would be seeing each other frequently. We got close pretty fast, he is dark skinned, brown eyes, his hair is on a low cut with a little letter c carved at the side of his hair. Creg just saved those men

The rest of the night was going peacefully, more and more customers came trooping in.

Then suddenly while I was walking back to the counter to drop an empty tray that I just used to serve a customer someone tapped me in the butt. I was startled, I looked to see who it was and noticed it was those perverted men that came in a while ago. They still haven't left? I thought

He was looking at me with a smile on his disgusting face.

"I couldn't resist darling" man 1 said and the others chuckled. He was the animal that did it

"I just coul.... ah!!!!!!" He screamed in pain

I didn't let him finish because I already used the side of the tray, which is the hardest part to hit his hand. I hit him exactly in his pinky finger.

"Don't ever try that rubbish with me in your life" i said and walked away "idiot" I mumble

Then he started rambling and rambling that he wants to see the manager.

The manager, Mr Rufus finally came after hearing the full story of what happened from me. He told them to leave peacefully or else he is gonna call the cops on them.

They finally left reluctantly, and the rest of the night was going peacefully. It was finally time for me to go home. I was a little bit in a hurry, so I rushed to the exit and didn't notice that someone else was also about to open the door.

"Sorry, am in a rush" I said

The only thing I noticed about this person was his blue eyes, he was covering his nose and mouth with his turtle neck shirt. He was also wearing a cap.

"Bye guys" I told everyone without waiting for a reply

I walked quickly I silently down the street, that was when I suddenly noticed that I was being followed.

I sighed "it must be those perverts from work" I thought "they just became my hitting dummy for the night" I smiled