
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · Action
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80 Chs

Chapter 59:Bomb

Commissioner asked, "And what kind of friend is this?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I won't say anything further."

The Commissioner didn't press further.

Then, the Commissioner resumed the interrogation with Kapil Mehta, who had confessed to all his crimes so far.

Commissioner asked, "So, how did you step into the mafia world?"

Kapil explained, "My wife and I were dining at our favorite restaurant when Chaube, a gang leader, came there to settle a score with one of his men. He brutally attacked him with a meat cleaver in front of us. Chaube accused me of the murder and threatened to harm my family if I didn't confess. Despite my anger, I remained silent. Chaube left the scene in hurry because of police. And I didn't confess.

Eventually, one of Chaube's men confessed to the crime and went to jail. But Chaube was furious."

Kapil continued, "One day, Chaube and his men barged into our house when Rashika was sleeping. Chaube attacked me, but Drishti hit him with a chair, giving me the courage to fight back. I knocked everyone unconscious, including Chaube, who fled to save his life."

Drishti said, "Let's leave this city. They might come looking for us."

Kapil replied, "Do you think they won't find us? Besides, what did I gain from living in poverty? My family's life is at risk now. I promise you, one day, I'll become the most powerful man in Delhi. After that, no one will dare to challenge me."

Drishti cautioned, "It's a bottomless pit where only a leap can be taken."

Kapil continued, "At that time, a group contacted me and offered me a chance to rule Delhi and provided me with the strength to fight Chaube. I couldn't refuse, as I also wanted to establish my dominance in Delhi."

He further explained, "For a year, I was involved in various criminal activities, but Chaube orchestrated an attack on me while I was spending time with my family. Despite defeating his men, Drishti, who was pregnant with our child, feared for our safety. She left me and filed for divorce."

Commissioner inquired about the group that empowered him.

Kapil replied, "The Scorpion Family."

The Commissioner expressed surprise, stating he hadn't heard of them before.

Abhimanyu, with a smile, remarked, "You're the Commissioner of Delhi, and you're unaware of The Scorpion Family?"

The Commissioner questioned Abhimanyu's knowledge, to which Abhimanyu explained his role in eliminating the group, crediting Commander Rajat Mishra for the major tasks. He mentioned the case's sensitive nature, involving military and foreign affairs, thus justifying the Commissioner's lack of knowledge.

The Commissioner, noticing Abhimanyu's evasion, turned to Kapil, asking about Abhimanyu's involvement.

Kapil glanced at Abhimanyu, who signaled him not to reveal anything.

Drishti, Rashika, and Rohit were surprised to learn that Kapil and Abhimanyu knew so much about each other, even more than they did, and even the Commissioner was unaware.

Abhimanyu explained, "The Scorpion Gang was after my family, so I got involved, but that's all there was to it."

The Commissioner didn't inquire further about Abhimanyu's family.

Shortly after, Aakash received a call from the Commissioner. He informed them that only Haseena's mother was at the given address, and Haseena was not present. She mentioned that Adil had visited their house several times, but he wasn't there today.

Abhimanyu tracked Haseena's phone with Saily's help, pretending to type something on his phone.

Saily informed him that Haseena's phone's location was currently at a motel.

Abhimanyu showed the location to the Commissioner, who looked at him strangely before sharing the location with Aakash.

Meanwhile, Aakash, Riya, and Bhawana arrived at the motel, instructing the other officers to stay behind. They entered and asked the receptionist if a particular man had come to the motel.

Initially hesitant, the receptionist, upon seeing their police IDs, revealed that the person was in room 204 on the second floor.

Approaching room 204, they heard noises inside—a woman moaning and the creaking of a bed.

Bhawana questioned if they should barge in, to which Riya advised against letting emotions cloud their judgment and not to focus on what others were doing.

Riya forcefully entered the room, pointing a gun at Aadil, declaring, "Mr. Aadil, you are under arrest."

Haseena and Aadil panicked, retreating and covering themselves with a blanket.

Aakash and Bhawna entered the room as well.

Riya instructed Aakash and Bhawna to step outside, and then ordered Aadil and Haseena to get dressed.

After they complied, Riya arrested them and escorted them out of the room, leaving with Aakash and Bhawna.

Haseena kept asking them why they were being arrested, insisting that they were both adults and what they were doing was legal. However, Riya, Aakash, and Bhawna remained silent.

After a while, they all reached the police headquarters. Commissioner was in the waiting room with Kapil Mehta and his family, who were waiting for the entire procedure to unfold. They would be taken to court on Monday, and until then, they would stay there.

An officer arrived and informed that Adil had reached the headquarters. Abhimanyu suddenly got up and headed towards the exit. The Commissioner stopped him, advising him to stay away from all this. Abhimanyu left nonetheless.

Meanwhile, Rohit reassured Kapil that he would stay with him. On the other hand, outside the interrogation room, Abhimanyu entered and was followed by Rashika and Drishti. Inside, Adil and Haseena sat on one side of the table, while Riya was on the other side, with Aakash and Bhawna standing behind her.

Riya questioned Adil about the real reason for buying the gun and what he intended to do with it. Haseena asked Adil why he bought the gun and where he got the money from.

Adil denied any involvement, claiming he was just an ordinary person with a regular job, and they were tarnishing his reputation.

Riya, realizing that Adil wasn't going to confess easily, kicked the table in frustration, causing it to hit Adil and making him fall against the wall, bleeding from his mouth.

She then turned to Haseena, accusing her of being complicit. Haseena denied any knowledge of the situation.

The Commissioner intervened, asking Riya to calm down and reminding her that she couldn't conduct interrogations like that.

Abhimanyu entered the room and reprimanded Riya for resorting to violence. The Commissioner threatened to arrest Abhimanyu if he didn't leave immediately.

Ignoring the Commissioner's warning, Abhimanyu closed the door from the inside and approached Adil, warning him that things would get worse for him if he didn't cooperate.

As Abhimanyu moved closer to Adil, the room suddenly plunged into darkness. Abhimanyu's pupils dilated, but nobody paid much attention to it.

Aadil realized that his head had been separated from his body, but then he saw Abhimanyu approaching him again with a sinister smile. Suddenly, Abhimanyu reached out and seemingly crushed his heart. Aadil witnessed seven horrifying deaths in different ways, and in the end, he screamed, begging Abhimanyu to stop and promising to tell everything.

Abhimanyu, still smiling, approached him and asked him to open his mouth quickly.

Arjun commented on the effectiveness of Abhimanyu's illusionary technique, while Angel mentioned that she could do something similar.

Abhimanyu asked Aadil about the purpose of the gun.

Aadil explained that he had given the gun to someone working for a group called Haamid, who advocated for their community's rights.

Abhimanyu asked for more details about Haamid and received a photo and further information from Aadil.

Abhimanyu instructed Aakash and Bhawna not to leave the place until the day after tomorrow.

Aakash nodded in agreement.

Aadil, still holding his ears, pleaded not to be killed anymore.

Abhimanyu chuckled, saying he hadn't even touched him.

Aadil insisted that Abhimanyu had killed him seven times.

Abhimanyu jokingly remarked that apparently someone could kill a person seven times, which was news to him.

The Commissioner and others were baffled by what had just happened in the interrogation room.

Abhimanyu observed the railway station area but didn't find Hameed. However, upon receiving news that Hameed had been spotted inside the railway station, Abhimanyu rushed there immediately and arrived an hour later.

The police were searching for Hameed but couldn't locate him. Abhimanyu began searching for him, and as he was walking, he noticed a staff cabin that was open. Upon entering, he found all the staff unconscious, with their uniforms removed.

Abhimanyu quickly untied them and woke them up. One of them regained consciousness and explained that some people had entered and knocked them out.

Showing him a photo, Abhimanyu asked if one of them was among the attackers, to which he confirmed.

Abhimanyu inquired about their occupations, learning that they were train drivers and ticket checkers.

Realizing that the hijackers had likely taken control of a train, Abhimanyu rushed to investigate its location.

Saily informed him that the train had left ten minutes ago and couldn't have gone far.

Meanwhile, the police were searching for bombs in the station, and Abhimanyu informed Riya about the hijacked train and the need to find the explosives.

Riya was about to speak when an officer shouted that they had found something.

Abhimanyu instructed Riya to help with the bomb search while he dealt with the hijackers.

Abhimanyu swiftly disarmed two bombs with the help of a bomb squad member and left, confident that the situation was under control.

As he moved away, his appearance changed: his hair turned white, his eyes golden, and angel wings sprouted from his back.

Abhimanyu flew into the air and reached a speeding train, landing on its roof. Upon inspecting the inside, everything seemed normal.

However, when the train approached a station, it didn't slow down, indicating that it had been hijacked.

Abhimanyu realized that the passengers were unaware of the hijack and took action to alert them.

Abhimanyu received a call from Ramakant confirming that the hijackers were indeed on the train and were planning to crash it into a chemical factory, causing a massive explosion. Ramakant urged Abhimanyu to save the passengers and stop the train before it reached the factory in the next 10 minutes.

Abhimanyu suggested changing the train's route, but Ramakant explained that all communication with the factory and other departments had been cut off, indicating something sinister had happened.

Abhimanyu swiftly flew back to the train, landed on the engine's roof, and entered the driver's cabin. He knocked out one attacker who tried to attack him and then went outside to confront another assailant who got knocked out after hitting his head against a beam.

Spotting Hameed, Abhimanyu rendered him unconscious and then asked Saily how to stop the train. She explained that all the emergency brakes had been disabled, making it impossible to stop.

Undeterred, Abhimanyu separated the engine from the rest of the train by forcefully disconnecting the couplings and then managed to stop the engine by brute force.

Inside the engine, Abhimanyu contemplated his next move. He decided to use his Angel Sword, a weapon capable of cutting through any material, to sever the train's metal tracks.

Though Maya, Arjun, and Saily warned him of the danger, Abhimanyu proceeded with his plan. He took a deep breath and effortlessly sliced through the metal tracks with his Angel Sword.

Within moments, the train came to a halt, averting the potential disaster.

And all the trains on that track were stopped. Abhimanyu returned to normal and entered the driver's cabin, waiting for the Army chief to arrive. A minute later, the Army chief arrived and arrested them both. Just then, the Army chief received a call informing him that no third bomb was found at the station and that one railway bogie had been seized. All other passengers had escaped, but now all the terrorists had seized one bogie and were demanding that their engine be reattached.

The Army chief said, "Alright, keep them distracted, I'll handle the rest."

Looking towards Abhimanyu, the Army chief said, "Let's see how we conduct a rescue operation."

The Army chief and Abhimanyu then went to the last bogie of the train, where a man with a gun was keeping an eye on everyone.

Approaching from the side, the Army chief entered from the blind spot and swiftly took down the man, ensuring a clean kill. Then, they continued forward.

Excited, Abhimanyu climbed onto the roof of the train and began advancing. Each bogie had an armed person standing guard.

The Army chief sensed another armed person ahead. Abhimanyu made a slight noise to divert his attention, then silently entered from the other side and swiftly took him down.

Abhimanyu and the Army chief efficiently neutralized the terrorists in each bogie, ensuring the safety of the passengers. With only one bogie left, containing numerous civilians and terrorists, they devised a plan to swiftly eliminate the threat.

After a quick assessment, Abhimanyu counted 80 civilians and 6 terrorists in the last bogie. Understanding the urgency of the situation, the Army chief and Abhimanyu coordinated their actions to eliminate the terrorists without risking civilian lives. In a matter of seconds, they subdued the terrorists, with Abhimanyu providing cover while the Army chief took decisive shots.

With two terrorists apprehended, Abhimanyu questioned the necessity of further action. However, the Army chief emphasized the importance of capturing as many terrorists alive as possible for interrogation purposes.

Despite his heroic actions, Abhimanyu remained humble, refusing to bask in fame. When recognized by a young lad as the famous gamer "Black Demon," he obliged with a selfie but cautioned against sharing details of the incident that could land him in trouble with the authorities.

Shortly after, military personnel and police arrived, discovering the third bomb on the train. Their timely intervention prevented a catastrophic explosion, thwarting the terrorists' plan to cause further devastation.

And they both finally reached the last bogie where all the hostages were held. Abhimanyu smiled and casually waved his hand as he walked in.

Meanwhile, the Army chief climbed onto the roof of the bogie.

Upon seeing this, the terrorists aimed their gun at him and asked, "Where were you?"

Nervously, Abhimanyu replied, "I was hiding in the other bogie, but then some people came there and forced me to come here. They had guns just like you, so I had to come here."

Abhimanyu counted and found six terrorists in the bogie, each armed with an assault rifle.

Silently, Abhimanyu took out two blades and swiftly slit the throats of two terrorists. When the others noticed, they couldn't see anyone. Abhimanyu pointed in a direction and said, "I saw a man over there, he must have done it."

One terrorist then pointed his gun at Abhimanyu's head and ordered the other two to check. As they moved, the Army chief entered through the roof and shot them both.

After securing the bogie, only one terrorist remained holding a gun to Abhimanyu's head.

Abhimanyu smiled and quickly knocked the gun out of his hand, disarming him. The Army chief then rendered him unconscious, and the train was finally safe.

But then Abhimanyu remembered the last bomb; it hadn't been found yet, and there was only half an hour left until 8 o'clock.

He immediately called Riya to ask if there was any update on the last bomb's location, but she replied that nothing had been found yet.

Abhimanyu then rushed to a corner, spread his wings, and flew towards the Army chief's vehicle. He landed on the roof and entered through the sunroof, appearing inside the vehicle where the Army chief and the two terrorists were being interrogated.

Seeing Abhimanyu, the military officers aimed their guns at him, but the Army chief stopped them and asked Abhimanyu what he was doing there.

Abhimanyu replied, "We don't have much time left; only half an hour until 8 o'clock."

His eyes suddenly turned black, and a terrifying black aura emanated from his body. He approached the two terrorists, placing his hands on their chests and causing them excruciating pain. They begged for mercy, screaming that they would confess everything. Abhimanyu smiled and approached them, and as he got closer, they placed their hands on their ears and started screaming, begging for mercy. Abhimanyu approached them with a smile and placed his hands on their heads, melting their bodies with his intense heat. They had seen many deaths, but in the end, they saw Abhimanyu approaching them, placing his hands on their heads, and melting their bodies with his intense heat. Feeling the intense and terrifying pain, the two terrorists surrendered, clutching their ears and screaming, pleading for mercy. Abhimanyu approached them with a smile, and they begged him not to kill them. They confessed that the bomb was hidden in the T&T Mall, inside a children's horse ride.

Upon hearing this, Abhimanyu swiftly exited and dashed towards the direction of the mall.

The Army chief ordered the vehicles to turn towards the mall, and they changed course accordingly.

Abhimanyu sprinted towards a secluded corner, spread his wings, and took off towards the mall at full speed.

Within five minutes, he arrived at the mall, landing gracefully on the rooftop. Folding his wings, he descended towards the entrance. Upon reaching there, he made his way to the kids' section.

Feeling nervous amidst the presence of numerous children, Abhimanyu calmly approached the horse rides. There were around ten similar rides there. He concentrated, trying to locate the source of the faint beeping sound coming from one of the horses.

Suddenly, he heard the sound clearly emanating from one of the horses.

Abhimanyu immediately called the Army chief and informed him, "Sir, I've found the bomb on a ride in the mall, and a child is currently riding it."

Army chief Narayan instructed, "We're almost there. I've also contacted the bomb squad. Until then, stay there, and don't let the child on the ride get off. If he wants to get off..."

Abhimanyu interrupted, "I'll take his place."

The Army chief replied, "I shouldn't be saying this, but yes, that's what you'll have to do."

Abhimanyu nodded understandingly, "I understand, sir. I have no problem with that."

"Good luck," said the Army chief.

After five minutes, Army chief Narayan arrived with his military force, instructing the mall manager about the bomb threat and ordering the evacuation of the mall.

As the manager announced the evacuation, panic ensued, and people rushed out of the mall. Some parents tried to retrieve their children from the kids' play area, but soldiers stopped them, assuring they would rescue the kids.

Meanwhile, media reporters questioned how such incidents kept happening, whether it was a failure of the police or intelligence agencies. They highlighted the continuous threat faced by the public due to terrorism.

Suddenly, a woman realized her child was missing and began frantically searching for him. She demanded to know where her child was.

A soldier tried to calm her down, assuring her that her child was safe and would be rescued soon. But she insisted on finding him immediately.

Reporters also demanded proof that the child inside was safe and whether there was indeed a bomb.

A soldier, feeling pressured, decided to broadcast live footage from inside the mall on a large screen. Everyone watched as a child sat on the toy horse, guarded by a soldier. Another soldier opened a section of the horse where the bomb was hidden.

Saily observed, "The design seems different, but there might be a black wire inside."

Abhimanyu agreed cautiously, "Maybe."

Army chief remarked, "There could be a sensor inside. If the child moves, the bomb might detonate."

Just as the child was about to get off, Abhimanyu swiftly climbed onto the horse and took his place. The soldiers immediately removed the child from the ride.

Army chief couldn't say anything, stunned by Abhimanyu's audacity.

The bomb squad arrived, examining the bomb and suggesting cutting the black wire to defuse it, although success was uncertain.

A soldier escorted the child outside, handing him over to his mother.

Meanwhile, reporters surrounded Abhimanyu, curious about the boy who took the risk. However, the soldier remained silent, unsure about Abhimanyu's identity.

Soon, Riya, Aaksh, and Abhimanyu arrived. Initially mistaken for civilians, soldiers allowed them inside after verifying their IDs.

Reporters recognized Aakash and Bhawna and speculated on their involvement in the case.