
Young Rich and Nameless

After a period of poverty and suffering, a young man inherits a family fortune, instantly becoming a billionaire. New challenges emerge as ex-girlfriends among other people that once looked down on him now pursue him for his new found wealth.

NowNovels · Urban
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27 Chs

Live Broadcast Presence

As the meal came to an end, everyone started to drift toward the main door. When they arrived at the cashier counter, Ashley and the others sneered and got ready to watch the show down.

"How much is it?" George and Terry asked the cashier. Maddy and the other girls wondered over curiously.

"The Monarch Suite has a total bill of 30,000. The other four rooms have a total of twenty," the cashier smiled politely, but eyes were wide with shock.

George's face flushed slightly. Looking at Ashley's expression, he just wanted to pay and get out of there. "All right, swipe my card," George said calmly, as he took out his bank card and handed it over. He turned around and looked at Terry indifferently.

"Terry, as we agreed, we'll go Dutch on the Monarch Suite. My share's settled. You can take the rest."

"Oh wait, where did you get so much money?" Terry stared coldly at George.

"It doesn't really matter where it came from. I have enough to pay my share. You'll have to excuse me. I have somewhere to be." He looked so self-assured as if he'd been born rich.

He left the Palace Garden with an air of absolute confidence. He had just spent $35,000 on a single meal. Thinking about it made him feel a little uneasy. However, it was worth it to see Terry suffer such a loss. After so many years of being looked down upon, it was satisfying to have wiped the smile off his rival's face, but he knew it wouldn't last. And Terry wouldn't let him gloat for long. No doubt, he would already be planning how to get his own back.

"Sir, you still need to pay $15,000. Would you like to swipe your card or pay cash?" The cashier looked at Terry inquiring.

Terry was both angry and anxious. He wouldn't be able to pay with his card since there was the $10,000 limit on it, but he was more concerned about his father. If he found out he'd spent $15,000 on a single meal, he would be skinned alive.

"Wait, let me just, uh, make a quick phone call." Terry's eyes darkened when he saw Ashley and the others staring at him, he took his phone and was about to walk straight out of the Palace Garden gate. But he didn't get that far.

"Sir. Where do you think you are going? You haven't settled your bill yet." The manager said with a smile. He was followed closely by the pair of well-built security guards.

"I, uh, I don't have the money to pay it. You should just ask George." Terry intended to go back on his word and not clear his debt. He attempted to wash his hands of it.

"Oh, you don't have the money to settle the bill? Guess it's time to call the cops then." The manager's expression changed as he roared.

Maddy and the others heard the commotion and came out to see what was happening. "Terry, what's going on? Hey, and what are you guys doing? Let go of him." Ashley came forward and shouted.

"This gentleman tried to walk out without settling the bill," the manager said.

"Terry, how could you? Is this true? Don't you think it's embarrassing enough that I..." Natty looked at him with disdain and walked away before she could finish her sentence. Terry wanted to explain, but he couldn't. Thinking that all this was because of George, his face turned purple again.

"Please just pay. If you don't have the money, we'll just have to call the cops, I guess," the manager reminded him.

Alice, her two roommates, and Natalie all looked nervously at Terry. "If you want the money, then go find George. He has plenty. Let him sort it out." Terry said.

The manager's eyes hardened. "There's no money, right? Take the whole group to the police station and let their parents collect from there." Terry was stunned. He wanted to resist, but it was too late.

When George returned to his dorm room, he found that Neil was the only one there. He was watching live broadcasts produced by some of the students. "Uh, Neil, I offered to treat you to a meal today. Why didn't you come?" George walked up and asked.

"What? When? How come I didn't know?" Neil said excitedly.

"I asked Lex to let you know, but I guess he forgot to tell you?" George asked curiously.

Neil was a student in another class, but because he'd arrived at Harrison U after the start of the semester, he was assigned to George's dorm room as it was the only one with space.

Neil frowned, "Forget it. It's just a meal. You can treat me some other day."

"All right." George wanted to say more, but he saw that Neil had already gone back to watching the live broadcast.

So he crossed to the sofa and took off his jacket. They were the only two people in the dorm room. George was momentarily bored. So he decided to take a look at the broadcast too. He browsed through them, clicked on an interesting looking one, then switched to the next.

"Ouch! Go, George. When did you get interested in female broadcasters?" George hadn't noticed Neil cross the room and start looking over his shoulder.

George smiled, "Well, I was just casually flicking through them. They all seemed pretty boring."

Neil snickered, "You don't know what to look for. Let me tell you about a female host I know. I can guarantee that you won't accuse her of being boring."

Neil was the most reserved person in the dorm. He liked staying in and watching live broadcasts and anime. "This is Emma. She has a massive audience." Neil looked at his phone studiously. He was so excited that he was drooling.

"Hmm… Emma's live broadcast is indeed different, but there's not much substance to it," George said. Emma was a student at the academy of fine arts. She was hot, but her enormous breasts didn't really match her face, which was small and sweet.

"Well, isn't she something?" Neil asked proudly.

George glanced at her Lazily and shook his head. "Not bad, but not really my type."

George took off his shoes and climbed up to his bunk. He casually flipped through the other live broadcasts. At that moment, he saw a rather plain looking girl singing in the broadcast room. This girl was at their college. She had a sort of natural beauty. Her name was Charlie. She had the lowest audience figures so far. Literally no one was watching her. For some reason, George felt more attracted to this girl than to big chested Emma.

"Uh, thank you everyone for listening. Is there anyone who wants me to play a song?" Charlie asked gently.

George tried to click a song, but discovered he needed to sign in first. He quickly registered and gave the name Daniel. George immediately clicked on a dozen or so songs.

Charlie looked at the list and smiled gently. "Okay. We have Daniel who has just chosen 15 songs. Let's get started."

"You're asking me how much I love you. My love is real. So is my heart."

Charlie's soft words made him giddy. His heart felt as light as cotton candy. Such a lovely song definitely deserves a present. George was very happy and started to wave his hands in the air.

Charlie was surprised. She looked at her screen where Daniel was pledging present after present and didn't know what to say. After hardly singing another song, she quickly expressed her gratitude.

"Oh thank you, Daniel, for giving me a super run. Oh thank you, Daniel, for giving me a rocket. Thank you, Daniel, for giving me this tank. Oh, thank you, Daniel, for sending out this aircraft. Thank you Daniel."