
015 Blue Lake Romance

Blue Lake, despite its name implying a lake, was actually surrounded by several towering mountains. It appeared as if the creek waters flowing down from the high mountains had converged to form this lake, resembling a sky-blue gem embedded in the beautiful landscape, hence the name Blue Lake.

Annie, motivated to climb the mountains, had forgotten about her fragile waist. Despite resting and recuperating for a day after being tormented by him the night before, her delicate waist hadn't recovered that quickly. After a short while of climbing, Annie felt her waist giving in.

It wasn't a weekend, so there weren't many people at Blue Lake, mostly elderly folks from nearby. Watching those elderly people climb more nimbly than her, Annie felt embarrassed and wanted to disappear. Her waist, tormented by that infuriating man, seemed more fragile than these elderly folks'!

Heavens— Annie silently complained to herself.

Meanwhile, Alexander strolled ahead as if nothing was happening, already leaving her about ten meters behind, standing at a higher point, watching her from above with a smile. His mouth seemed brimming with interest, as if her every move was the most fascinating show!

Annie's face turned red with exhaustion, anger, and embarrassment.

Next to her, an elderly couple passed by, the old man glanced at Annie and chuckled, but his words were directed at Alexander.

"Young man, the little girl might not be able to climb anymore. Come down and give her a hand!"

Annie stood still, nervously lowering her head, her face blushing like a ripe tomato.

The old man and woman stopped, smiling contentedly as Alexander heard them and came down. He pulled Annie, who resisted slightly, not wanting to be a laughingstock, but Alexander's arm was particularly strong, and the more she struggled, the more she was pulled closer into his embrace.

"Hehe..." Now it was the old lady's turn to speak. "The little girl is so delicate, young man, you have to take care of her. If you lose such a beautiful girl, you won't find her again!"

"Yeah, yeah..." The fifty-something old man chimed in.

Annie's face was burning so much it could cook shrimp. She hung her head, unable to say a word.

Alexander nodded lightly at the elderly couple, and the satisfied pair walked away, arm in arm, laughing cheerfully as they went up the mountain.

Once they were far away, Alexander chuckled and rubbed her head. "They're gone, why still keep your head down?"

Annie still kept her head down. From his angle looking down, all he could see was her shamefully red face and the rosy hue of her two ears. Alexander smiled, holding her hand and starting to walk up. She bit her lip, blushing, and followed hesitantly.

Around Blue Lake were three large mountains named Windward, Chasing Moon, and Watching Sun respectively, each having various streams. This time, Annie and Alexander climbed Chasing Moon Mountain. Annie had a plan here because only this mountain provided cable car rides, something Annie wanted.

But her waist wasn't cooperating with her little ambitions. With Alexander leading, she felt much lighter. However, after half an hour of climbing, she started feeling exhausted, her fair face dripping with sweat. Coincidentally, a bubbling stream flowed nearby. Annie had a plan and gently pulled Alexander's big hand.

Alexander turned to look at her, his eyes mildly questioning.

This man's stamina was astonishing, and Annie felt a bit jealous. She was sweating profusely now, but he showed no signs of exertion, as if he were casually strolling in his backyard, a nonchalant ease that was almost maddening.

She licked her dry lips. Under Alexander's dark and deep gaze, she extended her hand, pointing towards the stream, and explained softly, "The water on this mountain is said to have health benefits; it's foot-soaking water. Would you like to try?"

Alexander's enigmatic eyes swept across her sweat-drenched forehead, her eyes revealing a hint of longing, her flushed face, her silently pleading lips...

Then, he nodded slightly.

Annie almost cheered, instantly breaking into a radiant smile, brighter than the moon, brighter than the blooming flowers nearby. She released Alexander's hand, hurriedly walked over, found the perfect large flat stone she had seen earlier, and sat down. Quickly removing her shoes and socks, she dipped her two pure white feet into the cool stream, fearing that if she hesitated for another second, Alexander might change his mind.

The cool stream brushing over her feet brought a refreshing chill. Comfortably, Annie squinted her eyes like a cat, relaxed her eyebrows, and involuntarily smiled. Her feet, as if made of jade, curled up in comfort before stretching out with utmost elegance and allure in the crystal-clear stream.


She giggled crisply, completely defenseless for that moment, appearing as if an innocent young girl, so carefree and joyful that it made others envious. As Alexander slowly walked up behind her, his eyes darkened instantly.

Annie opened her eyes, tilting her head slightly, and saw Alexander. Feeling a bit embarrassed about her previous behavior, she stopped smiling, suddenly shrinking like a shy flower, bowing her head quietly, soaking her feet. Her slightly red ears revealed a hint of her shyness.

Alexander slyly curved his lips, took off his shoes and socks, rolled up his pants, and seemed to be preparing to get into the water. Seeing this, Annie's heart leaped with joy and quickly tried to please him, "The water is really refreshing; soaking in it feels so comfortable!"

That tiny bit of joy vanished instantly, like foam disappearing without a trace, because Alexander, quite brusquely, sat right behind her, ignoring her evident embarrassment. He extended his big palm, encircling her, allowing her back to secretly nestle against his chest. Annie had picked a nice, smooth rock that could accommodate both her and Alexander comfortably. Annie began to regret; if only she had chosen a smaller rock to sit on earlier.

But there's no magic for regret in this world!"