
young miss talents shock the world

Bella howell who was called many names like a bastard, mistress daughter, ugly, etc. But only a few people knew about her heavenly beauty and even fewer knew about her talents. James Hunt was the most popular bachelor in the country. His handsomeness knew no limits or bounds. There were tons of feelings and secrets between these two, which will be uncovered in the novel.

minirules · Urban
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33 Chs

chp 32: chaos

Bella had just entered howell corp when she saw chaos everywhere.  She saw the security guards lying on the floor injured and all the employees hiding under their desks or behind something.

"What has happened here?" Bella asked angrily.

The receptionist went to her. She was trembling and looked really pale but told bella that some people had barged in with guns and had beaten the guards who tried to stop them. She also told bella that they were waiting for her in her office.

Bella was stunned and quickly went towards the presidential elevator. Her assistant tried to stop her saying that it could be dangerous, but she didn't listen to him, so having no other choice, he called the hunt corp manager and told him about everything.

Bella had just come out of the elevator and had taken only 2 steps towards her office when she saw 2 highly tall and muscled men with long guns standing outside her office. Bella smirked. "This is getting exciting."

She walked calmly towards the men, and as her expectations, they pointed their guns towards her and asked, "Who are you?"

"Bella howell" simple and crisp reply was delivered.

They were shocked and suddenly became more alert. They looked at the masked girl in front of them from head to toe, sizing her up, then looked at each other highly confused, then again looked at her. 'This was the girl young master had asked them to be careful about? She might have killed someone? What a joke' but no matter what, since they were highly trained and really professional, they had to follow their masters orders so they let her in.

In Hunt corp, james face was frowning and asked angrily. "How can a single guy slip away under your servillance? Is a single ruth more capable than you bunch?"

"Sir, he disguised himself as one of his bodyguards." A guy said, trembling.

"Unbelievable. You guys had one job.  Useless trash" james roared.

At this moment the manager phone rang. After hearing what the other side had told him, he froze and started shivering. He looked at james and opened his mouth but then closed it then opened it again, and closed it again. He kept repeating this action, unsure of how to tell his boss about this matter, since his boss was already spitting fire.Finally, he mustered up his courage and told the boss about the incident at howell corp.

"Fuck" james stood up and flipped his desk.Everyone present looked at james who was always refined, cursing for the first time. They felt like it was the doomsday they were all in hell and looking at the Devil.

After entering her office, bella felt that her breath was taken away. This was the first time in her life that her breath was taken away by seeing the handsomeness of some guy other than james.

A really handsome and tall guy was sitting on the sofa. His eyes were closed. He had double eyelids, and his lashes were really long. James was handsome, but he was handsome like a prince, but this guy seemed rough and tough his handsomeness was like some military guy.

Suddenly, his lashes fluttered, and he opened his eyes and looked at bella. Bella froze. He stood up and asked, " Are you the second miss howell?"

Bella shook her head, composed herself, and replied sternly "yes bella howell. Who are you? And what is the meaning of all this?"

"Hmmm," he looked at her from head to toe and frowned. Then he looked at her eyes they looked normal as well, a little confused but normal. 'Has X lost him mind? What was he spouting about her eyes being cold and not a naive rich missie? Where? Who? How can she be a danger to cupcake?Such a wasted trip." he sighed and said

"I heard you have married young master hunt even though he had a fiance. And she was none other than your elder sister . " When he said that, he emitted a terrifying aura, scaring the bodyguards present in the room. They all were thinking,'Young master control yourself a little, you are gonna make this missie wet her pants.' But to their surprise, bella looked up at the man, and her eyes had turned a little cold. They felt that the room temperature was dropping. She started walking towards the presidents chair, sat on it, and put her hands on the desk. Then she said word by word

"I don't like wasting my breath on strangers."