
Young Miss Strike Back!

Death... That was all Lin Xiaoxiao got as she tried to walk down the red carpet at an awards show. Well, it should have been her death but when she woke from the darkness, she found her self in the body Xi Xiaoxiao. A girl who was the unwanted daughter of the Xi family. Beaten and enslaved, treated worse than an ant crawling on the ground. Lin Xiaoxiao promised she would get revenge on the Xi family for treating a little girl in such a horrific way. While taking back her title of top actress of the entertainment world at the same time! As an ex-top actress who can stop her? The one thing she did not count on was this devilish man who forced a kiss on her and whats worse is her body and soul cant resist him! "Little beauty how about you help me warm my bed tonight?" "I told you a thousand times don't call me little beauty! As for warming your bed... Not happening." "Then how about I warm your bed then?" "Mmm... This I can agree to. But after it is warm you will need to leave so I can go to bed. I'll be in the other room, take your time." "Then I will just warm your body Instead." ".......Ah! Okay...." *Warning Sexual Content In Some Chapters* Check out my newest novel Phantasia: The Princess Knight Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne join the new discord! https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ **Cover not mine! Only added the text to it! All rights to the original Artist.**

invayne · Urban
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141 Chs

My Boyfriend Is The President?

Lin Xiaoxiao felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. She was hoping he would ask her this question. Especially after how intimate they just were. She was hoping that Shen Xing was not just playing with her. But seeing the sincerity in his eyes Lin Xiaoxiao knew her worries were not needed. With their foreheads still touching Lin Xiaoxiao leaned forward and lightly kissed Shen Xing's lips before saying: "Un… I'll be yours, but let's take it slow... " After finishing her words Lin Xiaoxiao moved in for another kiss directly parting Shen Xing's lips with her tongue. Once again the two, one male on the bottom and one female on top laid on the back seat of the black Maybach indulging in their pure passionate kiss.

After a while, they parted lips and Shen Xing then traced kisses down to her neck and then back up to her ear lightly nibbling on it. Lin Xiaoxiao let out soft moans as she leaned against Shen Xing enjoying the sensual feeling. She gradually felt his lower member growing under her secret garden through their pants. She felt Shen Xing grind his hips up against hers. She could already feel the moistness between her legs as he continued his grinding motion. The feeling gave her even more pleasure as she tried to match his motion by pushing her hips down as he pushed up against her.

In her past life, Lin Xiaoxiao had never had the chance to even kiss a guy never mind grinding her hips against a man's lower member. But here she was in this second life doing just that. As she let out sweet soft moans as their grinding pace sped up. She didn't even know when her shirt was fully taken off but she couldn't help but cry out in pleasure as Shen Xing took one of her pink peaks into his mouth and nibbled on it. A ball of warmth formed in Lin XiaoXiao's lower abdomen. Her toes curled up in her shoes as she bit down on Shen Xing's shoulder as a blast of electricity surged through her causing her body to convulse. In the first time in her two lives Lin Xiaoxiao experienced her first orgasm. She laid her body down on top of Shen Xing's as she panted for air. Teeth marks could be clearly seen on Shen Xing's shoulder, a trickle of blood rolled down from where the skin broke.

It was not known whether or not it was due to her waking up too early or just the excitement of the day Lin Xiaoxiao found a comfortable spot on Shen Xing's chest and fell asleep in his arms. It was just that poor Shen Xing was left with a stiff little brother and no source of relief. He looked at the sleeping girl in his arms and couldn't help but shake his head and laugh as he thought: 'Little beauty is this what you mean by taking it slow?'

Fifteen minutes later a black Maybach pulled up to the tallest skyscraper in D City. The large sign above the entrance read Empire Group. The sleeping Lin Xiaoxiao was lightly shaken awake by Shen Xing. Her sleepy eyelids fluttered as she raised her head to see the Shen Xing's handsome face come into view. Her cheeks instantly turned red as she remembered what they had done.

Lin Xiaoxiao sat up and looked around for her bra and shirt. She did not cover her breast since she already knew he had done more to them than just looked at them. There were already many kiss marks all over them. But no matter how calm and composed she tried to be her blushing face told the truth. Once she found her bra and shirt, she quickly put them on and tried to compose herself.

"Sorry for falling asleep..." Lin Xiaoxiao softly spoke as she lowered her head. The images of them kissing and grinding kept filling her mind. During the process of doing such an act was not that embarrassing but afterward, Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but be somewhat embarrassed.

"It's ok little beauty. You seemed to have been exhausted from the day's activities." Shen Xing said as he gently pushed a lock of hair behind Lin Xiaoxiao's right ear.

"What time is it? I have to contact Ruru and tell her I'm safe or she will worry." Lin Xiaoxiao fumbled around for her phone. The sleepy haze of just waking up was not yet gone. Finally, after a few seconds of fumbling around with her phone, Lin Xiaoxiao looked at the time before she hit the call button to call, Little Bo.

The phone only rang once before you could hear on the other end of the line Little Bo's panicked voice: "Lily is that you ? Are you okay? Did anything happen to you?"

"Ruru relax I'm fine. I just fell asleep." Lin Xiaoxiao shyly said as she took a peek at Shen Xing who just so happened to be looking at her so she quickly shifted her eyes away.

"Fell asleep!? Lily you can't fall asleep in the city! What if some pervert tries to take advantage of you!?" Lin Xiaoxiao almost spit out as she tried to hold in her laughter. She couldn't help but think 'A pervert did take advantage of me but now he's my boyfriend.'

"Ruru I swear I am fine I fell asleep in my boyfriend's car." Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao calling him her boyfriend made the corner of Shen Xing's lips lift upwards. He really liked her calling him that.

"Bo-Bo- BOYFRIEND!!!!??? When did you get one of those? How come I did not know about this? Lily, I thought I was your sister! How could you keep such a thing from me!? How could you start climbing the stairs of adulthood before me!? Wait wait that is not important here. Answer me how far have you guys gone? Have you… you know… did that?" After being bombarded by Little Bo's question one after the other Lin Xiaoxiao's whole face was burning all the way up to her ears.

"Ruru we will talk about that tomorrow. I will be coming home in the morning. I will answer any and all questions then." The upward turn of Shen Xing's lips grew even more profound when he heard "I will be coming home in the morning". Didn't that mean she was staying with him tonight?

"Fine fine! I'll talk to you in the morning. Just don't cross the line until you are married! Bye, Bye Lily." Lin Xiaoxiao smiled as she answered: "I won't cross the line Ruru I will see you in the morning."

After Lin Xiaoxiao hung up the phone Shen Xing asked: "Ready?"

"Un." Hearing her answer Shen Xing opened the door to the Maybach and stepped out. He then turned around and reached his hand out to help Lin Xiaoxiao out of the car.

When Lin Xiaoxiao saw the huge sign above the entrance she instantly froze. 'Empire Group? Isn't this the main office for the company that owns Empire Entertainment?' She looked over at Shen Xing questioningly.

Shen Xing saw Lin Xiaoxiao's questioning gaze and let out a laugh "My little beauty this is my home. I am the president and CEO of Empire Group"

Lin Xiaoxiao's lower jaw almost fell off and her eyes widen in surprise, she would never would have thought that her new boyfriend was the president of the company she had just joined!

Heyo! Author here, sorry for the late post i got home later than normal today! Just finished editing so here you go!

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Also, check out my other novel: Ah Chun.

Thank you all for reading!

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