
Young Master Wang, You Are Mine

Book promotion - Name - The CEO's Rented Wife Link - https://www.webnovel.com/book/14558290406833805/The-CEO's-Rented-Wife She was known for reading too much. Ms. Changying had been close to the top end of her graduating class from Tsinghua University which is a major research university in Beijing, and a member of the elite C9 League of Chinese universities. An Arts History degree in hand, Changying found that, without connections, all her study counted for nothing in getting a job with the national museum in Beijing. Resigned to mediocrity, she took a job as a researcher for a publishing firm that specialized in historical biographies and fiction. It was there that she met her boss - Mr. Wang Wei, an arrogant control freak. She researched strictly for Wang Wei who constantly quizzed her on her research methods. As time went on she found the manuscripts crossing her desk becoming more explicit than the average romance in a historical setting. Themes of bondage or sadomasochism touched on very lightly at first became darker and more elemental to the storylines. Changying found her research opening her eyes wider to a whole new world she realized she knew less about than she thought she did. -------------- Romance, Sex, Violence, Drug, Drama, Comedy. Story characters are full of inner demons and conflict, they are complex with there own personalities and have their own flaws that they will fight against. These personalities will shape the story as situations arise and they are forced to react and adapt. -------------- Yang Studio is a writers’ circle which is a support group for writers who wish to be among like-minded people. If you want to start writing and are looking for inspiration, this circle is for you. Books published on WebNovel are works of the respective writers from the circle. For reporting any content, readers can contact us. --------------

Yang_Studio · Fantasy
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139 Chs

A Beautiful Villa

It was dark and beginning to rain as Wang and Changying pulled up outside a small winery. To Changying's surprise a man ran out to their car, and Wang wound his window down to speak to him. The Rain was heavy so Changying only heard a few words before the man hurried back inside and the car started moving again.

Wang continued around the winding track past the winery and its out buildings. He pointed to some pale lights in the distance, "There is an amazing villa over there." Turning her head to look at it she was jolted as the surfaced road ran out, and the gravel crunched beneath the tyres. Eventually, they pulled up outside a small well lit cottage. Getting out of the car, they ran through the increasing rain to the large veranda surrounding the cottage.

Wang opened the door then swept her off her feet carrying her into the cottage, kissing her deeply before placing her on her feet. Changying looked around, the cottage was like one enormous room, the bed was directly before her, and she guessed the one internal door on the other side of it led to a bathroom. As she turned taking in the place she saw a well equipped kitchen and small dining table, a small sofa before a fire and large screen TV and beyond that a spa bath set into the wall surrounded with glass looking out over breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and wineries.

"Wow," she breathed, "This is amazing!" She walked over and peered into the large bathroom noting the dual shower heads in the wet space. Wang had snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, nibbling at her neck. "We should get our bags out of the car before we, um, do anything else. Don't you think?" Changying asked him.

"No," he said throatily, "I plan to keep you naked all weekend and at my beck and call." His hands tugged at her clothes as he continued, "Speaking of which you have far too many clothes on for my liking right now." Changying tensed and looked around at all the large windows and glass door leading out to what she expected was a balcony. "We are isolated here and I want you naked," he said it with a smile but she felt the tone making it a command. He released her taking a step back and smirking, "All weekend."

Changying blushed slowly lowering the zip at the side of her dress. "Wait!" Wang moved over to the couch and pressed a few buttons on a remote, music started playing softly. "Now strip for me," he fell back onto the sofa motioning her forward. The heavy beat of the Pussycat Dolls singing Buttons played from the small speakers. She liked the song and loosened up a little bit enjoying teasing him. He had a way of making her inhibitions disappear with his hungry eyed stare and she danced around him slowly revealing her body. Her breasts once freed from the constricting bra bounced and moved with her, his eyes following the sway of her soft curves as she sang softly with the song imagining herself as one of the sexy Pussycat Dolls singing it. It as a song meant to tease men and she did her best to tease Wang.

Changying enjoyed the way he looked at her with hungry eyes. With him, she rarely felt the terrifying self consciousness that would have frozen her movement's mere weeks ago. He had shown her since that first night how much appeal her curvy form held for him in many ways and so she danced for him revelling in her new found sexuality. She watched him as he sat, he was controlling, exacting and demanding, she knew those qualities had not appealed at first, but as she had fallen for him she saw how they had created the man he was, successful, charismatic and unwilling to compromise in what he wanted. Changying blushed and smiled at him as her dress shimmied to the ground, he wanted her, she still couldn't believe it, but she knew it to be true.

"You are such a hot slut," Wang said and grabbed her hand as she danced past him, pulling her to his lap. Changying blushed hotly and looked up into Wang's eyes as he smirked at her not denying his words. He leaned down and kissed her, long deep and passionately while his hands travelled over her body. His hands touched her neck, slowly travelling down to her breasts, encircling them, sending waves of tingling excitement through her. Her nipples became hard and erect at his touch as if answering his unspoken question of how much she wanted his touch.

His hands drifted down to her thighs, and she widened them willingly, letting out a squeal as suddenly he slapped her pussy hard and smirked as she attempted to close her thighs. His fingers delved into making her breathe deeply and let out soft whimpers of pleasure. Manipulating her clit with his thumb as his fingers forced her wider inserting one, then two and eventually three as he brought her higher and higher, watching the trembling muscles of her thighs shake as she came close to the edge.

He stopped just as suddenly as he had begun leaving her gasping and rocking her hips in need. Wang caught her hands as they traveled down her body, trying to find some release from the tortuous wanting she felt. He spoke huskily as though holding back his own lust and need when he finally murmured, "We are going to try something different this weekend." His eyes bored into hers, and she nodded, speechlessly, waiting for him to say more. Wang transferred both her wrists to one hand and pulled a long slim box from his pocket, "This is for you," he held the box before her eyes for a few moments before releasing both her hands and helping her to sit up upon his lap better.