
Young Master Returns for his Abandoned Wife

“You abandoned me in the middle of the night! You left me alone for five years!” Maya hissed as he lifted his hand to touch where her slap had left its mark. “I left to protect you! I left because I love you!” Nathaniel protested in a futile attempt to defend himself. —————————————————— Five years ago, Nathaniel De La Rue found love and a new life in Arlington City, but his past soon caught up with him and forced him to leave behind everything he had built, including his beloved Maya Miller. Now, Nathaniel is done running. He must confront his past to protect those that matter the most to him. After fighting for his right to live and accepting his rightful place in the De La Rue family, he finally returns to Arlington City. However, upon his return, Nathaniel finds that his world is not the same as he left it. Maya, the woman he loves, is engaged to another man. His best friend now works for the man who stole Maya from him. Furthermore, the woman who had cared for Nathaniel like a mother is being abused by her husband. It’s as if he has to start from scratch. But things have changed. This time he has the De La Rue Family by his side.

wounded_warrior · Urban
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316 Chs

Maya's Guest

Maya tapped away on her laptop as she replied to the slew of emails that greeted her that morning when she arrived.

With the announcement of her identity and her relationship with Nathaniel, companies were eager to work with Miller Industries.

Aside from partnerships, their sales were also through the roof. Every company associated with the Miller family was suddenly in the position to expand to a national level.

Maya didn't have to lift her head when she heard the familiar clicking of heels. No one dared bother her now but her assistant and bodyguard, Katlin Stelle.

"Miss Miller," Katlin said in a soft voice as she stood by the door.

"Yes, Katlin?" Maya asked as she heard the door close. 

"I got a very important request to meet with you," Katlin told her boss.

"I'm incredibly busy today, Katlin, you of all people should know that," Maya told her assistant as she checked the presentation sent over for her approval.