
Young Master Returns for his Abandoned Wife

“You abandoned me in the middle of the night! You left me alone for five years!” Maya hissed as he lifted his hand to touch where her slap had left its mark. “I left to protect you! I left because I love you!” Nathaniel protested in a futile attempt to defend himself. —————————————————— Five years ago, Nathaniel De La Rue found love and a new life in Arlington City, but his past soon caught up with him and forced him to leave behind everything he had built, including his beloved Maya Miller. Now, Nathaniel is done running. He must confront his past to protect those that matter the most to him. After fighting for his right to live and accepting his rightful place in the De La Rue family, he finally returns to Arlington City. However, upon his return, Nathaniel finds that his world is not the same as he left it. Maya, the woman he loves, is engaged to another man. His best friend now works for the man who stole Maya from him. Furthermore, the woman who had cared for Nathaniel like a mother is being abused by her husband. It’s as if he has to start from scratch. But things have changed. This time he has the De La Rue Family by his side.

wounded_warrior · Urban
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316 Chs

Alistair De La Rue

As Nathaniel mentioned the name Alistair De La Rue, he could sense that people had taken out their phones, pens, or whatever writing instrument they could use. Prior to that night, the name of the President of DLR Enterprises had remained a mystery.

"I find it quite amusing that just a few moments ago you were telling your friends such marvelous things about me, without actually knowing my name," the corner of his lip rose as he gave Maya a playful grin.

He knew she would find this annoying, it was the very reason why he was doing this.

To make Nate look better in Maya's eyes, Alistair De La Rue needed to be the most annoying prick she has ever met.

"Mr. De La Rue, you are a notoriously private person, this is the first time you've actually let your name slip, are you sick?" Maya asked as she looked innocently at Nathaniel, but when he looked in her eyes it was filled with a mischievous gaze.

"Well, Miss Maya Miller, how could I not give such a beautiful woman my name?" Nathaniel wasn't lying.

The moment he spotted Maya in the crowd his jealousy got even worse because of how beautiful she looked.

She was in a simple black and white dress that hugged her figure perfectly. She hadn't noticed it, but a lot of the men, and some women in the room had turned their attention towards her.

Maya was at a loss for words with the CEO's attempt at flirting with her. For some reason, even faced with the most eligible bachelor around, she still felt no attraction towards him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. De La Rue, but I will have to ask you to keep your distance from me," Maya said in a cold tone as she looked the man in the eyes. She didn't want to show that she was afraid of him or that she could be pressured into changing her mind. "I don't want people to misunderstand."

"And what is there to misunderstand, Miss Miller?" Nathaniel asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"People talk," Maya said confidently. "And I do not have the time nor the energy to be involved in any of the mess you might create."

Nathaniel chuckled and shook his head.

"I'll see you around, Miss Miller," Nathaniel told her as he walked away and moved on, finding his seat.

"She's a feisty one," the mayor told Nathaniel as he took his seat next to the businessman.

"You know her?" Nathaniel asked as he maintained his composure.

If the mayor knew things about Maya, he could use that to his advantage.

"She's made quite a reputation for herself, yes, but her father is a friend," the Mayor informed Nathaniel. "Are you interested in her, Mr. De La Rue?"

Nathaniel smiled at the Mayor's question. The man was way too eager, too thirsty to get on his good graces.

"She is someone I would consider pursuing if the fates allowed it," Nathaniel said as he turned to watch the performance in front of them.

The Mayor made many attempts that night to carry on a conversation with the President of DLR Enterprises, but the man was simply uninterested.

In the end, the Mayor ended up speaking with the President's assistant.

"Is your boss really this frigid?" the Mayor asked the assistant.

Clark chuckled and nodded.

"He likes his privacy, that's why he asked for this theme as well. He doesn't like people seeing his face," Clark explained as best he could.

The reason no one was seeing Nathaniel's face was because of Maya and Nathaniel's urge to mess with Oliver.

As the performances turned into an auction, the Mayor was shocked to find that a secret bidder had managed to snap up all the precious items meant for women.

"Are you not going to bid on it for Miss Miller, Mr. De La Rue?" The May0r dared to ask.

"She is not my wife nor my girlfriend, why would I bid on such items for her," Nathaniel said as he nodded toward Clark asking him to bid on a very old and precious painting he wanted for his office.

When the auction finally ended, Nathaniel didn't bother with all the socializing that went on, he simply stood up and left, but he made it a point to pass by Maya on the way out.

"Your number," He told her in a cold tone as he waved for Clark to give Maya his phone.

"No," Maya firmly said, shocking everyone.

"You know that I can get it without asking you," Nathaniel told her as he glanced at Oliver.

"Sir, I wouldn't betray my friend," Oliver bravely declared.

"I've seen many men like you," Nathaniel said as he looked Oliver in the eyes, making the other man flinch. "You put your own interests above all, you will tell me, eventually."

Nathaniel grinned before walking away.

"Sir!" Oliver called out when he realized his mistake. He quickly chased after Nathaniel as the President walked out of the ballroom.

"Sir! I'll give you her number, I just want my old position back!" Oliver cried out as Nathaniel continued to ignore him.

As they reached the driveway, Nathaniel's Rolls-Royce Phantom waited for them. He stopped and looked back at Oliver.

"Pathetic," Nathaniel spat as he climbed into his car and signaled for the driver to leave.