

He was the rightful heir of LU corporation . He wad supposed to be pampered, to be loved and to be the head . But reverse is the case of Lu Xi'an . Everything that belonged to him , his position,his value , his money was taken away from him, by his stepmother and his stepbrother . And so, he continued to live the life of a slave in his own home .. until, he met her . The red head girl,with a loose screw in her head .

Winnie17 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

Another new morning

Chapter one

The shrill noise of the alarm clock filled the whole room , making Olivia tossed and turn on the tiny bed . She refused to open her eyes .

The alarm rang again and Olivia desperately wished she could just smash the darm thing on the floor and throw the remain down to the non recyclable material .

But no , she couldn't do that . The alarm cost way more than what's within her convenient buying range .

"Nah . That shit cost 200 dollars" she spoke raspily with a croaked morning voice . She stood up and muttered a quick morning prayer .

Her hair was everywhere , on her head , her neck , her face , even her mouth . It totally looked like a bird nest that had been wrecked by the raging storm of the previous day .

She made her bed , and went directly into the bathroom . Jessica would soon be in side the room and she'll start breathing on Olivia's neck . And she wouldn't want that .

Jessica was the English name of her housemate , Feng lusi . Who would be here soon . To nag Olivia , or to receive some nagging herself , however the case maybe .

Olivia wished Feng lusi would be the one to receive some lashing today . Yeah , she was on the receiving end for a few days now .

It's an early Monday morning and it's way too early to start pulling each other's hair out , or worst still start scratching the hell out of each other skin with the nails that they had been growing just to suit purposes like that .

She grabbed a towel that was put recklessly around the lone chair that served as ... ..well a lot of things .

A mini wardrobe where all last week laundry laid , her comb and one pair of shoes was also on the Sickly looking chair .

"Just looking at you , buddy is an enough inspiration . I mean , you're still standing strong . Despite all this years and all this luggage . I salute you Bros . " She made a salutation motion and grinned to the chair .

She grabbed her toothbrush , that kinda looked like a broom , due to the fact that most of the ...err whatever that thing that was on its head was called , well most of "that "thing was no where to be found .

"I'll probably get a new toothbrush today . " She shrugged and applied the toothpaste . Yes , you guessed it right .

It was quite a lot of effort to get the toothpaste on her brush , it was a measly amount of the paste that was left . Olivia even contemplated about cutting the satchel a little bit , but then she decided against it . She doesn't have time for that .

She did some rough moving of the brush against her teeth , a few times back and front . Up and down .

She got under the shower and took a deep breath before turning it on . She let out a yelp as soon as the ice cold water hits her naked skin .

Though she's been bathing with cold water since forever , she just couldn't get used to it . But then , it was way better than paying extra bill just because of a few seconds of warm water .

Hey ! Don't judge her like that ! . She's got to save as much as she can , a little cold water won't kill anyone . Might even be of medical help .....or Maybe not v

She quickly grabbed the loofah and rubbed the bar of soap on it , and starts to scrub her skin . Just like her name , she's gotten a creamy - olive skin that was a tad bit sun burnt from all the working outside .

But having a porcelain skin isn't a thing again , or is it ?? .

A few scrubs and she was out of the bathroom with her teeth chattering . Clink clank .

A small head peeked into the room from outside . Feng lusi stared at Olivia and twisted her mouth in annoyance .

"Why aren't you done yet ?? . " She eyed Olivia as she asked . Unlike Olivia , Feng lusi was totally different .

She had a milky white skin , and a doll eyes . Her lips was pink and supple . People usually praise her for her elegant" and goddess like aura . "

"Unless you're blind or your brain is on a vacation . You'll clearly see that I just got out of the bathroom . " Olivia spoke to Feng lusi nonchalantly .

"You really should start wearing sunglasses . The UV Ray is affecting your eyes quite much . Tsk . " Olivia hooked her bra and spoke under her breath .

Feng lusi was tongue tied , as she angrily fumed . She stuttered a few times , before speaking

"You're not having a breakfast today . " She lifted her face and a triumphant look crossed her face .

Olivia frowned , this was her weak point right here . Food ! How could she do without that live saver ??

"Hey hey . My dear friend ! You're getting me wrong lusi . What I actually meant to say is that , with your round doll and pretty eyes , you probably don't see me coming out of the living room . Ahh , I mean bathroom . " Olivia turned her back to face Feng lusi with a soft expression on her face . Giving her a puppy face .

"Alright then. Get ready fast . I'll be in the kitchen . " Feng lusi retrieved her head from the room and closed the door gently behind her.

If one should witness the little interaction that took place this morning , they'll probably think Olivia and Feng lusi are arch enemies . And that is not even close to the truth .

Feng lusi and Olivia Chen had been friends since the beginning of time , both with totally different personalities .

Feng lusi was the definition of a white Phoenix , with her breathtaking visual and elegant nature .

While Olivia , well .... Olivia could be defined to be the a half insane, loose mouthed , anger issue , red head and hazel eyes and a pretty smile which of course is more rare than a blue moon in Mars . She had a chocolate skin which was not quite common in China , but due to her root . Her mother was a Jamaican and her father was a Chinese man .

They ended up getting divorced anyway . And Olivia was left with her father who died three years ago . Hence why she was here .

She tied her hair into a messy bun , grabbed a short and flower patterned shirt , threw it on and head to the kitchen ,where Feng lusi was already preparing some scrambled eggs and quite a burnt sausage .

"Yeah . Some lovely breakfast we've got there no ? . Ahh burnt sausage! My favorite . " She smacked her lips and rubbed her palm together .

Feng lusi dish out the food and went to sit opposite of Olivia . They both start to eat

Olivia tried to calculate the money that she'll spend today , her whole schedule . There's really no schedule , just to go and work at the city shopping mall .

This month is going to be her last month there , she'll finally be attending the most prestigious University in the whole of China .

WANG PEI National University . That was her dream University , but it took quite an effort on her part .

Just any students aren't allow to study there , WANG PEI National University could in other words be called THE ELITE University . As it was filled with children of the influential , the politicians and the most rich of all .

But sometimes , just sometimes they tend to accept student according to their grade and Olivia had applied with an hopeful mind . And quite fortunately and unexpected for her , they granted her the scholarship that she applied for ..

She could clearly remember that day . She had let out a scream , that alerted those that were seven streets away . Feng lusi had been more than happy , she told anyone who cared to listen , that her best friend would be a student of WANG PEI National University .

"Hey can I have the tissue ?? . " Feng lusi dropped her cutlery and reach out her hand for the tissue .

Olivia shook her head and glanced across the table . As expected , Feng lusi didn't finish her food . Infact she barely ate anything .

She was trying to maintain her figure . Pfftt !

The thought of cutting out on food just because of some silly figure made Olivia burst out into laughter . Olivia stretched her hand across the chipped edged wooden table and grabbed the leftover from Feng lusi .

She poured it right into her own , and ate it together . She finished the meal and wiped her mouth .

She let out a loud burp , and her light lit up I'm such a way that one wouldn't even doubt if they were told that she had won a lottery .

"Twas a good one . " She patted her stomach satisfactorily and nodded her head . A wicked little grin made its way to her mouth at the sight of Feng lusi discomfort face . She held her high bridged nose with her hand and frowned .

"Vivi ! I told you not to do that again ! That's so unladylike ! . " She eyed her again . Before getting up from the chair that she sat on. She went into her room , that was just opposite of Feng lusi .

Olivia sometimes wondered how it was possible in the most impossible looking relationship to grow this much ?? They were totally opposite in personality and looks .

Even their room is just as opposite as their personalities are . Olivia chugged down the slightly hot coffee and almost spat it out back .

If not for the timely stopping of herself , she would her totally ruined Feng lusi white snowy dress and a cute pink fluffy skirt .

She kinda regretted that she hadn't spat out the coffee .

"You look like a teddy bear . " She scrunched up her nose at Feng lusi's dress .

"And you .... You look like my grandmother . " Feng lusi retorted back.

"At least your grandmother doesn't look like a big piece of cotton candy . But my tities are still standing though . Your grandmother own might have ...you know , become like a tender slab of beef. " She rolled her eyes .

Feng lusi was at lose for words . What do one say to someone calling your grandmother breast a slab of beef?? .

"Let's go . " Feng lusi applied her sun cream and her sunglasses before moving out .

Olivia grabbed her sling bag and slung it against her shoulder , took out her eyeglasses and wore them . She checked for the key in her bag , relieved to see them there , she locked the door and followed Feng lusi .

They are both working at the city shopping mall . Feng lusi works as a part-timer , she resumes her shift whenever she's back from the culinary institution .