

He was the rightful heir of LU corporation . He wad supposed to be pampered, to be loved and to be the head . But reverse is the case of Lu Xi'an . Everything that belonged to him , his position,his value , his money was taken away from him, by his stepmother and his stepbrother . And so, he continued to live the life of a slave in his own home .. until, he met her . The red head girl,with a loose screw in her head .

Winnie17 · Realistic
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

A little lashing should hurt no one

Chapter two

Song recommendation. Ann Marie ft Yung Bleu : Ride for me

The shopping mall was unbelievably full today . Olivia stood by the door and groaned . Feng lusi looked up to Olivia and frowned

"Aren't you gonna enter ?? . " She raised her eyebrows in inquiry

"Well I wish . The customers are just too much . " Olivia stomped her foot on the floor and whined .

"Yeah so ? We're you praying for them not to sell ?? . " Feng lusi asked . She definitely did not get why Olivia was unhappy when she should be happy that their store was going well .

"Well don't you get it ?? See , it's a very tough job ,smiling , nodding , and shaking hour head to every stranger that you encounter . Now imagine going through that horror with some many people?! "

Feng lusi stared open mouthed at Olivia , she was totally confused . Since when did smiling become an unpleasant thing to do ?? .

She said nothing anymore , cos in reality she doesn't know what to say to this friend of hers .

She entered and opened the door widely for Olivia who groaned and rubbed her neck before entering .

They both headed straight to the changing room and put in their own their uniforms . Olivia was stationed by the door , to greet and welcome customers . And help customers when in need .

She checked her wristwatch and said " okay , it's just four hours and twenty minutes and thirty seconds to go . " She took a deep breath and plastered a very sweet smile on her face .

You know , the very sweet smile with a sour after taste ?? That saccharined smile that can almost blind you ?

Well yes , that was her signature smell .

She rolled her eyes to an impossible degree , when a waddling pear of her boss was coming .

Mr xu Kai was a short fat man , with an incredibly robust stomach and a bald head . He was short , and had a moustache . He sweat too much and was always dabbing an handkerchief on his face and forehead .

And God ,he always smell of too much talcum .

He was fuming as he got closer to where Olivia was standing .

"Here goes another long , foolish unnecessary talk and much and much of flying spits all around . " Olivia muttered with a clench teeth .

Mr xu Kai wadded to a stop, and his shirt slipped from covering his stomach . Olivia almost pity the poor shirt .

It must have gone through a lot .

The look on Mr xu Kai face was not new to Olivia . It means "you are a dead meat ,! . "

"Good morning Mr Xu . " She smiled at the man .

She mentally braced herself for the upcoming spit that would soon be taking a trip from his mouth to her face

"What's good about the morning ?? Eh ? " He dabbed the handkerchief on his neck roughly .

Olivia sneered but quickly adjusted her face ..

"I would say the weather Mr xu . The weather is just so lovely this morning , I would have loved nothing more than a warm cup of latte coffee with extra pump of caramel and a good sleep . But quite unfortunately , I have to be at work . " She rambled on ,and watched with delight , from the corner of her eyes as Mr Xu fumed .

Olivia loved it when Mr Xu AKA the waddling pear is angry . He totally looked like a stuffed French bread .

"You !! You.... What did you say to Mrs Zhang and her daughter? Eh ? . " He looked up fiercely at her and demanded an answer .

Olivia almost rolled her eyes again at the remembrance of what happened the day before .

When Mrs Zhang and her chicken of a daughter had came to the store . Yes, there store was pretty popular and many influential people visit often .

Olivia tried , she really tried to bit back the bits of sarcastic comment that was right on the tip of her tongue when Mrs Zhang daughter had called Olivia a dummy .

But then , Olivia had no choice . She clearly told the daughter that she looked like a chicken feet , that Olivia often loved to crunch and devour with cold beer . That her face looked like a clown face, with layers and mountain of make up on her face . And that the joker was more pretty than her ,. That the only pretty thing about her is the earring .

Mrs Zhang had turned to a tomato , her face reddened in embarrassment and she shouted on top of her lungs that she'll get Olivia arrested . She was sputtering and the words wouldn't even be coherent .

"I'll ....I'll. Make sure to get you fire . "

Mrs Zhang tripped on her clothes and fell flat on the fall . Giving everyone a good laugh.

Okay , okay you caught her . Olivia had stretched her legs a little bit so that Mrs Zhang can trip .

Olivia burst into laughter, she laughed so hard that tears begin to fall from her face . She felt so good , so satisfied that she could feel the sweet taste of the satisfaction sliming down her throat .

Feng lusi had almost had an heart attack when she learned of the incident . Tsk

"Nothing actually happened Mr Xu . " She downright denied it .

She knew what was coming next .

The CCTV !

"Let's check the CCTV footage . If you're found guilty I'll I'll definitely fire you ! . " Mr Xu manage to say , in his shrill and tiny voice .

Olivia pretended to be scared , a small smirk made it way to her lips .

Finally, she'll be out of this place even if it's for a minute . She quickly tucked the "smile " to a safe place and followed Mr Xu .

She saw Feng lusi on the way , who glanced worriedly at Olivia then Mr Xu . Olivia mouthed"it's okay " to her and winked .


Olivia stood behind the sweating mass and handkerchief dabbing Mr Xu as he was desperately looking for evidence .

He was pressing, searching through the whole footage but he couldn't find anything incriminating .

"You see ? There are only footage of me smiling Mr Xu . " She wiggled her brows . But manager Xu wasn't pleased

"Do you mean that Mrs Zhang is lying ? That woman is a VIP member. " His tone was softer and he looked confused .

Olivia had to caution herself , else she burst into laughter right there and everything would get messed up .

"No I mean she couldn't be lying could she ,? Could she ? She's old though . I know that . And you know old people tend to forget things and I've heard that her daughter can be quite a dummy . " Olivia smiled reassuringly at Mr Xu .

He nodded and went away still soloquizing to himself , saying something about how he need to get to the root of the matter .

Olivia burst into laughter and almost rolled on the fall . Seeing Mr Xu eat back his own word is a very satisfying thing .

She stood behind the table where the guy in charge of the CCTV was sitting . She caressed his neck and blew him a kiss . She winked to him .

She sashayed out of the room , feeling so good and nice .

The truth was , she had actually planned with Mei Zhou the CCTV guy .

After the incident , and knowing the kind of person that Mrs Zhang was , she'll definitely complain to Mr Xu .

So she hatched out a plan . Just a few snobs and caress and a peck which she later regret of course had gotten the job done .

Mei Zhou had erased the entire part where Olivia had set up her leg ,and he altered the part where they had a banter .

He was such a nice soul , Albeit a little too dull for Olivia but as long as he suit her purpose? Then everything is definitely great .


Mr Xu was all smiles as he welcomed a tall woman who was dressed elegantly but she had a bit of spinach stuck to her teeth.

Some tall handsome guys stood on either side of her and she was conversing with Mr Xu with a frown .

Oppss , look like someone's in trouble . Olivia shrugged and moved to her position .

Feng lusi moved closer to Olivia

"Psst psst . " Feng lusi tried to call Olivia who was busy assessing the handsome guy that was on the Left .

He had a shame that could put some model to shame . His body proportions was equally good and a sophisticated aura was lingering around him .

He barely contributed to the discussion, he was just staring around. His eyes met Olivia's and it felt like time stopped .

His grey eyes looked warm and friendly . Olivia had to quickly snatched her eyes away fro his as her heart was now pounding erratically in her chest .

What's happening to her ?

"Psst psst ! . "Feng lusi tried harder .

Olivia shivered and smiled at Lusi .

"Did something happen again?? . " Feng lusi asked worriedly .

"Oh no nothing . "She waved it off and hoped Feng lusi wouldn't probed further for her own goodness .

Her kind act wouldn't be able to handle what happened . Lusi would almost swoon if Olivia let her on the full details .

The two guys and their mother or their step mother cos she kinda looked sinister, making Olivia assume that she's an evil step mother w

Coupled with that bold red lipstick.

"Oh my God ! . " Olivia turned her head , just in time to catch that guy's eyes on her again and Feng lusi widening her eyes .

Okay so what's the weird occasion? Olivia stared around but she saw nothing .

"What's wrong ?? . "She directed the question to Feng lusi .

"It's them ! It's them . " Lusi almost jump up in excitement .

Olivia just scratched her neck in confusion . Them ? Them who ?

"Them who ? " Olivia asked oblivious to the fact that got Lusi screaming.

"The lLU family sons ! Duh ! . " Feng lusi seems to be in her fangirl mode .

But Olivia doesn't know who this guys were .

"Who are the LU family sons ? "

"Are you kidding me ?? You don't know them ? Where have you been living? Under the rock ! The LU family are the richest and the most powerful family in the whole of China . They owned a lot business corporate and has a great influence . "

Olivia nodded her head like a kid received lecture .

Olivia looked around to see that half of the people in the store was taking pictures, shouting swooning .

Well, she couldn't exactly blame them . These guys are the perfect eye candy . But she would prefer the one on the left side , any day any time .

There's just something about him that's fascinating and endearing . Unlike the second one who had a host of proudness and arrogance around him .

His hair was sleeked and styled , while the other one just left his hair in a long version .

Gosh he looked so cute .