
Chapter 4: What's Wrong With Her?

The next day, the sound of classical music could be heard in the neighbourhood as the Ru family settled in. A handsome young boy came rushing through the door as he shouted.

"Mom!!" Mr.s Ru walked towards the young man as she sighed. "What now Ru Si, and where is that music coming from, if your sister wakes up it will spell bad news for us and, the person playing that racket." "That's what I was trying to say, the neighbours have invited us to the party and as new neighbours I....."

"Agreed?" A cold voice questioned as Ru Si shivered.

"Yes." Ru Si shivered even more as he whispered. Ru Jin stared at him before walking upstairs. "Get ready." Her voice rang out as she banged the door shut.

A few minutes, later the four Ru siblings were gathered together waiting for their parents. Ru Jin walked down in casual wear as she said. "Mom and Dad said we should go without them."

"Why I thought we were going together?" Ru He asked as he fixed his hair. "They said that the event is for kids, the adults have their own next to the main one." "Sure let's go." Ru Si excitedly pulled Ru Jin as they walked to the house next to theirs, before Ru Li could ring the doorbell she said."Mom said when we are talking with each other at the party we should use one of our home town languages."

"그럼요. (sure)" They simultaneously said as Ru Li rang the doorbell. The four brothers greeted, noticing that Ru Jin had not greeted Ru Yu used his elbow to hit her side rib to remind her, she indifferently greeted as she walked behind her brothers lazily.

"루진 오늘 왜 이렇게 기분이 안 좋아? ( Ru Jin why are you so moody today?)" Ru He asked as he leaned on Ru Jin.

"식사할 시간이 되면 전화 주세요. (Call me when it is time to eat.)" Ru Jin walked away as soon as she said that.

"Quid mali est? (What's wrong with her?)" Ru He asked, only to be replied with a shrug.