
the new student



   She was still running,until she got to the principal's office(after much directions),she breath in and out then she knocked)ka ka ka(the knock sounded like that on the door🚪)who is that?(a sweet soft voice asked from inside the office)its Tiya Johnson(the girl whose name was Tiya answered)please do come in(the voice said again so Tiya opened the door and entered).Good day mam(Tiya greeted)good day miss Tiya welcome to grand high school(the principal said,the principal was average in height,she has yellow hair which was packed(buns)she is fair).

    Thank mam(Tiya replied)hmm my name is Mrs Emily Cardenas,so you can call me Mrs Emily or Mrs Cardenas okay(the principal said)yes mam,sorry I mean Mrs Emily(Tiya said then smiled showing the principal her teeth😁)that is better,well I have gone through your files,and I saw that you had a good grades in your past session(ss2 and ss3 first term and second term).

    I hope in this session you will still keep those good grades?(ss3 third term)(the principal asked with a smile)I will try my best Mrs Emily(Tiya answered)that's alright, come on you are late for class(the principal said then got up from her chair)let's go(she added then they left).

    Mrs Emily and Tiya walked for a while before they got to the door of a class,(Tiya thought it was a science class because she was a science student).(Mrs Emily entered the class first,)good day Mrs Emily(the student greeted her)Good day beautiful girl and handsome boys,have your seat(Mrs Emily said in response to their greeting,then the student sat down).

     We all know that there is always a new student,who is added to us every session of the year(Mrs Emily said)Yes Mrs Emily(the student responded)well this year,the person that won the scholarship exam is from a science class department(the principal added and the student gave an applause),well her name is Tiya Johnson from blossom high school(the principal said pointing to the door,immediately Tiya heard her name,she walked into the classroomthen the student gave an applause again for her,Tiya was smiling when she entered the class but all of a sudden she stopped smiling,she was just staring at a particular direction.