
20. What is Love??

That night the whole family sat at the dining table. Varun was cracking jokes about his mother who panicked seeing scanning machines at the hospital today and everyone were laughing. Punya sat there silently seeming out of the box. Varun observed that she is distracted and dreamy.

"Punya, how's college?" he asked placing his left hand on her shoulders.

"Everything's fine Appa" she answered coming out of her thoughts.

"Are subjects too tough? Do you need extra help" he asked.

"No Appa, My senior teaches me well" she blurted and bit her tongue.

"Senior? who's that?" he asked in a casual tone.

"His name is Prakruth, my college topper also district topper in 10th. If I have any doubts, he'll help me. We sit in library for our study" explained Punya.

"Prakruth, is it the same guy who saved you a couple of times?"

"Yes, he's son of Dr. Murthy... Lifeline hospital. He's so knowledgeable appa, he explains better than our lecturers" she replied enthusiastically.

"Dr. Murthy is quite famous and his hospital is best one here. Today we had been there for health check up. International standards at affordable prices.... Glad that his son studies well and helps others too" her grandfather Eshwar said happily.

"Does he behave well with you? Isn't he the spoilt son out of riches?" Varun asked.

"He's actually short tempered but has never shouted at me, he maintains a low social life... very few friends, not showing off his riches, an introvert also but he's very friendly with me, I feel comfortable with him" Punya explained.

"Good, nice to hear that" Varun said and concentrated on his plate.

Narmada helped Rishi to finish his dinner and joined the family at the table. Punya thought for almost ten minutes and then spoke slowly "Appa, I have few questions which I can't ask anyone else, my classmates can't answer as they're of my age. In seniors, I know only him.. So.."

"Tell me darling, I will tell you what I know" said Varun with a smile.

She looked at grandparents and her mother, they were curious yet pleasant. She took a long breath and asked "What's Love?"

Narmada who was drinking water, started coughing hearing this. Gowri patted on her head saying, "it's just a doubt, relax" said the granny to her daughter in law.

Varun chuckled and started answering "Love is a feeling of great attraction towards a person. Love brings great responsibility along with that attraction. The responsibility to protect, care, love and live for them... See now I love you, your mother and grandparents...which means I have to take responsibility to look after you well and establish your life along with mine".

Punya nodded as she agreed, "Can anyone fall in love? At any age?" she asked.

Narmada scowled but looking at peaceful face of her husband, she kept quiet.

"Yes, anyone can, at any age can fall in love. Age is just a number. Usually young adults look for a life partner. Adolescents think attraction is love but it's not. When children of your age make such assumptions, they'll not concentrate on studies and later will face difficulties in establishing their future. Whatever attraction brought them together vanishes as they struggle to make the future. Hence young generation must better think before they act...." Varun explained with more examples to gauge his daughter's intentions.

Punya didn't talk for a couple of minutes, she simply finished her plate and got up. She went to kitchen, put her plate in the sink and came back. Four pairs of eyes were on her waiting for her reaction. "Thanks Appa, I will go sleep now. I have early morning badminton practice. Goodnight everyone" she wished as she went towards the steps.

"Punya one minute" Varun stopped her "If you feel a strong attraction towards anyone, think well. Don't go by looks or assets. Think about it, will you be able to withstand all his characters, his mood swings, his temperament, his good and bad nature etc., Also he must be mature enough to treat you like a princess, exactly the way we treat you with love and respect, in fact more than us because you're his irreplaceable life partner. More importantly you should never give up your dreams and ambitions for him. Studies shouldn't be neglected. You need your own career and life apart from him, never be a dependent. You were raised to be independent, keep that in your mind". He gave a good but long lecture.

"Don't worry Appa, I will tell you if I find such a guy. I asked this question just because I heard a lecture about Love today afternoon. Chill, I'll always be your lovely princess and grow into a independent queen, I promise that I will never go against you in this matter. Trust me" she assured and climbed up the stairs.

After a couple of minutes, "Varun how could you answer her so calmly? She's going out of her limits" Narmada asked angrily.

"Relax sweetie, imagine we get offended by her question and scold her, she'll never open up in front of us. We'll not be able to know what's troubling her or what's making her happy if she doesn't tell. We're her friends now, if she's comfortable here, she'll never go out to find another comfort zone" he explained.

"What he says is correct, Narmada. Teenage children are not kids or adults, it's age of confusions and conflicts, family should be their comfort zone. If they feel we doubt or scold them they'll start keeping secrets." added Eshwar, the grandfather.

"What if she finds a guy attractive?" Narmada asked in anxiety.

"It's difficult for her, do you think she'll be able to find a guy who has all the characters I enlisted. Such a guy is hard to find. Moreover she promised me that she'll tell me. So darling don't worry" Varun said in a convincing way.

"I don't know what all of this leads to, I'm scared" Narmada said.

"We must believe our kids, generations have changed, their lifestyle and ours are worlds apart. We should guide them and wait for them to learn. If we force them, they'll hop out. Punya is a mature girl, she thinks ahead of her age group, she'll not take wrong decisions" said Varun confidently.

"Varun, how do you know all this?" asked Gowri who was silent spectator till now.

"Amma, I too learnt from seeing other parents and kids around. Teenage is the age where kids are turning from small caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly. Physical, psychological and hormonal changes will be rapid. We must support them" he said.

"We all will take care of this passing phase carefully" said Eshwar.

"Do you think it's Thrishul? she invited him for dinner suddenly" Narmada questioned.

Varun thought for a moment and said "May be or may be not. She might have invited out of gratitude as he bought her the book. We've to wait for them to reveal. We shouldn't force them to do it. Never ever tell what our intentions are - to either of them."

"Yes" everyone at the table agreed and the night ended peacefully.

Author's thoughts:

Parenting is a skill. Being friendly with kids is very important. Don't scold them.

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