
Young Justice: The black super soldier

This is my first fan fiction so let's get into it this will be a self insert and my vision for my story on young justice with me only owning my MC with him having the super solider serum from marvel's Captain America with him having a high intellect of the young justice universe and in all aspects of him being the smartest man in the young justice universe with a small harem that I already have in mind so sit back and enjoy the fan fiction.

Tjsmith1202 · TV
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46 Chs


[June 13, Secret Haven]

(Tyler Rogers AKA Captain America POV)

After the whole Brother eye situation that went down I had returned to League duties doing the usual things and protecting the people of earth. Also with me taking down Brother eye I informed the team and the league about Darkseid and the plan he had for earth and same with Vandal Savage that me and Jade learned from Brother eye before his destruction which surprised everyone that they would agree to fight each other when the time was right.

So after I told them that Batman made plans for when that day comes when Darkseid and Vandal Savage would have their fated battle with the league also helping out when they can. The war world is still in space with the Justice League keeping tabs on the key chamber, power core, and command deck from the Reach and the Light. So this now brings us to Secret Haven where me and the team are around the tv looking at the news of Blue Beetle in Metropolis stopping Toyman were Bart speaks up saying to all of us.

Bart Allen:"Look don't you see Blue is not in control of himself he is being controlled by the Reach we need to get Blue back on our side or things will get even worse."

Dick Grayson:"Yes I know but how are we gonna get him he is constantly being watched by the Reach so what are we suppose to do."

For a while no one knew what to say after that but it was soon silenced when I spoke up and said to the occupants of the room saying.

Tyler Rogers:"Well why not we try this we take him at night."

Dick Grayson:"And do what after that."

Tyler Rogers:"Think Grayson who do you know who is great in magic and can get the Beetle under control huh."

After a few seconds Dick had a realization of what he needed to do and looked at me and then said.

Dick Grayson:"You know I really hate that you a little smarter than me."

Tyler Rogers:"Yeah yeah yeah just make the call and tell the team what needs to happen alright."

After that Dick made the calls he needed to make and then told the team the plan of how to get Blue Beetle back on our side and out of the Reach and Light's.


[EL Paso-nighttime]

(Captain America's POV)

It was late into the night and me, Bucky, Winter Soldier, Batgirl, and Impulse were lying in wait for Blue Beetle to return back home after a few more minutes pass and we see Blue Beetle flying over to his home that is when I speak up and say to the team.

Captain America:"Alright let's move now Batgirl."

And as soon as I said that Batgirl pulled out her grappling hook and shot it at Blue Beetle leg catching him and pulling him down with the help of the Winter Soldier and Bucky while I stayed and waited down for an attack if it happens while Impulse went for a running start to get to Blue Beetle when Blue would eventually break free and run that is when Blue Beetle speaks saying to us.

Blue Beetle:"You know this will not hold me."

Batgirl:"Yeah it's not suppose to."

And when Blue Beetle got to annoyed with this started his escape and that is when Impulse ran up the rope which broke halfway through but Impulse got to Blue Beetle and after a few seconds Blue Beetle's jet pack was disabled by Impulse which brought him to the ground which Batgirl popped a knockout gas to knock out Blue Beetle and that is when everyone thought it was over but I knew better and was ready for what happens next.

And not to long after that Blue Beetle fires off a staple like clip at Batgirl into a wall that had her knocked out and he went about firing it at both Winter Soldier and Bucky which they dodged for a while but ultimately got knocked out by the projectiles as well and he was about to fire it at me but Impulse got in the way and started to take Blue off his feet and for a while it was working until Blue calculated where Impulse would be and shot at where Impulse would be hitting him and taking him out of the fight.

So now it was just me and Blue Beetle but before we would fight Jarvis informed me that both Zatanna and Rocket were close so I just needed to buy some time for them to get here and take Blue Beetle into custody so I speak up and say to Blue.

Captain America:"You know taking over a kids body really screams 'I'm an alien pedofile' you know."

Blue Beetle:"Oh Captain America how you have become such a nuisance for the Light for so many years and now us the Reach we will do what Brother eye was so dumb not to do and that is kill you once and for all."

Captain America:"Uh huh yeah sure let's just get this fight started pedo."

After I said that Blue Beetle charged at me trying to catch me off guard but I was ready and hit him with my shield leaving him stunned and then throwing my shield hard at Blue sending him flying back into a wall. And once I send him into the wall he was angry and went for an energy blast which he fires off at me and I block it and continue to block when Blue Beetle says to me.

Blue Beetle:"You know Vandal spoke about you recently and you want to know what he said."

Captain America:"Oh and what did old Vandal say about little old me huh?"

Blue Beetle:"He says that even if you know about his plans with his partner you will never win you are just prolonging the inevitable!"

Captain America:"Oh he said that huh oh well that old bastard spouts out all types of bullshit so I don't really care and oh by the way you lost."

Blue Beetle:"Huh what do you--."

But before he said anything Blue Beetle was enveloped in a blue ball of energy that only one superherorine could do and that was Rocket and behind her was Zatanna both floating down to the ground near me with Zatanna speaking up saying to me.

Zatanna:"You still do the same things to your opponents even after all of these years huh."

Captain America:"Huh what do you mean?"

Zatanna:"You know what I mean you make them talk and then after that you school them with hand to hand combat until either back up arrives or you feel bored and end the fight."

Rocket:"Wait seriously that is why you do that!"

Captain America:"No! Not all the time."

Zatanna:"Uh huh I rest my case."

After our talk Zatanna frees the rest of the team while Rocket keeps Blue Beetle trapped in the energy bubble with occasionally Blue Beetle who is controlled by the Reach complains and complains about getting out and him being more superior then all of us which me and the team just toon him out and fly towards Biayla with the help of the Supercycle.


[Biayla-few hours later]

(Captain America's POV)

Once we reached Biayla more specifically the hanger where the girls of the team had their mission at and where the ruins that Batgirl had found on that mission mainly the Beetle ruins to fix Blue Beetle scarab. As we got to the ruins we touched down and that is at that moment Batgirl explained to the team about this place and that with Zatanna's help they could fix Blue Beetle's scarab. But at that moment that is when Green Beetle came into the picture and slammed in to non other then me and said.

Green Beetle:"You will not take Blue away from the Reach!"

After that with Green Beetle still pinning me down he fires at Rocket to get Blue Beetle free which he did I use my legs and grab Green Beetle and fling him off of me and got into a battle stance with the team for the fight we would have with Green and Blue Beetle.

At that both sides look at each other waiting for the other to make a move but that is when I speak and gave out the orders for our attack and said.

Captain America:"Okay here's the plan Zatanna I'm gonna need you to get the spell ready while Rocket protects you while me, Bucky, and Winter Soldier face Green Beetle while Impulse, Batgirl, and the Supercycle face Blue Beetle and get him to the center of the ritual area got it!"

All:"Got it!"

Captain America:"Then let's move in team!"

After I said that we head into action and same as the Beetle's once my team got to Green Beetle Bucky jumped at the Beetle first trying to chomp the beetle but ultimately the Green Beetle who was also a martian phased right through Bucky and strike's at Bucky which got me even more pissed off that Green Beetle hit Bucky and with that both me and the Winter Soldier ran up to take on the Green Beetle.

As both me and the Winter Soldier ran up on Green Beetle the Winter Soldier came in with shots he fired off on the Beetle but as always the Green Beetle phased through the bullets from the Winter Soldier and that is when I came in and trying to hit Green Beetle with my shield but still in his phased mode nothing could injure the Beetle and that is when he took his chance and started to get hits on me and the Winter Soldier but once we had got some breathing room the Winter Soldier and I needed to come up with a plan to take him down so Winter Soldier tells me.

Winter Soldier:"Uh hey Cap got any ideas to take the Green freak out I'm all out of ideas now.

Captain America:"What ideas were those again?"

Winter Soldier:"What do you mean? Rushing in and trying to brute force it what else?"

Captain America:"Haaaaah of course it is whatever. Okay here is the plan he's a martian right."

Winter Soldier:"Right?"

Captain America:"And what are martian's weaknesses?"

Winter Soldier:"Easy they are........ Ohhhhhhh."

Captain America:"Yep. Now just make a big flame and I'll take care of the rest and Bucky I'll need your help as well."


After that we enact our plan with Winter Soldier firing off a laser beam shot at the floor near Green Beetle that he inclosed in a circle trapping Green Beetle in the middle of the flames but before Green Beetle can escape both me and Bucky come and take down the Beetle and wait for Green Beetle to be weak enough so we can give the team taking on Blue Beetle enough time for the ritual to happen.

After we took down Green Beetle the team were struggling with Blue until Wondergirl came in and assisted the team and wrapped Blue Beetle with the lasso of truth restraining blue and taking him to the ritual site and at that Batgirl tell us to also get Green Beetle into the ritual site to get fixed as well which we did and once Zatanna was done with her chants there was a bright white light and once that light went back to normal everyone was standing in wait to see if the ritual worked on both Beetle's and after a few seconds both Beetle's were free from the Reach control.