
Young Justice: Superboy

A Man dies and wakes up to find himself born in a world he thought was just fiction. What will our MC do in this new world? Will he be a Hero? A Villian? Who knows.

Freeze_2540 · Action
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4 Chs

The Reveal

(Third-person POV)

Outside of Cadmus, we can see four teenagers standing next to each other. Two of them seem to be talking to each other about what happened just an hour ago. The adrenaline finally wears off and fatigue starts to show just how tired they are. The shock of what happened is still fresh in their minds, as the realization finally starts to set in what they just did.

"So, how long till the league arrives?" asked Robin, hoping they can finally leave this place. "Batmans so going to chew me out when he gets here." thought Robin, already feeling the lecture he was going to get.

"Soon," says Aqualad. "You should rest for a while until they get here." He tells him, seeing how tired his friend is.

"No, I'm fi-." Just as he says that he feels a pain in his abdomen. "No yeah ill take a break." how says with how hurt he was from the mission.

"They're here!" Shouts Kid Flash, as they all look up at the sky seeing Martian ManHunter, Zatara, Captain Marvel, and Red Tornado fly behind Superman. Then by Captain Atom, Hawkman, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan). The second Green Lantern (John Stewart) helps the Leaguers who can't fly; Black Canary, Aquaman, Batman, and Green Arrow.

Batman walks up behind Superman followed by Flash zooming behind them. As everybody looks at each other they notice the sidekick's roughed-up appearance. While Superman is looking at Superboy with scrutiny in his eyes as he sees the resemblance with each other. As Superboy lifts the ripped piece of his suit, it reveals the same S that looked exactly like his. Superman's eyes widen in shock and anger at the revelation.

"Is that what I think it is?" Questions Batman, already knowing the answer just waiting for them to confirm.

"Don't call him an it." Says Kid Flash in annoyance as he steps up.

"I'm Superman's clone!" Superboy raises his voice a bit to tell them what he is. As the hero's around look at each other in shock at the surprise at what he admitted.

Batman's eyes lock onto the teens. "Start talking."

(Ten minutes later)

The Green Lanterns have guards and scientists including Desmond trapped inside a sphere, while Hawkman, Hawkwoman, and Captain Atom fly alongside them to make sure nothing happens on their way.

We see Superman having a conversation with Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter. Nobody speaks for a while, then Manhunter places a hand on Superman's shoulder, causing Superman to look at Superboy. He see's the clone by himself looking deep in thought. Superboy sees Superman looking at him and the quickly looks away, Superman look down to think before finally turning around and walking towards him.

Superman sighs as he meets his cross-armed clone. "We'll, uh, we'll figure something out for you. The League will, I mean." he corrects himself quickly. "For now I better make sure they get the prisoners squared away." He tries to fly away only to feel a hand holding him back. "Wait." He turns to see the clone looking at him in the eye.

"Look I didn't ask to be made and you didn't want to have you're blood stolen, but I can see that you don't like this as much as I do so instead of trying to pretend I don't exist maybe we can find out who exactly did this and we can get rid of them for good." Superboy says with determination in his eyes.

Superman slightly nods as to show that he was willing to work with him albeit reluctantly as he was not comfortable with the idea of talking to his clone. He starts to fly to go and catch up to the Green Lanterns.

(First-Person POV)

"Well, that went better than I expected." I think in relief, I already know Superman comes around the end of the first season, but that's at the end of the year and I can't wait that long because I want to go to the fortress of solitude and see if there is something in there that can help me find a way to become a full-blooded Kryptonian. I decided to think about it later as I make my way to the others.

"Cadmus will be investigated," Batman says, the teens' attention was on him, Flash, and Aquaman as they walk towards them, "all 52 levels but let's make one thing clear﹘"

"You should've called earlier." Says Flash interrupting Batman, making Batman give him an annoyed glance.

"End results aside, we're not happy." The Dark Knight says in anger. "You hacked Justice League systems, disobeyed direct orders, and endangered lives. You will not be doing this again."

"I am sorry, but we will." Aqualad states strongly, which makes even Robin step up forward slightly.

"Stand down Aqualad." Aquaman orders his protégé.

"Apologies, my King," Aqualad disobeys his King, then his voice goes firm once more. "but no." This catches Aquaman off guard not expecting this from his protégé. "We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own, we forged something powerful, important."

"If this is about your treatment at the Hall, the three of you﹘" Flash tries to understand where they're coming from but Kid Flash cuts him off.

"The four of us, and it's not." Kid Flash corrects him.

"Batman, we're ready to do what you taught us, or why teach us at all?" he speaks getting their attention because of how quiet he was.

"Why should we let them tell us what to do?" I question, as I uncross my arms. "It's simple. Get on board or get out of the way." We turn back to look at them. Standing tall, proud, and defiant.

Batman's eyes narrow as he starts to have a plan.

(Mount Justice, Rhode Island; July 8th, 8:04 EDT)

I see Green Lantern and Captain Atom flying large pieces of equipment around the Mountain, setting up our new base of operations. We're standing in the Center finally dressed in civilian clothes with, Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Hawkman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Captain Marvel.

"This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League." Batman tells us this nice little fun fact. "We're calling it into service again. Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight you'll do it on League terms." I don't think so, I already know how crazy most DC universes are having to abide by their rules would be stupid. "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary is in charge of training. I will deploy you on missions."

Training would definitely be good as Black Canary is one of the best fighters in the world being trained by Wild Cat and Lady Shiva at least that's who I know there could be more.

"Real missions?" Says Robin making sure, now in his civilian clothes.

"Yes but, covert." Confirms Batman as he steps forward to make sure we get the point.

"The League will still handle the obvious stuff." Flash speaks up from behind Kid Flash's right shoulder. "There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest."

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman continues, then turns his head towards Batman to continue the flow of conversation.

"The five of you will be that team." Says Batman. "Cool! Wait." Robin does the very simple math and realizes the problem. "Five?" Looks like this is the part where Miss Martian joins the team.

Batman only looks over his protége's shoulder and all four teens turn to see Martian Manhunter stepping out of the shadows with a green-skinned, red-haired teenage girl. "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece. Miss Martian."

Kid Flash looks down at Robin as he puts one hand on his hip, Robin, in turn, looks up at Kid Flash. "Liking this gig more every minute." he steps up, blocking her view of Robin and I. This idiot. "Uh welcome aboard, I'm Kid Flash." He points to himself. "That's Robin," the smaller raven steps to the side and gives a Rock 'n' Roll sign, "Aqualad." the Atlantean gives a small nod but says nothing more. "It's cool if you forget their names."

"I'm honored to be included." Miss Martian says sincerely, clasping her hands in front of her to enunciate her point.

Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash and I all walk to talk to her. As we start to introduce ourselves properly unlike the garbage introduction gave us. We see Miss Martian uses her shape-shifting ability to change her shirt color from white with a red X to black with the same red X, even going so far as to remove her cape. She looks down before speaking.

"I like your t-shirt." she tells me, as I give her a small smile, which causes Robin to nudge his elbow into my chest with an annoying smirk on his face. While Kid Flash zips to his other side with a bright smile.

Robin looks toward Aqualad. "Today is the day." The Atlantean says proudly. We all know it's true.

(Third-Person POV)

Below an under-reconstruction Cadmus Guardian speaks to Dubbilex and the scientist from the endeavor. "Cadmus changes today. With Desmond out of the picture, the Board's placed me in charge" He turns to the scientist. "Dr. Spence, you're acting Chief Scientist. No more G-gnomes suppressing our wills, no more secret breeding projects. This is a kinder, gentler Cadmus."

"Then I will of course help in any way I can, brother." Dubbilex ensures Guardian. The entire conversation is being watched by the Light.

"Can the Light afford to leave Guardian in charge without the G-gnomes?" A voice, presumably male asks.

"We have subtler means of control." A second assures. "What concerns me is the children. We now know the League is employing young Heroes to do their dirty work. Tch, that's a dark twist."

"Yes, but one that can be played to our advantage. Even the temporary loss of the weapon may prove useful. Eventually, everyone sees the Light." A final voice says.


Hey, now I know I didn't update for a while but it was because I was busy. So, I will try to update faster now, and I hoped you enjoyed the chapter.

Also, tell me if you have a cool hero name for Superboy 'cause I don't want to call him Superboy. If I did then ill feel like he'll be under Superman's Shadow. And show me some suit ideas nothing anime though I feel it won't fit in. Try something from the comics maybe.

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