After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
When Iris promised something would happen, it would happen. She owed Harry a dinner and she paid up for it. The handsome gentlemen showed up in one of the nicest establishments in Central City. She looked at Harry and whistled at the sight of him.
"Very nice," Iris said.
Harry just smiled and got a very glimpse of Iris in a tight purple dress. It showed off her cleavage and legs very nicely. The redhead was a very gorgeous woman and sadly overlooked in the face of some of the more prominent League members. The moment Iris turned around, Harry glimpsed her nice ass.
"I can't believe you were able to get us reservations here," Harry said.
"Well, I have friends," Iris said. "Shall we?"
The two made their way in. After getting the order, Iris and Harry settled in for a nice long meal.
"You don't mind if I ask you a favor, do you?" Iris asked Harry.
Harry smiled across the table. Iris was not going to deny the butterflies in her stomach every time Harry locked eyes with her. The young man had such an allure that Iris did not know how to explain it. It just captivated her and any other woman.
"Of course," Harry said.
"Do you think that you could show up for Whitney's birthday?" Iris asked. "There aren't going to be many there…."
"Actually," Harry said. "The Team's given me the task of keeping Whitney distracted on her birthday so we can throw her a surprise party….you're the only one other than the Team who knows it by the way."
"Well, your secret's safe with me," Iris commented a moment later. "And I'm sure she'll be pleased. Sixteen, I can't believe it...time goes by so fast."
"It really does," Harry agreed.
Iris had been very serious about time going by. A long time passed since that day where she got the mantle of Flash and yet it seemed like a blink of an eye. Barry's sacrifice seemed like it was yesterday, although the months and years faded. Sometimes, Iris thought she just held onto the mantle of Flash, just in the hope that Barry would come back.
The more time passed, the more that Iris realized that Barry was not coming back. Therefore, she wanted to do everything to honor his sacrifice so it would not be in vain.
"Something on your mind?" Harry asked.
"Yes, my...thoughts about you," Iris said. "There comes a time where I have to move on, but I wonder if I'm overstepping something. I mean…"
Harry reached over and put his hand on Iris's. A lightning bolt emitted between their fingers.
"Would he have wanted you to be happy?" Harry asked.
Without any hesitation, Iris nodded.
"Yes," Iris said. "He would have wanted me to find someone. And if I went, the same thing. I just don't think he would have ever dreamed up someone like you….and someone that my niece is interested...and someone who is with the other members of the League as well. Then again, the entire world was different six months ago."
Harry just eyed Iris and nodded. Yes, the entire world was different all of those months ago.
"So, about you and Whitney?" Iris asked.
"She's going to the one that's going to have to make a move if anything's going to happen," Harry said.
"I know she wants it," Iris said. "And Whitney's gained a lot more confidence since she's been with the Team, but confidence out on the field and confidence elsewhere are two different things."
The couple ate their meal in silence. Iris just spent most of her time looking across the table at Harry, contemplating what she wanted to do and what she wanted to say.
"So, she's not going to return home for a couple of hours," Iris said. "I was wondering if I could get your help with something."
"Anything," Harry said.
"Good," Iris said.
Without any hesitation, Iris leaned across the table and laid a passionate kiss on Harry. It was time for her to move forward in her life and Harry could be the best person. They finished her meal, but Iris would be lying if her mind had not been on other things.
And she knew Harry's mind was going to be on other things as well, given she just kicked her shoes off under the table and casually played with him.
Time healed all wounds, although one needed the right motivation to heal said wounds.
Whitney West bounded down the steps with so much energy and excitement within her. It was not every day she turned sixteen and she wanted to make the most of today.
"Happy birthday, Whitney!" Iris called.
Iris smiled at her niece when coming down the steps. It turned out Iris was not the only one sitting at the table. An attractive Asian girl around Whitney's age, dressed in a button up blouse, and tight black leather pants also joined them. Linda Park, Whitney's best friend.
"So do you feel any older?" Linda asked.
"Oh, I feel...cake!"
Whitney noticed the cake off to the side and took it without asking. Linda shook her head, chuckling in amusement.
"And some people grow up, while others get older," Linda commented.
A knock on the door signalled Iris rising out of the chair and getting the door. Linda craned her neck to see the man at the door and she whistled at the sight of him.
"Harry!" Whitney called.
Thankfully, she managed to quit chewing the cake and not send crumbs flying everywhere.
"No, way, Harry Kent?" Linda asked.
"Hello everyone," Harry said. "And you must be Linda."
Linda moved over to shake Harry's hand and also get an excuse to give him a good looking over. She would have to say, pretty nice. No wonder Whitney had a crush on him. Hopefully, she would be kind to her best friend and actually share the merchandise when they have a chance to hook up.
"Well, you're as good as advertised," Linda responded.
"Whitney was talking me up, wasn't she?" Harry asked.
"Oh, yes, you know how she is," Linda said.
"Happy birthday, Whitney," Harry said.
Whitney took the present from Harry and tore into it with the glee. She smiled at the fancy black watch Harry gave her.
"Figures that since you're always late, you could use it," Harry said.
"Well, that's what you get the girl who has everything," Linda said. "Especially when she needs a watch."
"Thanks, Harry," Whitney said.
Harry moved over and swept Whitney into a hug. She smiled, as the warmth of their bodies connected together.
"It's more than a watch, it's a Starrwave Flare," Harry tells her. "It plays music, it measures your heart rate, it even seeks out the best restaurants within wherever you are. And it also tells you where you are, if you're off course."
"Wow, this is pretty sweet," Whitney said.
Iris flipped on the television and the news of the blizzard hitting Central City reached them. Linda frowned and made sure to pull up a chair so Harry could sit down and joint hem.
"You know, the really bad snow storms don't really happen until at least December or January," Linda said. "Pretty weird for November."
Iris appeared on the television screen just at the same time she appeared in the kitchen. Linda raised her eyebrow and Whitney grew panicked.
"Um, it's prerecorded," Whitney said.
"Relax, I know about the fact she's Flash, your Kid Flash, and your Uncle Barry...he was the old Flash, but not the real old Flash, don't know who that guy was," Linda said. "I mean, it's obvious. Along with your little club over in Rhode Island. All of your lame excuses when you rush off…."
"My excuses are not lame!" Whitney snapped.
"Sorry, honey, but they are," Linda said with a stroke of Whitney's cheek.
"And more personally, I would like to wish a happy sixteenth birthday to my niece, Whitney West," Iris said. "And now, the following schools are closed today….Central City High School…."
"Sweet, snow day!" Whitney yelled. "Very happy birthday to me."
"Because, that just means our summer vacation gets cut," Linda said.
"Hey, babe, I'd rather walk to school in the bright sunshine then struggle through this blizzard," Whitney said. "The snow's really coming down….I wonder if there's anything to this unseasonal madness."
The icy quartet which attacked on Fourth of July was still locked snugly in Iron Heights. So it could not be thee.
"Whitney, I just remembered, Mareena wants an urgent team meeting," Harry said. "And you should attend...once you finish swallowing."
"Now?" Whitney asked.
"It shouldn't be too long," Harry said. "You would be over and done a Flash."
Whitney just shook her head. Cute or not, the pun had still be very lame, no matter who said it. Whether it was Harry, Barry, or even Iris. And Iris only said it is a tribute, so Whitney supposed she could let it go then.
"Right, I guess I'll come," Whitney said. "Can't believe Mareena would want a full team meeting on my birthday."
"Yeah, well, let's go," Harry said.
Whitney had a bit of a pouty face. Harry was the only member of her team who seemed to remember her birthday. Even Helena, she did not bring it up.
"Happy birthday!"
The entire team crowded around the cave. Artemis, Sara, Mareena, Helena, Donna, Zatanna, and Megan all crowded around with presents on the table, as Harry and Whitney walked into the cave. The cave had been decorated, and Whitney opened her mouth and closed it a couple of times.
Helena smiled and put a hand on her friend's shoulder to shock her back into life.
"You didn't think that we would forget about your birthday, did you?" Helena asked.
"Well, you gave me that impression….and only gave me that impression, to give me a surprise party," Whitney said. "And you had Harry to keep me distracted."
"Yes, that was the general idea," Artemis said.
"And three birthday cakes!" Whitney cheered when she looked at them.
"And one of them is for the Team," Sara reminded her with a smile. "Mary was in the kitchen all day...shame she couldn't make it, but she had a League meeting."
"Oh, what's the League meeting for today?" Whitney asked.
She knew she should not be worried about the League meetings, especially on a day like this. The entire team sat down, and enjoyed cake and also some punch. Whitney eyed the pile of presents which had been on the table. She had been torn between tearing into them and eating her cake.
"Must be something to do with this unseasonal weather," Sara said. "Because, it doesn't get this bad in Gotham until December."
"Yeah, there must be something in the air," Mareena agreed. "I don't know what….but let's not worry about that right now….today's a very special day."
The entire team sung Happy Birthday to Whitney.
"And now we owe someone money," Artemis said.
They laughed around the table. Whitney looked to tear into her presents, when suddenly, the entrance to the cave lit up and several more guests arrived.
Power Girl, Superwoman, Wonder Woman, and Batman entered the cave. Helena gave Batman one of those long looks, wondering what he's doing here.
"We have a situation," Batman told them.
"Now?" Whitney asked.
"Crime doesn't wait for anyone, not even on people's birthday," Helena said in a surprising accurate imitation of Batman which caused Sara and Artemis to snicker.
Batman cast her the look before turning to address the team as a whole.
"What is it?" Mareena asked.
Whitney finished her slice of cake. Presents, apparently, would have to wait right now.
"Caitlin, Jesse, and I have been able to pinpoint the cause of the unseasonal weather, all over the nation," Karen said. "Four flying ice fortresses, manned by four different people. At each of the four corners of the nation."
"The League's going to need to spread out to take them all out,," Claire said. "But we're going to need to split into teams, and there's not enough League members to cover it."
"So, looks like you need our help?" Mareena asked.
"Yes," Wonder Woman said.
"The Team will join senior members of the League," Wonder Woman said. "We've already contacted Supergirl, and she's agreed to help deal with the situation, but that's not enough."
"It sounds pretty serious," Donna said. "Do you have any idea who's behind this?"
"We have our suspicions," Batman said. "Kid Flash, you won't be a part of this mission."
"I won't be?" Kid Flash asked. "Sweet, birthday exemption!"
"That's because you have another mission," Batman said. "With all of the air transports grounded and the roads too slick, an urgent deliver needs to be made. A heart transplant needs to be moved cross-country, to a girl in need. I will give you the coordinates and the doctor at the pickup sight will have more information."
"Are you serious?" Kid Flash asked.
"A life in need is always very serious,"' Batman said. "Flash is needed with dealing with the Ice Fortresses and our other speedster is too green and inexperienced to properly pull this off without risking damage to the package. I know you can do it."
"Right, I can do this," Whitney said.
"Whitney, I need to talk to you," Harry said. "Alone."
Whitney moved over to join Harry across from the room, as Batman gave the team their assignments.
"The girl's a friend of mine," Harry said. "I need you to stay on task and do this for's important."
The way Harry said this indicated how important this was.
"Oh, yeah, I won't let you down," Whitney said.
"And there's one other thing you need to know if you're going to do this...something that even Batman doesn't know."
And now Whitney had been intrigued.
Roadblocks had been set up, not that it was necessary in the snow which enveloped most of the nation. The Fastest Teenage Girl alive blitzed to the hospital to meet with the doctors, along with two government agents who had been waiting outside.
From the rooftop, a woman dressed in heavy winter clothes observed her arrival and observed picking up the package. She pressed a button on the inside of her hood and activated the communication system.
"She's picked up the package," the woman said. "But, it's Kid Flash, not Flash."
"That changes nothing about the plan, it only makes it that much easier to stall," the voice on the other end of the phone.
"Six hours until the heart's no good," she said.
"I know what I'm going to do," the man over the other end of the communication said. "You may go Scandal."
Scandal Savage just frowned at being dismissed like a common minion. However, she knew by now that survival meant conceding the small battles, to set up for the bigger victories.
"Right," she said. "I've done my job. Let's hope you are able to do yours."
Any response Scandal expected did not occur. Only static followed and left her alone to observe Kid Flash's arrival.
Supergirl, Superwoman, Power Girl, and Superman hovered around the largest of the vessels, which mandated the heaviest hitting team. Wonder Woman and Wondergirl already had went around for the other end.
"We're going to need to stall them while Diana and Donna find their way around," Superwoman said. "They should be able to shut down this ice fortress."
"I've been running some tests," Power Girl said. "And when one of them falls, the rest of them fall. The computer network is on a hive mind."
"Right, just we got to get to the main computer and shut it down," Supergirl said. "It shouldn't be too much of a problem."
Ice blocks rained down from the heavens. One of them smashed onto some poor unfortunate souls parked car.
"Kara, you're with me, civilian duty!" Harry called towards her.
Superman and Supergirl flew off to deal with the flying ice boxes. Superwoman and Power Girl punched their way through the flying ice cubes. They got even larger.
"Do you have sight on the navigator yet?" Superwoman asked.
"Negative," Power Girl said. "Are we sure that the Frosty Quartet are in Belle Reve still?"
"Batman checked and double checked, and they'll still where they need to be," Superwoman said.
Power Girl hoped for their sake that Batman did not hit a blindspot. She noticed one of the larger power cells on the front of the fortress. He had been well protected, almost to the point where it drew things out like a blinking beacon. Power Girl inhaled and kicked high into the air, hoping that this would be the spot.
"Donna and I are waiting for your distraction," Diana called through the comm link.
"One distraction, coming up."
Heat vision cut through the snow and connected to the power cell. More power diverted to shield the cell, which that was what they wanted. The weather kicked up, almost as if the occupant doubled down to protect the fortress.
"All eyes are on us,' Superwoman said. "You're good to go."
"And I'm making good time, and still running good on snacks," Kid Flash said. "I'll be able to get to the hospital with plenty of time…"
Kid Flash stopped short when she noticed several of the police officers who were supposed to be leaving her a clear path laid down on the ground. She noticed one of the guards dangling in the air, being held out by the one and only Vandal Savage. Savage pounded away on the officer, with blood splattering from his nose.
Suddenly, Kid Flash diverted her path and pulled the police officer away from Savage's grip.
"Okay, Vandy, I really don't know what your problem is, but I'm shutting you down."
"Kid Flash," Vandal Savage said in a smooth voice. "I'm disappointed it's you. I hoped that I would be able to kill another more experienced Flash today."
Kid Flash zipped in in to lightning strike Vandal Savage out of the wave. Savage calculated Kid Flash's move and she landed on the ground. And Savage knocked her down with a huge beefy arm. He pulled up Kid Flash and hurled her across the way. The package in Kid Flash's arm slid underneath a parked police van.
"I've anticipated anything that you can pull do," Vandal Savage said. "I've studied the Flash, all of them. Better than you, and you're a pale imitation of the original."
"Oh, I'll show you pale imitation!" Kid Flash yelled. "Maybe you're big dumb caveman brain can't process the fact that you're not quick enough."
Three punches and Savage averted them, and knocked Kid Flash down onto the ground once again. He held her down, and pressed a knife against her side.
"It's not about being quicker, it's about being smarter," Savage told her. "It's about survival of the fittest and it's about having certain qualities that you ultimately...lack."
Kid Flash squirmed under foot of Vandal Savage. She would thrive in this environment.
The beeping of Kid Flash's watch signaled that the lead she built up burned away dealing with this idiot.
Savage almost stabbed her. Kid Flash slowed down his movements into Flash time and then ran around the side of the car. She lifted up several clumps of snow and hoisted them up into the air.
"Bet, you don't have this one scouted!"
A super fast stream of snowballs pelted Vandal Savage and buried him underneath a pile of the white stuff.
"Have fun digging yourself out of that one!"
Kid Flash reclaimed her package and zipped off into the surface.
Savage punched his way out of the thick, packed snow. He brushed the remaining snow off of his shoulder in the most casual and dismissive manner possible.
"Is it ready?" Savage asked.
Whitney rushed into the hospital, where a doctor and two guards stood in wait.
"And I'm here, with fifteen minutes to spare," Whitney said.
"It's too late."
"Too late?" Whitney asked.
The doctor put a gentle hand on her shoulder, and gave her a very sympathetic smile in the process. Whitney shivered at the man's touch.
"I'm sorry," the doctor said. "The Princess passed on the table about five minutes ago...if you had been a little earlier, we could have saved her."
If Vandal Savage had not gotten in her way, and ate up nearly ten minutes of her travel time, Whitney would have got there. She clutched the side of the box with the heart and sigh.
"I'll take that," the doctor said. "Someone else can have use of it...even if it can't save the Princess."
"I guess she was too slow," one of them remarked.
That one hurt Whitney, but it was true. On this day, she was too slow. She allowed the two guards and this doctor to take the heart.
After being left, standing out in the middle of the snow storm like a jerk, Kid Flash just waited for the other shoe to drop. Seconds passed, with two more doctors and a nurse rushing out of the area.
"Kid Flash, you're here."
"I know, I'm late, the Princess is…."
"In desperate need of her transplant," the doctor commented. "You have it. You realize how important it is, isn't it?"
"Yes...yes, but someone told me…." Whitney said. "Oh,, no no one would be….I'll get it back, I swear."
In a blur, Whitney rushed off after the heart. The beeping signal on her new watch told Whitney where she needed to go.
The guards and that fake doctor appeared in the hallway. Whitney swerved in front of them and the two guards stopped short. The doctor turned around, after placing the package in the back of a van.
"Hold it right there," Whitney said. "They told me, the Princess is still alive."
The doctor reached into his coat. Whitney blocked him and took him to the ground. The guards fired bullets from their gun, which Whitney evaded in a blink of an eye. The bullets slammed into the side of the wall and Whitney came back around, swiping the legs of the guards out from underneath her.
"Well, now the Kid Flash gets the entire picture."
An imposing and smug man with white hair appeared in front of her. Kid Flash recognized him, both from her battle with the Injustice League and elsewhere.
"Vertigo," she said.
"That's Count Vertigo, you peasant," he said. "And you won't stop me from achieving my destiny."
Kid Flash could not run and could not even stand up straight. Count Vertigo's powers pushed Kid Flash down to her knees and her ears started to ring. A splitting headache caused Whitney to almost collapse down in a fit of agony.
"If your niece will have the throne," Whitney managed.
"Yes, upon her tragic passing, I will be king and the Justice League cannot touch me," Vertigo said. "Not without inciting an international incident."
"You are lower than low!" Kid Flash yelled. "And you won't get away with this!"
Kid Flash blinded Count Vertigo with dust and sent him crashing to the wall. She still felt woozy and one of the guards clubbing her across the back of the head did not help them.
"It's the real guards!" the fake doctor called.
"Be gone!" Count Vertigo snapped.
His men obeyed, leaving Whitney to snatch the package away from their grip and sliding it into what she hoped was the real doctors and nurses.
Finally, Whitney blacked out due to lack of energy and prolonged exposure to Vertigo's powers on full blast.
Whitney woke up, with a buzzing going off in her ear. The television news was on and the first thing thing Whitney registered was the face of a grim looking Cat Grant on the television screen.
"We are saddened to report that young Princess Perdita of Vlatava has passed away, just two weeks shy of her fourteenth birthday. A life saving heart surgery did not take, and she passed away from complications on the table. We are sorry to hear about her loss, and the loss of many people, as the entire world is mourning at the loss of this bright youn leader."
"Very unfortunate."
Count Vertigo appeared of Whitney's hospital room. Despite being wrapped in bandages and looking like a mummy, Whitney responded with a scowl.
"Count Vertigo," she said.
"That's King Vertigo now, peasant!" he howled. "And now with me on the throne, the Justice League and their babies can't touch me."
"You caused your niece to die!" Whitney shouted. "What kind of monster are you? You are a murderer."
"I committed Regicide," Count Vertigo smugly said. "The little brat should have died a dozen times over. The inept assassin did not kill her the first time, merely weakened her heart with the poison. Komodo was a bust...but I did what I had to do, because my sister did not do what she needed to do and the king...he was a spineless fool. That's why they both had to die."
"You can' killed your own sister too?" Whitney asked.
"I did what I had to do for the greater good of my country," Vertigo said. "And it's not like anyone will believe a peasant like you...for I have friends in high places. And I have seen the light."
"So, you convinced Savage to work with you for your sick little scheme to keep me distracted," Whitney said.
"It worked," Vertigo said. "Because, there's nothing can touch me."
If Whitney had not been restrained to the table, she would have strangled this bastard on sheer principle. She just responded with a glare.
"Well, it would be unwise to be late for my own coronation and…."
"You better put that coronation on hold."
Vertigo turned around and came eye to eye with Superman.
"Be gone, peasant!" Vertigo said. "You can't touch me."
"I can't, but she can."
The two nurses moved down the hallway, escorted by a very much alive and very angry Princess Perdita.
"So, this is what you think is for the good of our country, Uncle?" Perdita asked.
"You're alive...but!" Vertigo yelled.
"Does it really matter?" Harry asked him. "Because, you just admitted to killing the previous King and Queen...and trying to kill your own niece several times over."
"That is treason, my dear Uncle," Perdita added. "And the crime for treason in our country is you have said several times over."
Vertigo made a motion to silence his niece forever. One of the nurses blocked Vertigo and sent him flying head long into the wall.
The two nurses morphed to reveal Miss Martian and Genesis. Vertigo tried to pull himself up, but Harry blocked his hand and slapped power dampening cuffs, compliments on Star Labs.
"It's impossible!" Vertigo yelled. "We heard her surgery was today. She cannot be up, she cannot be well, this must be some kind of trick!"
A smile crossed over the face the Kryptonian hybrid and there was nothing that Vertigo could do other than howl and rage.
"The only king you are is the king of fools," Superman said. "And the guards will see you out...peasant."
Vertigo spat angrily.
"Yes, because before I have you killed, I will strip you of all of your titles in disgrace," Perdita said. "And you will tell me who you are working for."
"Never, never, I will get out, I will escape!" Vertigo yelled. "I will be king!"
The ARGUS guards dragged off a screaming Vertigo. This time, he would be locked up onto the hearing, and then Perdita would decide his fate.
Given the laws against treason against the royal family ended up in execution, Harry figured barring a last minute intervention, this was the last they would see of Count Vertigo for a very long time.
After the fact, Harry, Whitney, Genesis, and Megan met with each other.
"Okay, so she had her surgery a week ago?" Whitney asked.
"Yes," Harry said. "When I was in Gotham City."
"So, who all knew about this?" Whitney asked.
Harry smiled and decided about it.
"Well, I did. Kate Kane did as well, because she handled Perdita's guard, but I convinced her not to tell anyone."
"Wait, isn't Kate Kane a…."
"It's me, remember," Harry said.
Whitney shut up and conceded, yes, it was Harry.
"Felicity knew and purposely had the information leaked that the surgery was today," Harry said. "Genesis knew because she helped perform the surgery, and Megan knows before she practically lives in my head."
Megan breaks out into a smile.
"And I had to tell you because you played the most important role," Harry said.
"And what if Batman decided to have someone else carry out the delivery?" Whitney asked.
"Well, I would have had to let them in on the plan," Harry said. "And if it wasn't for the ice fortress attack….Megan and Genesis would have had to play the delivery drivers."
Whitney nodded, that made a lot of sense. She had a couple of other questions, as she had been so tied up on her mission, that she forgot the entire mission with the League and the Team dealing with the ice fortress.
"So what happened there?" Whitney asked.
"Genesis, you want to field this one?" Harry asked.
"Gladly," Genesis said. "By the time they shut down the Ice Fortresses, whoever had manned they escaped through a secret hatch. And all four of the ice prisoners are in Belle Reve...and as far as the security footage shows, none of them left their cells all evening."
"But, who else could have done it?" Whitney asked.
"Good question," Harry said. "But, I think that after tonight, the League is keeping a closer eye on Belle Reve and Strange….you know he was fired from Arkham."
"Really?" Whitney asked. "The plot thickens."
Whitney paused a few seconds later and wondered about the implications. Strange covered his tracks and Whitney had been very curious how Harry brought that back up.
"So, Felicity was involved?" Whitney asked. "And she didn't let anything slip."
"No, I convinced her how important it was and she agreed," Harry said.
"You didn't happen to anything to convince her, did you?" Whitney asked.
Harry's lack of answer meant one of two things. Either nothing happened and Harry just mind fucked Whitney. Or something happened and he was purposely making her wonder.
"You did a good job as well," Harry said. "I couldn't have made Vertigo slip up and confess with you."
"And my watch recorded it all," Whitney said. "Wait, you knew Batman was going to have me make the delivery, so you gave me that watch on purpose?"
Harry just smiled and clapped Whitney on the shoulder.
"Actually, I thought you might like it," Harry said.
"Oh, I do, best birthday present ever," Whitney said.
"And I owe you ice cream."
Whitney's watch beeped once again. It appeared to sync to her meta-human alert, which was strange given Whitney did not ask.
"Rogue attack, got to go," Whitney said. "On my birthday...they have no rain check."
"Yes," Harry said.
Whitney daringly kissed Harry on the cheek and sped off into other direction. Today had been a very good day.
Felicity sat on the couch in the cave and chewed on her lip nervously, waiting to talk to the mission with Harry. She crossed her legs and waited for the man to come around.
"So, I did a good job?" she asked.
Harry just smiled when he stepped into the cave.
"Perfect," Harry said. "And today's success, deserves a reward."
"Well, I could use a real man to make me feel good," Felicity said. "And I see one right in front of me."
Felicity leaned forward and kissed Harry aggressively on the lips. Harry slowed her down and took her in hand, kissing her and touching her body. She breathed ever so deeply as Harry moved behind her and kissed her onto the back.
"This is so wrong," Felicity moaned.
"And yet it was your idea," Harry said. "Good thing you found a loop hole in my no League members or team members that I haven't slept with."
"Your fault for keeping that hole open," Felicity said.
And suddenly, Felicity shifted into Megan, with a shifty grin to response. She kept Felicity's thick ass, along now in Martian form. Harry thought it suited Megan.
"Genesis, I hope you get a good look at this."
And back into Felicity Megan turned, complete with wedding ring. With Genesis recording away in the corner for training and security purposes.
"We're going to get in so much trouble," Megan moaned, while Harry ran his hands over Felicity's form. "Is this because Green Arrow big leagued you?"
"Megan, why would you think I'm so petty?" Harry asked.