
Young Justice: Rebirth

After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09

SeleneXLilith · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 49

After the tour and the feast concluded, Donna lead Harry off on his own for some private time. It had been a while since the young Amazon Princess had gotten any time with her lover, so she intended to make the most of it. Donna's smile widened when pushing Harry into her own bed chambers.

"So, how was everything?"

"Much like the women who come from it, this island is beautiful," Harry said. "But, you didn't bring me up here to ask my opinion on what I thought of the island, did you?"

Donna responded by shaking her head and leaned in to kiss Harry on the lips. Harry wrapped his arms around Donna, pulling her in and deepening the kiss. The loud sounds of the two merging together with their makeout session echoed.

The fast hands of the Amazon worked behind Harry, squeezing him from behind. Harry ground up against Donna, making her eyes close shut, and pleasure spread through her body.

The next play involved Donna unbuttoning Harry's shirt and revealing more and more of his muscular chest. No matter how many times Donna exposed Harry's body to the world, it was still pretty amazing. Harry squeezed Donna and kissed her several times until she pulled away.

"I want you so bad, stud," Donna breathed in Harry's ear.

Donna stroked Harry's chest with a soft smile on her face. Those powerful hands skimmed down Harry's body, first stroking and then kissing his chest. Then Donna leaned in and kissed away at Harry's abs, the hunger dancing all over every inch of her body. She moved down and saw that one particular barrier had been left for Donna to eliminate.

The Amazon relieved Harry of his pants. Off went Harry's undershorts as well, and out came his beautiful, thick, juicy cock, which Donna could stroke all day long. She hummed hungrily, lightly pumping his manhood into her hand. She turned her hand down onto it, stroking it until it swelled harder and harder. Donna leaned in and planted a kiss down onto it.

Without any hesitation, The Amazon sunk down onto her knees and kissed Harry several times. Donna licked Harry all over, his throbbing tool stretching in an attempt to meet the back of Donna's throat. Donna hummed, lightly licking away at Harry the closer he slid in. Donna pulled out from him and attacked him with several soft, passionate kisses.

Then, without any further hesitation, Donna took the plunge.

The warm and hot oral hole of the Amazon brought Harry up into her mouth. She sank down onto the carpet, bent at the knees and worshipping her god. Harry put his hands on the back of Donna's head, rising back and sinking into her mouth. She hummed even louder when working Harry over. Harry grabbed her tight and worked faster, faster, into Donna's luscious mouth.

"Go ahead, that's good, that feels really good," Harry groaned.

Harry's fingers stroked the back of Donna's luscious hair. The loud popping sounds her mouth made put Harry into a daze. He kept up, thrusting away until Donna took him as deep into her throat as possible. Those brilliant, dazzling eyes locked onto Harry and encouraged him to keep going. So, Harry did keep going.

The minute, Donna thought Harry's manhood was nice and worshipped, she pulled away. And rose up, stripping off her toga and revealed a whole lot of her delicious and firm body to Harry. She rubbed Harry's crotch a little bit more and sent a spike of heat emitting through it.

The minute Donna finished, she had an impish grin on her face. Stroking Harry hard, Donna rose down and kissed Harry several times along his throbbing length.

"Lay back," Donna encouraged Harry.

Donna released Harry and climbed up on top of him, worshipping his body. Kisses and then rubbing her firm breasts against Harry's chest. Donna rubbed his shoulders, chest, abs, and then moved down to slide her breasts against his cock.

Harry rose up and pushed Donna into position. The Amazon's sultry gaze came out to play.

Harry slid Donna down to the end of the bed. Her legs spread as Harry teased her. Donna could barely hold on. Harry leaned down and then introduced his tongue to the equation.

Cries of pleasure flooded the island. Harry's magically vibrating tongue locked onto Donna's pleasure centers, curling her toes, and rocking the Amazon's mind. She leaned in, breathing hard and trying to encourage Harry to do even more.

Harry pulled away and licked the tasty honey off of his lips. A long stroke down Donna's tender thigh made her just blink and breath in.

"Hands and knees please."

In a very obedient way, Donna flipped over to her hands and knees ,presenting herself for Harry. Harry pressed his hands down onto Donna's ass and slid up her back. Then Harry, rubbed all over Donna's body, until he reached the point of his desire, and the exact point which she wanted him to touch.

Harry rubbed Donna's warm lips from behind. Donna closed her eyes, letting out a pleasurable breath. Three fingers dipped into Donna, and they made her good.

"How much do you want this?" Harry asked.

"Oh badly," Donna pleaded. "Please, give me your cock."

A long tease followed with Harry stroking himself against Donna's warm opening. Donna squirmed and struggled, the faster Harry almost pushed into her. He held himself at Donna's entrance, close to taking the plunge.


Another long pause, and Harry just smirked.

After making Donna beg for it, Harry slammed into her from behind. The welcoming tightness of her warm pussy made Harry groan. He felt up Donna's body, encouraging her screams. And Donna encouraged Harry with her screams as well. So really, this little encounter came out to a symbiotic relationship, with both sides indulging in the other.

Harry planted his thickness deep into Donna's warm, tightening body. Oh, the feeling of her snug walls wrapping and closing around him, it felt like too much. He rose up and slammed down into Donna, going as deep into her as humanly possible.

"Slow and steady does it. Feel the moment, Princess. Feel your orgasm just rise up...it feels good, doesn't it?"

Donna nods vigorously, oh yes, it feels good. Harry rocked her body, and sent Donna on a never ending trip of passion. Harry precisely knew where to hit her buttons.

Harry rocked Donna with numerous thrusts. He could feel Donna sizing up and her orgasm coming. Harry sped up a little bit, thrusting away at Donna. He slowed down and then sped up one again.

The warm seal of Donna's hot hole clamped down onto Harry. The flow of her juices signified a very powerful release. Donna saturated Harry's pole with an immense amount of juices, and Harry slid deeper into her.

Harry slowed down a little bit and allowed Donna to cry out in lust. Her body screamed for more vigorous stimulation, and Harry intended to give it to her.

He rolled Donna over onto her back. Donna bit down on her lip, and wondered what fresh pleasures Harry had to give her now. Harry stroked her thighs, and then moved down to push a wet finger into Donna's anus. Donna closed her eyes.

Excitement struck Donna hard, from the desire of Harry taking her and fucking her directly in the ass. Oh, that would make all of Donna's dreams come true.

"You want me in your ass, don't you?"


Not that it was any question, but Harry needed to ask it. And Donna was only too happy to confirm what Harry suspected.

From one hole to the other, Harry pushed into Donna's snug back passage. Donna lit up in so much pleasure, it was almost very insane. Donna screamed out in loud, the faster Harry brought his probing fingers down into her tightening, hot hole. Donna could scream, scream extremely loud.

And then, Harry replaced his fingers with something more.

Donna let out passionate cries with Harry planting deep into Donna's back passage. Harry stared Donna straight in the eye when he entered her, anally plowing her. The look of Harry's green eyes locking into her blue eyes.

Oh, Donna could barely hold on for the ride. After a few plunges, Harry sat Donna up and arranged it so she sat on his lap. More direct eye contact, from Harry squeezing Donna's tight butt, lining her up, and shoving her onto his manhood. Donna launched her head back and screamed like she never screamed before from Harry's penetration.

Every inch stretched Donna's ass.

"I could be in here for a while and not get tired of it," Harry said.

"I….oooh, please, fuck that ass," Donna said.

Nails raked across Harry's shoulder, and wanton, slutty eyes widened to give Harry the encouragement he needed. The constant bouncing up and down on his tool, it made Harry extremely hot.

Harry bounced Donna up and down, impaling her tight rear passage onto his throbbing manhood. Oh, damn, every time Donna grew tighter around her, a flare of lust emitted from Harry's loins. He could do nothing more than keep sinking into Donna from behind.

"That's just the beginning," Harry said.

Kisses reigned down on the side of Donna's neck. She closed in, trying to enjoy the moment. Harry gave her many moments to enjoy.

A light squeeze and Donna's entire body had been rocked in pleasure. Harry stimulated her from head to toe, and Donna's body splashed with sweat. Harry pumped her breasts while driving into Donna's ass. Oh, yes, it felt really good to be deep inside of Donna from behind, cramming into her.

Harry teased Donna's body with more cries coming from her. Donna held on, enjoying the ride. She never wanted it to stop and Harry gave her more than enough to feel good about. Harry plowed Donna and made her body just explode in excitement. Harry rose up and drove down into her, to stretch out Donna's anus on his big cock.

Donna came several times, never once backing down. And neither did Harry, squeezing Donna's tight ass untils he shook all over.

"That was wonderful," Donna managed, breathing out in pleasure.

After plundering Donna's pussy and ass, Harry switched plays. Harry pushed Donna down where her face was level with his cock. Harry ground his throbbing meat stick against Donna's lips, and grabbed her by the back of the head, and plunged Donna down. ]

The beautiful face fucking of the Amazon drove Donna completely nuts. Harry smiled at her, encouraging Donna taking Harry into her throat, constantly sucking him deep into her. The loud sound of lips upon pelvis echoes through the room.

Donna could not get enough of Harry and being in her mouth. The cupping of his throbbing balls only set to encourage Donna about more.

The minute Donna finished sucking Harry's throbbing pole nice and hard, she tried something daring.

Donna rose up and threw Harry into the wall. The surprising rush of dominance from the submissive Amazon made Harry surprised. He was very curious to see what play Donna had in mind. Donna approached Harry, wrapping her legs around him, when closing onto him. Donna pushed her wet pussy down onto Harry, groaning when she dropped down onto him.

"Mmm, that's good right here!" Donna yelled.

The Amazon bounced onto Harry's manhood while driving him into the wall. Donna locked her legs into place, rocking herself up and down. Harry rose up and took control of Donna's body. He matched her strokes just as Donna furiously pounded herself onto Harry and against the wall.

The entire island shook from their bodies meeting together. Harry pulled Donna in tight. Despite her body being in the top position, Harry still controlled every output of pleasure. He kissed Donna's face, neck, and chest, and made Donna just breath in pleasure.

"You're getting close," Harry said. "Almost there."

"Yes," Donna mewled. "Oh yes!"

Donna reached her peak. Harry sank repeatedly into her, allowing her tightening walls to close down and release Harry. Harry's fluid motions rocked himself further into Donna, making her pussy leak all over him from the thrusting.

The tight clamping down onto Harry's manhood made him rise up and smash Donna with deep and tight thrusts. Donna closed her eyes, and could feel Harry about ready to burst with her. She was getting close as well. Donna panted heavily, feeling this moment. She stroked Harry up and down.

First, Donna clamped down onto Harry, the rush of her body getting more intense.

"Let it all out," Harry said.

Donna did let it all out, cumming all over Harry's manhood. She spilled her juices all over Harry. Then, Harry sank into her, repeatedly drilling Donna. The tightening of his loins followed.

Harry switched positions, driving himself into Donna, with her body pressed against the wall. Her nice ripe tits came out for Harry to grope, and they were most certainly open for the groping and touching. Harry flared up at the mere thought of Donna's body and busted his load inside of her sweet, sweet pussy.

The shared orgasm rocked both lovers. Donna milked Harry down the last drop until Harry pulled her away.

The two crossed the room, making out and fondling each other's lovely bodies. Donna pulled away and sauntered over towards the bed, hips swaying, until Harry slapped her reddened ass. Donna flashed him a smile.

"So, I hope you're not done."

Donna dropped back onto the bed, legs spread with a smile. Her pussy exposed and dripping. Harry walked over and put a hand on her thigh and smiled while kissing down the side of Donna's leg. Teasing her and getting her riled up in a very intense way.

"Does this look done?"

The gaze of the Amazon's eyes on Harry's package made her shake her head. No, Harry did not look done. Harry slid between Donna's legs and made the heat rise from her body. Harry pressed over her, touching her, and making Donna cry.

"And no, I'm not."

Harry took the plunge for another round with Donna. The inviting squeezes of her tight walls were enough to welcome Harry into her all through the night, and into the next morning.

After a few delightful rounds, Harry rocked Donna to sleep with a hard fucking she would never forget. Harry fell asleep himself, only to wake up to feel a wonderful sensation around his loins. Harry looked up and saw a beautiful sight. Red hair, green eyes, bouncing breasts, and a beautiful, muscular body, with long legs and a tight ass, rocking up and down on him.

Caitlin Fairchild swung by the island, and came to indulge in Harry. She rocked up and down, working Harry over. Her tight pussy closed down onto Harry. Harry barely was conscious at the start, but the more Caitlin worked Harry over, the more he was awake.

The delightful sensation of Caitlin riding him woke Harry up. Harry enjoyed looking at her body, every lovely movement of it. His loins flared when rocking back and forth, driving into Caitlin's deliciously tight hole, which squeezed and released him, with as many tight clamps as humanly possible.

"Good morning, sis," Harry said.

"Morning, Harry," Caitlin said. "Diana told me where you were….I figured that I would join you."

The redhead's bouncing breasts waved up and down for Harry to grab onto. He tightened the grip on Caitlin's perfect breasts, grabbing and releasing them.

The sensations of Harry gripping onto her tightly rocked Caitlin. He really knew all of the right places to touch her. Then again, Harry really should, because Caitlin taught him. Harry leaned in and pressed his hands onto Caitlin's chest, rose up, mouth lowering onto Caitlin's delicious looking bosom to suck on her bouncing tits.

Harry leaned in to suck Caitlin's breasts to cause her to cry out in pleasure. The right breast received loud sucks while Harry milked and squeezed Caitlin's left nipple, making her tighten around his pole and release him. Caitlin rocked herself up and down on Harry's body.

The alternating of these motions sent Caitlin on a ride joyride. No matter what Harry did, he did a perfect job in stimulating Caitlin's breasts. And she loved it, loved it a whole lot. Caitlin clamped down onto Harry, enjoying what he had to give her.

The tight muscles worked Harry over, edging him closer to that glorious eruption. Those big balls came closer to closing in on Caitlin, to launch into her body. She could feel them, when Harry rose up and down, rocking inside of her body. Harry pressed down onto Caitlin's chest, making her cry out in pleasure.

"Oh, you like that, sis?" Harry asked.

"Love it," Caitlin panted when riding him with faster and tighter strokes than before.

"You haven't felt anything like this, have you?"

Harry palmed Caitlin's juicy backside and made her cry out in pleasure. The faster Harry drove into her body, the more Caitlin tightened around him. She had been riding Harry for so long, that he felt like an orgasm was coming to a fever pitch.

But, Harry needed for Caitlin to cum first. He rocked back and forth to thrust deep into Caitlin. The tightening of the lustful redhead's walls made Harry groan when driving into Caitlin. She clamped down and released Harry with more slickening juices coming down Harry's pole.

Harry followed next, the tension in his balls bursting when busting a nut inside of Caitlin's wet, tightening hole. She grabbed onto Harry and allowed him to just let it go.

The combined orgasm rocked them. Caitlin sank down onto Harry, absorbing pretty much every last drop of seed into her waiting womb.

The two finished with each other, with Caitlin cupping her hands onto Harry's chest. The two made out with each other for a brief time until Caitlin pulled away from Harry's recovering cock.

The sleeping Amazon, who appeared to be having wet dreams by the looks of her, tantalized and tempted Caitlin. She crawled over, putting a hand on Donna's warm pussy and jolting her back to life. Caitlin leaned in and went down on Donna, jolting her back to life by eating Donna out.

Caitlin stirred Harry back into a full erection by licking the juices from a semi-conscious Donna. The barely conscious moans from the Amazon added to the appeal. Harry climbed behind Caitlin and stroked her body which encouraged Caitlin to continue the work with her magic tongue on Donna's sweet, sweet, pussy. She closed in and pushed into Caitlin's mouth.

Donna woke up to gaze into those green eyes, burning with so much lust. It had not been uncommon to have a woman wake up her up in this way. A first for Fairchild to do it, and then she noticed Harry stroking Caitlin all over from behind.

"Take her!" Donna screamed with Caitlin's tongue burying even further into the horny Amazon.

With that encouragement, Harry could not fail to take the plunge. Blood pumped into his thick, throbbing manhood when lining it up and thrusting it as hard into Caitlin from behind as humanly possible.

Harry buried himself deep into Caitlin with several hard thrusts. He grabbed on tight onto Caitlin's rear end, rising up and thrusting down into her. Harry smacked off of her ass, letting her cry out in pleasure. Harry drove faster and faster into Caitlin, stretching out her wet pussy.

The ravishing of Caitlin Fairchild's body resulted into a flare of lust overwhelming Harry. He could not hold back and had to just fuck Caitlin's brains out. And given how much of a genius the woman before him is, Harry found himself fucking Caitlin for a very long time.

Every squirm, every squeeze, every just wonderful sensation of Caitlin clamping down onto him, it delivered, it delivered in the best, most sexiest way possible.

Donna cried from Caitlin's ministrations. The tongue rose up and slid deep into Donna's overflowing honeypot. She clenched onto Caitlin's hair, moaning from what Caitlin did to her. The hunger only increased with each action.

Stars flashed before Donna's eyes. Along with a stream of profanity which would make a sailor blush.

"And you kiss your mother with that mouth," Harry said.

"No, I suck your cock," Donna managed. "And go down on my sister."

Caitlin sucked up the remaining juices coming from Donna. The taste made Caitlin tingle in excitement. She just had to lick her lips.

"You're not finished with me just yet."

Donna sank her hands into Caitlin's head to encourage her. Not that there was much encouragement needed with Donna's sweet pussy.

The more sounds these lovely women made, the faster Harry's strokes made. He leaned in, running his hands down Caitlin's body all the way while burying deep into her. He grazed Donna slowly as well.

Harry's muscles slowly tightened up on each plunge. Despite the rising orgasm, Harry hung on for the ride. He would like nothing better than to bust another nut into Caitlin. Not yet, the lovely Doctor Fairchild needed to have her body worshipped. And every time he moved down stroke Caitlin's hair, he hit Donna's thighs with multiple pulsing thrusts.

The sorcerer's skilled hands sent pleasure tremors through them both. They both gave out their cries indicating pleasure, in perfect harmony. Harry thrust away at Caitlin, working in and out of her with fluid, swift motions, working into her from behind extremely hard.

Suddenly, Caitlin pulled away and caused Harry to leave her. Being denied was not something Harry was used to, but Caitlin turned around and locked her eyes onto Harry, with a big smile.

Caitlin left Donna hanging for a minute to position herself. The sexy muscular redhead dropped herself onto Harry. Those green eyes locked onto Harry's, with Caitlin's fingers grazing onto the back of his head. She moaned when pushing down onto him.

"Now, this is a ride," Caitlin cried in Harry's ear.

"Ride em cowigirl," Harry told her.

Harry groaned from Caitlin bouncing up and down, and stretching her pussy on Harry's mighty rod. The flood of juices saturated Harry. Harry always found it amazing how wet Caitlin could get and how much she wanted him. Amazed, but not really surprised.

The hands worked over her body, touching Caitlin in so many different ways. They found Caitlin's breasts and started to work them over. Harry worked Caitlin's breasts like he owned him. Caitlin screamed in Harry's ear. No coherent words came out, but the thought was there, and Harry was willing to give Caitlin what she wanted.

"Closer," Harry groaned.

Caitlin bit down on her lip and nodded. Encouragement for Harry to touch her all over boiled to a fever pitch. Harry rubbed her chest and made Caitlin cry out in endless pleasure.

As Harry milked her breasts, Caitlin came extremely hard. She squeezed and released onto Harry, getting an orgasm which rocked every last inch of her. Caitlin hung onto him, bouncing harder with each passing motion, until the moment came where she released Harry.

Caitlin needed a breather and thus pulled away from Harry.

The second Caitlin pulled away from Harry, Donna dove onto Harry to suck Caitlin's juices off. The Amazon Princess adopted a particularly ravenous and insatiable behavior with the cock sucking. Harry put his hands down onto the back of Donna's head, sinking as her mouth. Donna squeezed and released Harry, hungering for a long and vigorous worship session with him.

The beautiful and loud sucks of the tempting Amazon escalated. Donna pressed down onto Harry, her beautiful face rubbing up against his crotch. Harry groaned and took Donna deep into his mouth. And soon, soon, she was not alone in her pleasuring of Harry.

Caitlin joined Donna in pleasuring Harry's groin. The two sides worked Harry over completely, sucking Harry off in many ways.

Donna pulled out from Harry, leaving a strand of salvia. Caitlin did not finish worshipping Harry's pole for a long time, which caused Donna to grow progressively more impatient. She pressed down onto Caitlin's shoulderblade to get the woman's attention.

"I know what can make this better."

Caitlin rose up and smiled while the two moved on either side of Harry. Who got the answer of what could make this better, in the form of their nice luscious tits wrapping around him. The duel tit job started and it was amazing, amazing. Harry's lust for both of these beauties just boiled to the surface.

"That certainly helps," Harry groaned.

"I thought so too," Caitlin said.

Two very supple sets of breasts slid up and down Harry's length. They stimulated Harry with constant ministrations. Harry's groin region flared up, and the two locked eyes onto each other. Their faces moved together and lips molded in a very sexual manner, putting Harry closer to the edge.

Caitlin and Donna's sexy makeout session brought a very hot tightening feeling in Harry's balls. Somehow, Harry held back just enough, in spite of Donna and Caitlin doing pretty much everything in their power to make Harry explode all over them. They worked down onto Harry, sucking on his manhood, and making him squirm with pleasure.

These two lovely ladies worshipping Harry made things extremely hot. The eruption was only inevitable. Harry did not want to stop it. He just rode it on through, and launched his sticky seed into the air, splashing both of the women in the face.

The gushing of cum covered Caitlin and Donna on the faces, chests, and all over their luscious bodies. Caitlin and Donna moaned and worked Harry's groin until they drained him.

The sexy dark-haired woman and the sexy redhead moved closer, kissing each other on the lips. The makeout session continues, with Donna feasting off of Caitlin's chest. Caitlin returned the favor, feasting off of Donna's supple mountains.

The teasing continued until the moment where Harry reached his breaking point.

Harry pushed them down to rapidly finger them. Their tight pussies reacted, with a flood of warm juices cascading down onto them. Harry rose up and smashed down into their bodies, rocking them up and down. Donna and Caitlin clenched down, their pussies flooding Harry's fingers when he drove down into them.

Donna closed and released her loins onto Harry. She needed Harry's strong fingers, burying into her so deep and so fast.

Caitlin entered a state of enticing pleasure. Even the slightest gesture on Harry's part got her juices flowing. Caitlin bit down on her lip so enticingly, with Harry pushing deep into them from underneath. Their wet pussies exploded.

"Harry, I need you inside me," Donna begged him.

The Amazon Princess opened her legs and beckoned Harry inside. Harry smiled a wide smile at this enticing invitation. It would be very rude to deny Donna at this point in time. He closed in on the Amazon, close to sinking into her body, but stopped.

The minute Donna really cried for it, begged for it, practically choked for it, Harry made his move. And they were a lot better for it, with Harry plowing deep into her body.

Harry stroked Donna's thighs every time he sank deeper into the Amazon beneath him. The young woman rose up and down, driving Harry deep into her. Escalating cries only increased Harry's thrusts, until his hips practically became a never ending blur, rocking Donna all over.

"Sweet Hera, you're in so deep!" Donna yelled.

"Yes, I am," Harry said. "How does that make you feel?"

"GOOD!" Donna yelled.

The louder Donna's cries of lust made, the more Caitlin hungered to be included. A very sudden realization hit the scientist, in all of her brilliance, she realized that Donna's mouth and face were perfectly exposed. Caitlin throbbed, wondering how Donna's mouth would feel.

Caitlin crouched down on Donna to get her pussy eaten. As an added bonus, Caitlin faced away from Harry, her perfect ass exposed from when Harry drove into Donna hard.

Needless to say, Harry got the hint and groped Caitlin's ass, while driving into her. Caitlin closed her eyes, screaming out from the combination of Donna's cunnilingus and Harry's ass groping.

Harry pushed deeper into Donna, getting all hot and bothered from the two ladies indulging in each other. The tension escalated in Donna's body, the further Harry rammed into her. He worked into Donna, going in deeper, and being released on a constant and never ending basis. Harry groaned, working back and smashing Donna, stretching her out deeper.

The Amazon creamed herself underneath Harry's rod. The huge clamping around Harry's tool made her just cry out in pleasure.

The second Harry finished riding Donna to one orgasm, he caused a second to escalate. Donna's entire body entered a state of constant arousal. Harry knew how to press all of her buttons and get her hot and bothered. And Caitlin pressed just as many.

Donna could not take her mind off of that sweet pussy. Giving Donna a constant helping of juices, every minute of which Donna loved.

Harry ran Donna through the ringer. He controlled the rate of Donna's tensing up around him and sudden, rapid-fire release. Harry danced down her body, and gave her one more orgasm.

Spent, Donna collapsed down onto the bed.

"Think she deserves a break," Caitlin said. "And my pussy is calling for you, bro."

Caitlin positioned herself at the end of the bed perfectly for Harry to drive into her from behind. Which, Harry would be blind not to take her from behind. He shoved deep into Caitlin, realizing how close she edged from thrusting into her.

Harry enjoyed every last second of being inside of Caitlin. His inflamed cock rammed deep inside of her wanton, lustful body. Harry rose up and sank down into her, cracking Caitlin hard across the ass.

With a well practiced harmony, Harry pushed Caitlin over the top with a spectacular orgasm. Harry held onto her, riding Caitlin out to the end.

"Mmmmm!" Caitlin moaned.

"Eloquent as usual," Harry told her with a smile.

Harry pulled from Caitlin and allowed her to collapse down onto the bed. His cock was still throbbing, and he noticed that both of the women eyed each other up.

The race to his cock ended with Donna and Caitlin meeting halfway. They grabbed each other's hair and sunk into a very deep kiss. Donna and Caitlin's rousing game of tonsil tennis began.

Donna and Caitlin entered a vigorous makeout session. Both tried to dominate the other, and that particular battle had been won by Donna. She pushed Caitlin down onto the bed. The Amazon squeezed the breasts of the scientist and got her all hot and bothered with each touch.

"Oooh, yes," Caitlin moaned.

Donna looked over her shoulder at Harry, a sultry smile. She laid practically on top of Caitlin, legs spread, and pussy dripping.

"My pussy's begging to be fucked again," Donna said. "And that cock is so swollen...seems like a perfect match, wouldn't you say?"

At the invitation, Harry sank into Donna from behind. Inch by inch, Harry drove into her, working her over. The tightening of her loins pleasured Harry. Harry closed, sinking and releasing Donna's ass from his fingers. He pistoned into her faster.

Every rippling thrust made Donna scream out, cry out for more. And Harry gave her more, he gave Donna so much more, sinking his way into her body as deep as possible. Harry rose back and rammed into her, his balls slapping down onto Donna's tender thighs.

After putting Donna through the ringer, Harry switched to Caitlin. Both women being positioned like this allowed Harry to switch back and forth, plundering them in turn. Something both of them enjoyed, and something Harry took advantage of.

Harry alternated, pleasuring both of them. The closer Harry reached his peak, the more both of these girls quivered in excitement. Harry knew precisely what he needed to do, to draw it out.

Caitlin worked hard to claim a fresh load for herself. She had been with Harry the longest, therefore should she not get Harry's seed? Caitlin tried to hold on, to outlast Harry before he switched out to Donna. She failed, with a very intense orgasm all over Harry's throbbing tool.

Donna would not be denied either. Harry planted himself inside of her, rocking Donna's body all over. He worked Donna into an orgasm, switching back to Caitlin, and then back to Donna.

The game continued until Harry finally busted his load into Donna. Then he switched to spill the rest of it into Caitlin.

Harry saved up just enough to fill both of his sexy and powerful lovers. He gave both of them their fill, and pulled away with a smile.

A panting Donna rose up and Caitlin rose up. Harry gave them matching cream pies. The two leaned in with a kiss, their lust not tapered off, only increasing with each passing moment. Donna slipped a finger into Caitlin.

"You got more," Donna said.

The two women positioned themselves on the bed and ready to go for more. Caitlin put her face by Donna's pussy and Donna did the same to Caitlin. They munched on the gift that Harry left for them.

Donna and Caitlin give Harry a visual treat while eating out each other in the sixty-nine position. Not that it took much to make Harry rise back up, but this most certainly helped.

Ready, and hard, Harry positioned himself, ready to take either Caitlin or Donna as the situation warranted it. He waited for one to cum, so he could take advantage of the other.

Really, Harry thought there were no losers in this kind of a situation. One would reach that happy point of release and Harry closed in to grant the other with some raw hard sex.

A great way to spend the morning, if Harry had to say so himself.

Collective Tracker: Caitlin Fairchild, Power Girl(Karen), Lois Lane, Cat Grant, Cheshire(Jade), Black Canary(Dinah), Wondergirl(Donna), Wonder Woman(Diana), Miss Martian(M’gann), and Red Arrow(Thea), Artemis Crock

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