
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

One thing after another.

" We really doing this Dick? After what happened to the cave?"

Kai asked the man as the two got suited up, still feeling unease after Aqualad blew up Mount Justice while Kai was away.

" We have to Kai. It's now or never. If we don't get them back now, we never will."

Dick replied.

" I know Dick. But something just doesn't feel right about all of this."

Kai explained to the boy.

Dick walked over to his friend and placed his hand firmly on his shoulder.

" Don't worry. We'll get through this like we always have. Together."

Dick said to the man.

" Alright, let's go."

Kai said to the man.

The two finished setting their gear on and walked out of the room to join the rest of the team.

" Alright team! You've all been given your assignments. You know the mission, snatch and grab. Our priority is to get our people back. Everything else comes second. Got It. Any questions? No? Good! Let's move."

Kai ordered the rest of the team.

" Cassie."

Kai called out to the young hero.

" Yeah?"

Cassie asked the man.

" Be careful, okay."

Kai said to the young girl as he pulled her into a tight hug.

Cassie smiled and returned the hug.

" Okay, brother."

Cassie said to the man before the two continued to the bio-ship.

Kai was quiet on the ship as Nightwing went over the plan again to the rest of the team.

" Alright! We're reaching drop point. Infiltration unit get ready."

Nightwing ordered the three young heroes. Robin, Batgirl, and bumblebee all got to their feet and readied themselves for deployment.

Kai and the remaining members of the team watched as the three heroes snuck into the prison camp and hid amongst the rest of the prisoners. They were all gathered up by Mantas soldiers and placed into Pods for transport.

" They're in. Let's move."

Nightwing stated.

Megan nodded and followed the transport into the sea.

" Good, they're leading us to Lagoon boy and the others."

Nightwing explained to the group.

" How do you know that?"

Wonder girl asked.

" Yeah, where did this intel come from?"

Kai asked the man.

" Wishful thinking really."

Dick said to the two.

" And the abductee's shipment at the docks. How did you know about that?"

Kai asked the man

" Aquaman came across the intel while searching for Lagaan.'

Dick explained.

' He lies. You can hear it in his heart.'

The faint whispering of Athena was heard inside kai's mind once again.

' Athena? Is that you? What do you mean he lies?'

Kai asked the woman only to receive no answer.

" Nightwing, is that true?"

Kai asked the man

" Of course. Don't you trust me?"

Nightwing asked the man.

Kai looked at him for a moment before nodding in agreement.

The team all looked at the two veteran heroes in confusion before returning their attentions back to the mission.

The team followed Mantas troops until their arrived at a large underwater ship

" So, this is the lights partner. That ship shares the same alien design sensibility as the bombs that destroyed Malina Island and Mount Justice."

Nightwing explained.

" Kind of reminds me of blues armor."

Wonder girl stated.

" Because it is. That's a reach Ship."

Kai explained.

" Wisdom of Athena coming through clutch!"

Wonder girl exclaimed

" Well, anything important you know about them?"

Nightwing asked.

" Nothing really, important. Or at least pertaining to what they are doing here."

kai replied to the man.

" Alright. Miss M, you're up."

Nightwing said to the girl.

Megan stood up from her seat and formed gills on her neck before diving into the water.

' Alpha Squad, I'm heading into the alien ship. Are you on board?'

Megan asked the infiltration squad telepathically.

' Affirmative! We're on some sort of docking bay. We have a visual on the new aliens. A.k.a the chrolloteans competitor. A.k.a the lights new partner. And we've got other company. It's Aqualad. If he makes us, we're over.'

Batgirl explained to the group.

' If he makes you, we'll get in there and pull you out the hard way.'

Kai said to the young girl.

' Exactly. But stay whelmed. Aqualad isn't looking for you. Just don't attract attention.'

Nightwing explained t the girl.

' I found Gar and Bart! They're unconscious, but alive. No sign of Jaime and Lagaan.'

Megan explained.

' We've got eyes on Lagoon boy... And Shimmer!? And four other civilians plus the teens we came with.'

Batgirl explained.

" That's too many."

Kai said in disappointment.

' We're unsupervised now... But Blues still unaccounted for. An escape attempt could trigger a response. Do we wait?'

Batgirl asked.

' Negative Alpha! Make your escape before we need to get you as well. You too Miss M. Get our boys.'

Kai ordered the two separate teams.

' Docking bay secured.'

Superboy said to the team.

' About time Superboy. Alright, docking now.'

Kai replied to the man as he flew the ship to the reach's docking port.

" All right people! Let's move!"

Cassie yelled to the trapped civilians.

Kai and the rest of the team began helping with the evacuations before Connor reached out to Megan.

' Megan where are you? Megan?'

Connor called out to the girl with no reply back.

" Somethings wrong."

Kai said to the boy.

" Yeah, Links down. I'll be right back."

Connor said to Kai before running off into the ship. However, he soon returned as someone knocked him back into the halls of the docking bay.

" Superboy!!!"

Kai yelled out as the boy landed hard.

" Apologies meat. But no one goes anywhere."

Black beetle declared as he walked into the room. He placed his hand on the wall and closed the entrance to the rest of the ship.

" Get everyone out of here."

Kai yelled to the rest of the team, before charging black beetle.

" You think you can stop me? You are nothing meat."

Black beetle Declared.

He raised his fist to hit Kai but ended up getting tackled through the wall he just made. Kai put his hand on the alien's face and drug his skull through the ground.

" They all say that at first."

Kai said before punching Black Beetle across the ship, before chasing after him.

" Damn, girl. I'm glad your brother is on our side."

Bumblebee said to wonder girl as she helped Superboy to his feet.

": Argh!"

" URgh!"

Kai and Black Beetle grunted as the battled each other across the Reach's ship, causing it to shake and rattle the occupants inside.

" Come on. While he's keeping the big guy busy let's get everyone out of here. Where's Miss M?"

Nightwing asked.

" I don't know! She just cut the link suddenly."

Superboy exclaimed before being thrown around by the ship again.

" You're quite tough. But not the toughest I've faced. Adam hits way harder than you do. And I hit harder than him."

Kai grinned at the Alien as Lightning flowed out of his eyes.



Kai dropped the mother of all lightning bolts down onto Black Beetle dropping him and ending the fight.

" Don't have time to play around. Got to get everyone out."

Kai said to himself as he got up off the floor.

' Team to Sentry. We're good to go. Get out of there!"

Nightwing radioed to the man.

Kai nodded and quickly tunneled through the ceiling of the ship flooding it in the process. Kai then quickly flew toward the Bio-Ship and joined the rest of the team.

" Job well done team! Miss M, you want controls back?"

Nightwing asked the girl as they took off from the Reach ship.

Though it seemed Megan had been traumatized.

" Miss M?"

Kai called out to the girl.

" She's probably still basking in the glow of victory. She totally nailed Aqualad. You should have seen it! Well, actually it didn't look like much. But I'm sure it was very cool inside their heads."

Beast boy explained to the group as Kai and Connor looked at the girl suspiciously.

' Megan, what happened?'

Kai called out to the girl hoping to get an Answer. But even he got nothing in response.

Kai and Connor then looked at each other in confusion before relenting to silence.

' I really don't like this'

Kai thought to himself as the team made its way back to their new base.

[ Washington, D.C. April 1st. 21:24 EDT]

" I still don't understand why you needed me to be here tonight."

Kai said to Megan and the others as they lifted the remaining things from Mount Justice when the Alarm suddenly went off.

" Greetings and salutations earth champions!"

A voice yelled out through the Halls.

" What the hell?"

Kai asked as he, Captain Marvel, and Zatanna ran outside.

" I am elrom. Major domo to the great master and you are my prisoners."

The tiny golden robot declared to the group.

Kai rushed the robot and quickly destroyed it in his hands.

" Yeah, no."

Kai declared as he tossed the scraps of the robot aside.

" Sentry! What are you doing?"

Zatanna asked.

" Stopping a threat. What? Did you want me to wait and let it trap us?"

Kai asked the girl.

Zatanna went to argue but quickly realized there was nothing she COULD argue.

Suddenly a large object crashed down behind Kai sending him flying into the hall of Justice. From the smoke stepped out Despero.

" Go check on him! Fin heads mine."

Captain Marvel said to Zatanna before rushing Despero.

Despero raised his fist back and punched the man into the hall as well sending him crashing through several walls.


Superboy yelled as he punched Despero in the face knocking him back a few feet.

" Connor Move!"

Kai yelled as he flew fists first into Despero tackling him into another room. Kai Slammed the man's head into the ground and started punching him in the face repeatedly before Despero back handed him twice; Desperos punches knocked Kai away from him sending the man crashing through the nearby hero exhibits. Despero got up from the ground and jumped after the man only for him to be punched back by Kai once again.

' Damn this guy's tough. He hits like Superman.'

Kai thought.

Despero swiftly returned to his feet before pressing Kai again.


Superboy yelled as he and Captain Marvel slammed their fists into the alien's back.

" Together!"

Kai yelled to the two heroes.

Superboy grabbed Despero by his leg and tossed him into the air.

Kai and Captain Marvel both flew towards the man and shouted.



The two champions of magic slammed Despero into the ground with a heavy lightning bolt.




Superboy, Kai, and Captain Marvel all divebombed the alien gladiator, slamming their fists into his back knocking the man out for the count.

" Nice work team! Let's get this guy secured before he wakes back up for round two."

Kai said to the two other powerhouses.

The each grabbed a part of Despero and carried the unconscious alien back upstairs through the ruined Hall of Justice. The three arrived to see the reach ambassador arriving.

" Sentry, Superboy, Captain Marvel we will be taking Despero off of your hands."

The ambassador said to the three heroes.

The three turned to look at Captain Atom and the man simply nodded for them to do it.

They walked over to the ambassador and dropped Despero on him.

" There you go ambassador."

Kai said to the man.

" He's all yours."

Superboy joked.

The three heroes laughed and quickly started helping with the clean up of the building.