

" So let me get this straight. Yu all "Kidnapped" Zatanna, took her out into the field without permission from her father, went behind the leagues back and mine, and managed to rescue red tornado and his brother and sister. Did I miss anything?"

Kai asked as he, batman, canary, and Zatara glared at his teammates.

" No, that's everything. Kai look we're sorry."

Robin tried to explain.

" Okay starting now all of you are on probation. No missions for this team until further notice, we will spend the rest of today training, and tomorrow, and the day after that. After school you will come straight here."

Kai said as he explained the groups punishment.

" But I have cheerleading practice after school Kai!"

Megan spoke up.

" You should have thought about that before you brought Zatanna into the field. It would have been one thing if it was just the team, but it wasn't"

Kai explained

" But she's ready, we wouldn't have brought her into the field if she couldn't handle it!"

Artemis argued.

" Maybe she is, but it is still Zatara who decides when she is ready. He is her father and is the final voice on her matter."

Kai explained as he pointed to Zatara, who had nodded in agreement with kai's words.

" And the other reason I'm punishing you is because you left your team leader in the dark. If I had known about this, I would have helped you."

Kai explained.

" Now then, everyone prepare for today's training."

Kai said as he dismissed the team.

" Do you agree with the punishment batman?"

Kai asked

" Yes."

Batman responded.

" I do as well. Thank you."

Zatara stepped forward and spoke.

" Of course, Zatara, but there is one more thing I wanted to speak to you about."

Kai said.

" What is it?"

Zatara asked.

" It's about Zatanna, I heard how she did in the field. And I think she'd make a great addition to the team."

Kai said

" Absolutely not! My daughter is not ready for this life."

Zatara argued

" Zatara, from what I've heard from the team it sounded like Zatanna was a pivotal part of the team's success. I'm not saying she has to join now; I'm just asking for you to think about it."

Kai said before walking away.

" Alright, listen closely. I will explain this exercise. You will all be placed in an artificial training simulation. This exercise is designed to fail it will continue to get worse and worse and things progress, but at no point will any of it be real."

Martian Manhunter said as he placed the teens on tables.

" 3.2.1"

Manhunter counted and once he hit one the team all went to sleep.

The team awoke in the middle of a briefing by red tornado. They watched as an unknown alien threat murdered the members of the justice league. Both green lanterns, superman, batman, captain atom, captain Marvel and the martian manhunter all dead.

" Red tornado, did you?"

Zatara asked

" Yes Zatara, we saw celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures."

Red tornado stated.

" Affirmative. See you in the field."

Zatara said before cutting transmission.

" I must join the league. We will protect the planet at all costs, but should we fail the responsibility falls to you."

Red tornado says to the team.

" We stand ready."

Kai responded.

[ Recognized red tornado 16]

" This is Iris west Allen reporting live. The extra-terrestrials have brought their relentless global attack to central city."

Iris reported as the aliens killed and destroyed everything in the city around her. They soon turned their attention to her thankfully the Flash and Zatara arrived just in time to save her and the camera man.

" You should both be safe here, at least for now."

Zatara stated

" Thank you Flash and Zatara."

Iris said

Flash put his hand on her shoulder before running off with Zatara to help the others.

" Denny you, okay?"

Iris asked getting a thumbs up from her camera man.

" As you can see the justice league is attempting to hold the line."

Iris said gesturing to the two heroes trying to save other people only for them to be killed in an explosion.

" No."

Iris cried as she watched her husband die not seeing the ship behind her attacking.

" Iris? Iris get out of there!"

Cat grant yelled trying to warn her friend. Unfortunately, Iris was killed in the ensuing Explosion.

" I'm sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties from our central city feed. we take you now to a devastated Tai Pei where another league contingent is having a bit more luck."

Cat said as the feed of Hawkman and Hawkwoman, green arrow and black canary played. unfortunately, they all died shortly as well.


Kai yelled in shock.

" Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost black canary, green arrow, and the hawks. Other heroes included dead or missing include batman, icon, atom and Aquaman."

Cat explained

The team's vision then switched to that of Wonder woman and red tornado.

" Wonder Woman above you!"

Red tornado called out as a ship fired at her. She attempted to block it but was vaporized instantly.

" NO!"

Kai yelled as he watched the woman die.

' No, this isn't real. It's only a simulation. Breathe.'

Kai thought as he struggled to compose himself.

" Red Tornado to cave I fear I am all that remains of the league."

Red Tornado stated as he blasted a few of the alien ships out of the sky.

" RT!"

Robin called out before the android was vaporized.

" We are earths heroes now."

Kai stated

" So, what are we waiting for a theme song?"

Connor asked

" A strategy! Earths weapons are ineffective, and it is tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed."

Kai stated in response.

" Checking satellite imagery. Here's where the aliens are now."

Robin said as he pulled up a world image of the alien ships.

" This one get lost?"

Connor asked as he pointed out a lone alien ship. The map turned showing the image of the lone ship.

" It's superman's fortress of solitude."

Robin exclaimed

" Superman has a fortress of solitude?"

Connor asked

" Its power source must have attracted the alien's attention, at least enough to send a scout ship to investigate."

Robin explained

" Must be some fortress."

Connor said angrily.

" Connor."

Megan called out.

" No, it's okay. I guess there's a lot about superman I'll never know now."

Connor explained.

" We will target the lone ship."

Kai stated

" Yeah, we can break it down and use it to smash those aliens with their own mojo."

Wally stated while smashing his fist into his hand. His choice of words getting an elbow to his ribs by Artemis.

" Ow!"

Wally cried

" Martian and Kryptonian in the house."

Artemis stated

" Oh, not that all aliens are automatically ugly."

Wally said trying to put out some kind of damage control.

" Let's go."

Kai said as the team boarded the bioship.

" We're going somewhere cold."

Kai stated.

" So, we wear winter gear."

Wally stated as his suit turned all white.

" Yup."

Kai stated as his suit did the same. Gone was the color red, now his suit was all white excluding his silver gauntlets and boots.

" There it is. Camouflage mode. You all know what to do. We do this quick and quiet. Try not to attract the attention of the others."

Kai explained as he and the rest of the team left the ship.

The team maneuvered through the snow as quietly and as quickly as possible without drawing the attention of the ship.

' Miss Martian Now!'

Kai ordered. Megan flew close to the ship and began tearing the communications system out of it and destroyed the propulsions system. Artemis followed by hitting it with a foam arrow, preventing the ship from seeing. The ship now aware of the attack began firing at the team.

" And Et's are sealed inside."

Artemis replied as she dodged the ships fire.

" Superboy let's go!"

Kai said as he and superboy jumped onto the ship and grabbed the gun, holding it in place and preventing it from firing. The rest of team began examining the ships components.

' Identifying weapon structural stress points and links to the ship. Here, here, and here.'

Robin pointed out as he examined the weapon on the ship. Superboy and kai began tearing the weapon away from the ship but didn't notice that a piece of the weapon was free and was about to fire. Wolf sensing the danger jumped into action and saved the two boys but was killed in the blast.

' Wolf.'

Megan said as she watched the furry beast be destroyed.

' There was no indication of feedback. I'm sorry.'

Robin responded.

' Can't do anything for him now.'

Superboy replied solemnly.

Kai and superboy both grabbed the weapon again and tore it from the ship.

' Let's go.'

Superboy said as he and kai jumped over to the bioship. Megan placed her hands on the ship and began integrating the weapon into it.

' Rerouting systems to integrate weapon into ships biomatrix. I'll need to de camouflage for a few minutes.'

Megan said

' You may not have a few minutes.'

Robin said as a squad of ships closed in on their position.

' Superboy stay with Miss Martian.'

Kai ordered as he flew into the sky knocking ships out of the air.

' We've got you all covered get inside I'm almost there.'

Artemis yelled out. as she blasted one of the ships out of the sky. The ship fell into the snowy ground below, unfortunately it could still fire. The ship's weapon turned towards Artemis.

' Artemis behind you.'

Megan warned. Artemis turned around to fire at the ship but was too late. The ship fired and Artemis died instantly.


Megan and Wally yelled.


Aqualad yelled.

" Ekirts ti htiw Gninthgil!"

Kai yelled as he fired a bolt of lightning at the ship and destroying it.

" They're dead! Every single alien if it's the last thing I do."

Wally exclaimed angrily.

The team boarded the bioship and left behind the ashes of their fallen comrade.

" Ugh! Damn it Damn it Damn it!"

Wally yelled as he slammed his hands on the ship.

" We will have time to mourn later for now we defend the earth and ensure Artemi's sacrifice was not in vain."

Kai explained.

" Back to the cave?"

Megan asked

" The hall of justice. The human race must know there are still heroes defending them. There is still hope."

Kai stated as the ship flew through the air.

Eventually the ship reached the hall of justice only to discover the army being attacked by another squadron of the enemy ships. The team flew in behind the ships and Superboy and Sentry dropped out on top of them smashing them with their fists as the bioship destroyed the last. The soldiers cheered as the team of young heroes arrived.

" See I told you it was superman; he wouldn't leave us out here alone."

One of the soldiers stated

" I don't know, he looks kind of young. Where's the cape?"

Another soldier asked.

" I'm not superman."

Superboy stated agressively.

" I don't care who you are son. You wear the s and you got the job done."

General Eilling said.

" I'm not superman."

Superboy said solemnly.

" Tell that to the enemy. General wade eilling us air force."

General eilling stated.

" Sentry! We'll help you salvage as many of the alien's cannons as possible. Then we start taking back what is ours."

Kai stated to the general.

" You all get setup and be ready. I need to take care of something."

Kai said as he walked into the hall of justice.

" Come on please pick up."

Kai said as he dialed Donna's number. He waited and listened to the ringtone for a few second before the voicemail kicked in.

" Ugh! Come on Donna please pick up."

Kai said angrily as he redialed the woman's number once again being hit by the voicemail box.

" Come on Donna please."

Kai began to tear up as he called the number again. Once again being addressed by the voice mail box. Having failed to reach his girlfriend for a third time. Kai finally broke down and cried.

" Kai we."

Megan was saying as she entered the room he was in, only to stop when she saw the boy crying. Megan reluctantly walked away giving the boy the space he seemed to need.

" Miss Martian where's Sentry?"

Connor asked.

" He needs to be alone right now."

Megan replied solemnly.

The others took their time and agreed to drop it.

Kai took his time trying to compose himself only to suddenly jump to his feet when he heard the sound of explosions outside. He ran outside as fast as possible to see the bioship get destroyed causing Megan to break down into tears having felt the pain of her friends death.

" Sentry!"

Superboy yelled.

" On it."

Kai replied as he flew into the air, he began destroying the ships while avoiding the blasts that came at him.

" All of you zeta to the cave do you hear me!"

Kai yelled as he destroyed each ship that came his way.

" What about you?"

Megan asked

" Don't worry about me. I'll distract these things and give you all time to escape. Once I lose them, I'll meet you all at the cave. Aqualad you're in charge until I return got it?"

Kai yelled as he smiled down at his team.

" I understand. Goodbye my friend.

Kaldur said as he turned and began guiding the troops into the zeta tube.

" Goodbye Kai I'll see ya on the other side."

Wally said as he ran into the Zeta tube.

Robin and Megan both looked back at their friend fighting the ships one last time before entering into the Zeta tube.

' That's everyone. Kai, you did it. You saved your friends.'

Kai thought as he ripped through another ship. He turned around to see an entire fleet of the ships lined up and ready to fire. He took one last look back at the hall of justice and smiled.

" Diana! Donna my love I'm coming."

Kai said as he flew into the ships blasting them with a combination of fire and lightning. The ships doing their best to swarm him.

" Ugh! Argh! Raaaah!"

Kai yelled as he smashed the ships trying to swarm him.


Kai yelled as he felt the ships tearing him apart. Kai channeled all of his power, looked up one last time at the sky and yelled as loud as he could.


* Crack BOOM! *

Kai called down the mother of all lightning bolts evaporating every single ship in the area along with the hall of justice. When the smoke cleared nothing remained of the young hero or the alien threats. Sentry had died defending earth.

A few hours later.

" ARGH!"

Kai yelled as he suddenly jumped awake inside the cave. He looked around to see everyone he thought had died still alive.

" It's okay."

Captain Marvel said as he helped Kai get to his feet.

" You're all alive!"

Megan yelled as she saw her teammates were all okay.

" What happened in there?"

Batman asked as the teens struggled to their feet.

" The exercise, it all went wrong."

Martian manhunter explained.

" Exercise?"

Robin asked.

" Try to remember, what you experienced was a training exercise. Manhunter psychically linked the six of you in an artifical reality. You all knew this going in. What you didn't know was that this was a trained for failure exercise."

Batman explained.

" Actually, batman I explained that to them before sending them in."

Martian manhunter interjected.

" Either way no matter what the team accomplished things where designed to go worse. Still, you were aware nothing was real including the deaths of the entire Justice league."

Batman explained.

" That is why you hardly grieved when wolf was disintegrated before your eyes. But all that changed when Artemis died. Though consciously Miss Martian knew it was not real her subconscious mind could not make that distinction. She forgot it was only an exercise and her subconscious took control making all of you forget too."

Manhunter explained much to shock and terror of Miss martian.

" Ugh! I'm so sorry."

Megan said


Connor yelled

" We tried, but Megan had a death grip on the scenario. Even Artemis and Kai who should have awakened upon their deaths were so convinced they had passed they slipped into a coma. I realized I would have to wrest control from miss martian from within, but upon entering the reality I was overwhelmed by your collective emotion. There was too much noise to think clearly, to remember why I was there. The deaths of Sentry, Aqualad, and superboy helped. But only when the mothership exploded, and Robin and Kid flash were silenced did my mind clear enough to remember my true purpose. To shock Megan out of the exercise waking you all from it. My apologies."

Manhunter explained to the group.

Seeing the young lady crying Captain Marvel rushed over to Megan and hugged her.

" So, then it wasn't real. She's Alive?"

Kai said. He quickly turned and ran towards the teleporter leaving the cave.

[ Recognized Sentry B08]

Kai flew through the air as fast as he could towards Donna's home, arriving in time to see the two women returning from training.

" Oh, kai! What's?"

Donna was saying before Kai pulled her and Diana into a tight hug.

" What's wrong?"

Donna asked as she and Diana were squished by the boy.

" You're Alive! You're both alive!"

Kai said as he collapsed to his knees crying. The two women looked at each other for a moment before hugging the boy back.