
Young hearts

Julie Thompson just moved into the suburban town to live with her aunt's family and hopes to not have or make any friends at all because she disliked people but maybe liking just one won't hurt. She falls for Jason, her cousin brother's best friend, without even knowing. Follow Julie through her first attempt at love. ... I watched him as he stood there, leaning on the bridge's railing and eating ice cream. The breeze wasn't disturbing his hair today because he had parked it all backwards, he looked cute, I smiled drawing in some breath, satisfied with how today was going. "What?" I heard him ask taking me off my thoughts. "Huh?" "You were smiling." "Oh. I was...." "Can I kiss you?" He asked looking at my lips. "Here?" I asked now, my heart beating hard again my chest, our first kiss could happen now. "Yeah?" He nodded, I could see his Adam's apple go up and down as he swallowed, I bit my lips, nervously. I smiled approvingly, almost getting up from the bench where I sat. "No sit." He said coming closer to sit next to me. The bench was quiet small so we were so close to each other. He leaned in and I could smell him more the closer he got to my face. His lips were now inches away from mine and the moment they touched I closed my eyes, I didn't know why but I did. He didn't put his tongue in my mouth, it was as simple as it could get, just a warm kiss and I as glad he didn't. When he lips left mine, I opened my eyes licking my lips. He was smiling, I hadn't yet told him how much I loved his smile. "You lied." I told him. "About what?" He stopped smiling. "You said you were a bad kisser." He laughed now with his teeth showing, those beautiful set. Read more... #genka3na

genika3na2 · Teen
Not enough ratings
69 Chs


He went up the stairs till I couldn't see him but I could hear the doors open and close. I sat more relaxed, he returned just as quickly as he left.

"That was fast." I said.

"I'm sorry I couldn't reply yesterday, I haven't even used my phone since today." He said switching it on in my presence.

"It's fine."I said. "Are we still doing it?"

"Hmnn?" He asked and I realized almost how unholy that came out as.

"The lesson I mean, are you still giving me the lesson? I brought my books."

"Here? do you want me to teach you here?"

"I'm okay with it." I shrugged.

"We could go to the park you know?" He suggested. "The one near the mini bridge, it's better don't you think?"

"I don't...." I chuckled in between my words." I don't even know there, I don't know anywhere." I reminded him.

"Oh yeahhh, but do want to go? there are these short trees there, serves as a shade."

"Yes." I nodded happily, we didn't have start so soon, we could have a little stroll before he began to teach me.

"I will go change, one minute." He said, going back upstairs.

Soon, we were walking like yesterday on the peaceful street. Thankfully, the sun wasn't too harsh, it wasn't cloudy either. His hands were in his pockets as we walked, it made me remember his junior prom picture I saw on his Instagram.

"You are going to be so much taller when you get older." I told him. He smiled at me.

"How would you know that?"

"I saw your pictures."

"Which?" He stopped walking and looked at me.

"The one you posted on your Instagram."

"You are on Instagram...?" He hung on his words smiling. "Tell me you didn't see me in the blue suit." He said smiling.

"I did." I laughed.

"O my goddd, I hate that picture."

"Why? You looked so good in it." He did.

"Nope." He shook his head smiling.

"I thought you looked good."

"Nick thought so too, he was the one who convinced me to post it." We started walking again.

"You have lots of followers." I said when there wasn't more for me to say.

"Yeah, just guys from school."

"You are insta famous." I said but he laughed like he was disagreeing.

"With just 100 followers?"

"it's more than a hundred, when last did you go there?"

"I was actually thinking of deleting the account and maybe uninstall the app too."

"Wha....why?" I looked at him talk with just a shrug of his shoulder.

"I don't really post much on it, it's basically useless."

"No, it's not, I mean you've got followers," I heard myself mention reasons to try convincing not to delete his Instagram account. "And you've got memories there too right, I saw your other pictures with Nick and Kim and others."

"I have those pictures offline, they probably have them too."

"You are seriously gonna do it? Do you know people pay to get their accounts boosted?" It was a rhetorical question, he surely knew people did.

"I don't know yet, I just don't go there much lately but whatever, it's not like deleting something verrry important."

I only gazed on at him as he talked, he thought of deleting an account with over five hundred followers and was shrugging it off as unimportant, not like I was one crazy about followers but.....

"Here." I heard him and looked up to see a sign at the top of the see-through gate that was wide open.

'Cresent Park'

As I followed him into the park they were many people there like you expect of a park, there were no kids too, just some older persons sitting on the grass together or alone. They were either reading or having a picnic; it was more of the couples having the picnics.

We walked to one of the Stout but averagely tall trees in the park and Uche sat on the bare mowed grass with his legs crossed.

"Are we gonna be sitting here?"

"Yeah?" He smiled. I joined him on the ground and put my books in the middle of where we sat opposite each other.

"Can you solve any of the five independently?" He asked when I opened my math note to the assignment we had to do.

"I don't know, just teach me everything." I suggested. "You didn't bring your own note?" I asked, it just got to me that he didn't.

"No, I can just do it later at home. Come closer."

"Oh, okay." I stood up and went closer to sit beside him.

"It's so you can watch me solve an example." He explained.

"I know." He nodded and began to explain, he changed the numbers and variables so it wasn't the same question but it was still to be solved the same way. I was listening as he went on with the example, listening and watching the steps he took, then my eyes went to his fingers. They were slender and long, with his veins designing the back of his palms stretching out to his arm, I smiled.

"You see what I did here?" He asked facing me and I stopped smiling and looked at the rough book on which he has been solving. I didn't see what he did there, I just maintained eye contact with him. He blinked and looked back at the book. "If you don't understand anything, show it to me." He picked up the book and handed it to me.

"Uhmm." I looked at his fine handwriting on the page,I have never seen anyone solve math so neatly, not even my math teachers. I still stared at the solving, I wasn't planning on telling him that I was distracted just now, while he explained.


Heyy, it's your author geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction.

Please vote as you read, and comment also. I am very open to constructive criticism.❤️✨