
Young God Divine Armaments

[10 chapters every Tuesday and Friday.] Toujou Renya dies and got summoned by a War God. He then receives two choices, to either continue his reincarnation process and become a dog in the next life or to take a chance to train to surpass a War God through the seemingly infinite amount of time. And he chooses the latter. After passing a very long time of hardship, he finally managed to surpass the War God. From there, he decided on one thing: “Let’s go to another world and make a harem with this peerless cheat!”. And like that, together with his lawful wife, the Goddess Floria, War God Renya Eastle introduces himself to a new world and the story of his journey begins. He then goes breaking and setting up flags. This is a fantasy harem story of him making the women he encounters fall for him. Creating abnormal sacred treasures called the Divine Armaments and wields them to become unequaled in war. He will use his divine power to crush all flags of misfortune.

IntrovertedWriters · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Did You Think it’s the Last Boss? Too Bad! It’s the Prologue!

[Part -1]

In a vast reddish wasteland that extend until the horizon. Crater that seems like have been hit by meteor, cavity that seems like getting gouged up, and cloud of sand blows fiercely can be seen as far away as one eyes can see. Inside this sight that made you think that even post war damage is a joke, more like it's the end of the world, there are two people unfolding a battle that gets beyond mortals logic.

A young lad with black hair and common appearance.

A guy in his prime with bursting muscle, tanned skin, and exposed torso.

Those two battle has comes to the level of ignoring the flow of times. Passing days after days without any regard of anything else except battling.

The young lad uses any means of battle that he can get. Slashing with a sword, piercing with a spear, smashing with an axe, surprise attack with a bow, rapid firing with a gun, but all of it was repelled by his enemy. That was just using his bare hand.

It keeps on repeating until ones can't even tell how many hours passed. A battle of those two seems to continue for eternity.

"O… Oo… …"

But there are no such things as an eternal conflict, the young lad sword at last pierces his enemy torso. Not only that, there are numerous scar and wound on the macho guy body, there also some weapon stabbing his body here and there.

"At last….. At last this time has comes... Young lad Renya... The fruit of your effort... How much had I waited for this times to come..."

The young lad that is called as Renya didn't respond to his talk. No, he can't even respond even if he wants to. He had battled with all his body and mind devoted in it until the end. with rugged breath, he can only keep his ear open to hear what the macho guy say. The truth is he wants to say many things to the macho guy, but he has exhausted all of his energy that even talking is impossible.

"A mortal potent possibility... who knows it can become this much... I still had my doubt when my daughter speaks of it... but..."

Macho guy body fades gradually. Despite bearing innumerable wounds that even one of them proven to be fatal for normal human, he will keep on standing until he meet his demise. That figure, even in his hazy consciences still reminds Renya of the heroic tale a certain person named Benkei.

"Just as promised... My power as the [War God]... will be handed over to you... Getting this life ended... before I fall into corruption... I truly appreciate it... you have my gratitude..."

From his feet, macho guy's body starts to turn into light particle and scatter away. Slowly.. slowly.. just like when human eyelid closed upon death's door.

"Up until the last I know I'm being spoiled but... I entrust my daughter in your hand... good bye... human, despite your small body, it does possess the potential of infinity possibility... My beloved daughter... for getting along your father foolishness... I ask for forgiveness..."

With that last will, while still keeps on standing, war god meet his demise. Looking at that figure, Renya closes his eyes and bows. And in the wasteland with numerous destruction sign, at last, he stands alone.

Many feeling got mixed up in his heart. It has finished at last, which kind of deeply moving feeling is there. But there's also other things mixed in. Things that if he don't shout it out loud it feel that his feelings won't get cleared up.


In the middle of nowhere, a scream of despair erupted.

[Part 2-The Birth of Young War God]

"That's why for the time being I'm going to take my time on future plans while reflecting myself."

"Well isn't it fine for the time being?"

After shouting out all the stress that has been over accumulated recently, the young lad with black hair, Toujou Renya is now having a conversation with a girl with silver hair back in a room that he is familiar with.

This place is not the mentioned before wasteland. The fact that the land was spread seemingly without any end was the same. But not like the wasteland before there are a wide prairie and flower bed spread all over, complete with a set of flowing river and a clear lake. Those who saw it can't be helped but to think that it's a utopia.

In the center of that utopia, there's a hut where Renya and that girl lives. A simple two story building with bedroom on second floor and kitchen, living room, and a study on first floor.

"But Renya really is amazing just as I though. You beat daddy in only 138 years 11 month and 21 days if it was according to Renya sense of time!"

"But I really don't feel anywhere amazing though"

"Because Renya did it faster that what I was expecting at first. I even thought it would takes twice longer you know? Really, I can't look down on humans because they sometimes works miracle"

"But if you ask me to repeat this whole thing again, even if it was me, I will fall into despair you know?"

"Is that so? I believe Renya will keep on chasing father for eternity if he have to"

"Well thanks for the compliment. Anyway is it really already been that long since you got me here, Floria? My sense of time getting dull from living on this side"

"It's because you were really being absorbed totally on in. You wake up, do some training, forge weapons, do research, and after all that challenge daddy, getting beaten up instead and repeat that process all over again"

"Japanese people are strong in that kind of routine work you know? And I also like putting my effort to where I can clearly see the result"

"Yeah that's right. Because Renya is like that, my effort bringing you here won't go to waste"

[Bringing] Renya here means literally like that. On a certain holiday, when Renya about to go out to eat, when he open his front door, at that moment a dazzling light envelops Renya. Does today sun is extraordinarily bright? Is what Renya thought at that moment. But when he open his eyes the next second, he was in an unknown prairie.

What the heck happened?

Is what Renya reflexively said while being dumbfounded at that moment.

"And then you suddenly said that no matter what I do or how hard I do, I will die after 3 days, and then I will reincarnate as a dog in the next life. If I don't want to became a dog I should go to this [Gods Realm] where I can grow my ability while not getting old, then wins against a god in order to receive his power. And then you asked me 'So what will you choose? Becoming a dog? Or becoming a god?'… With that kind of condition, there won't be any sane people choose the first choice you know!?"

"ahaha, well that's supposed to be true. Renya's face at that time really warped in a funny way"

"Shut it, on top of that because you ask me, a normal human, to fight a god, I thought it was a weak god or something, but it was a goddamned war god complete with steroid driven macho body and weapon of mass destruction like skill. I reflexively made a yaoming face in reality you know?"

"So you are the guy that will defeat me?!" is what the war god says to Renya the first time they met. Reminiscing the past, Renya remember how much pressure concentrated in his voice that just by hearing it he trembles in fright. God's majesty is not something you can ignore. Regardless, after hearing that he don't have a time limit, he won't die, and he can freely use anything and anyways in battle, Renya then says "I might be able to do something if I had the time." It was something that no normal person would think off. Some might says that they are a well matched in that odd common sense way of thinking.

And then he starts living together with the beautiful girl, corrected, beautiful goddess named Floria that appears before him at first.

Floria helped Renya a lot in his ordeal. When he needs helps in knowledge, tools, and even daily necessities, she will help her with such devotion. That kind of devotion made Renya wonders somehow because in the end, Renya will be the one who kills her father. So why did she give her best supporting him? Such question had Renya asked once to Floria.

"But even as powerful as he is, thanks to Renya, daddy at long last gets the "ending" that he wish for."

"Because there's already no one as strong as he is, He became unable to find a way to end his own life. That's in a way really ironic."

"He should go and find other fun things to do instead… but well its daddy here we're talking about..."

The gods are not allowed to take their life on their own, On the other hand, war god also don't feel right giving his daughter that kind of responsibility. Eventhough she is also a goddess, He don't want her daughter to bear the sin of being her parent murderer. Yet spending his day in peace also a torment for him. And with all those negative feeling piled up, he knows that someday that feeling will overrun him, dragging him down on becoming an evil god that only brings destruction.

He can't stop himself. That's why the only way to do it is to entrust other for that responsibility. And Renya happen to be the chosen one among other infinite possibilities.

Floria on the other hand persisting on supporting Renya the best she could while killing down her own feeling of being powerless, hiding it with a bright smile. She knows that by fulfilling her dads wish had the same meaning as killing him.

"He is really strict when it comes to battle. The feeling of wanting to end one own life in the heat of battle is understandable because of his career background.. But never in my wildest dream that you asked human to do that"

"Don't be so modest Renya, even in your world mythology also has legends where mere humans achieving an amazing feat and then got recognized as a lower tier god right? Well, normally you will get old and crippled first before you do become god so it was kinda impossible. But what if you can continue getting stronger without any limits like getting old and such? Even human can ascend into god class power"

"Having ascended into god class myself, I can't deny that statement"

"Well mostly those who are able to reach that level was already half god from the start.."

"If that what it is then don't push that kind of ordeal to me then Floria. I'm just a normal human that born and raised normally, even I don't have any special power you know?"

"Yeah it's definitely true that Renya's lineage, environment, power, and even looks is all just in the average. But you also has one good point"

"Oi, don't go dissing me nonchalantly"

"Your soul is an amazing one you know? If you get out from your limit as human, you can have literally unlimited possibilities spread before you. Well, that won't be useful at all in your previous live though.."

"You do that on purpose right Floria?"

Floria sticking her tongue out cutely. Renya can only sigh in front of this little devil. This beautiful happy go lucky goddess is a moody person that likes to make prank at Renya once in a while. He think that it's just her way of putting up a though front while on the other side giving him her affection. Renya never blame her for that, nor ever get really angry at her for that. It's her way to frolic around. As she appears to be at the same age as Renya, he doesn't feel restrained around Floria.

"Even if you say so, I sure am now kinda like a pseudo-god being. Anyway since the objective has completed, shall we think of our urgent issues?"


"Urgent. I can't just keep on staying on god realm forever now that I have inherited the power of war god right?"

"Well it's not really a problem. But it is boring right?"

Floria, on top of helping Renya in making weapons and giving him reference on fighting techniques, she also assertively trying to know the information on Renya's world, especially Japanese culture. Having known the excitement of knowing the outside world making her feels bored to stay god realm where, even if it was peaceful, nothing else exist.

Renya also don't want to keep a secluded life there. Not that he has any strong ambition when he get out, but as he was a normal human that get stimulated easily by something fictional, he's raring to try using his power for something.

"Then again going back to my world with this kind of power is a bit.."

"Do you plan on conquering the world?"

"Seems like boring and it will give more trouble than fun anyway. Why did those boss character from game willing to conquer the world anyway?"

"Because that way they can do as they pleases?"

"People with unthinkable power still can do as they please even if they don't conquer the world though. Why bother making themselves got in troublesome position like the world enemy? I fail to understand."

Renya thinks that by not making any enemies that also means that they can do whatever they want without other people disturbing. Well Renya can't help thinking about the standard fiction story from his world.

"So in short, Floria, let's go to another world!"

"Ok! Leave it to me for the details!"

"Yes! With your power which found me from infinite number of worlds and dimensions, let search a suitable world for us to get in!"

"Ok! Let's do this!"

Floria slowly hold her hand out, numerous balls of light appear on her surrounding space. It comes in different sizes and shapes, a numerous kinds of worlds is filling the surrounding.

Well then, what kind of world awaits? With high hopes Renya hold in his chest, he start peeking inside those balls of light.

part 3 – Starting Adventure]

"This world is.. woah, what the heck is this monster paradise."

"That world is already in the level of civilization where they are able to hunt for food"

"Pass Pass, that still stone age isn't it? Such backwater world is a no. How about that one?"

"This world.. is a matriarchal based one, women is the dominant one there"

"Pass, Turning that kind of common sense upside down is not something I want to do. That one?"

"That one doesn't have any human living. They all became extinct after an uprising by robot it seems"

"Me and Floria becoming that world Adam and Eve is kinda off too.."

"Renya you pervert~"

"With just that word you reacted this far means you are worse don't you think?"

"Geez I'm just joking" says Floria while hugging Renya arms, smiling wide. He can feel Floria's certain soft part in his arm so he just stays silent. Even if he is now a pseudo god, in the end he is still a healthy guy. Being together with a girl for a long time makes a man spoiled is a common sense.

They continue searching while merrily frolicking around like that but it's kinda hard to get a world which satisfy Renya's requirement. Even after all that, Renya don't think of descending into any world as a living god. Meaning, He wants to try living as a part of the world he choose to be in while still using his godly power if needed. He doesn't want to be revered as a god in the first place. "Too much trouble" as Renya curtly says.

(But really that Floria, how does she manage to search me throughout all this many worlds…)

What Renya did now is only peeking through the world roughly, what Floria did is totally different. She observes each and every human until the last detail, and if she didn't find any suitable candidate she moves to another world and start the search again. Just how much she sacrifices for that kind of "odd jobs"? Even if a god's time is close to infinity, while having her dad in that poor condition right in front of her eyes, how much did Floria suffer while looking for a being to put an end to her dad? Renya is contemplating about Floria's trouble until now.

That's why seeing Floria having a bright smile like that now really giving me a peace of mind.

"Renya, Renya, how about this world?"

"What about that one?"

"Lesse, it's a world ruled by soft-bodied alien"

"That's already not mankind anymore doesn't it?"

"To top it off there also no civilization left, most of it is just seas"

"Just one step wrong and it become like that? Really the course of nature is terrifying"

"Well it's just normal, there are even several millions of world created and destroyed by the seconds. That is the principle of the universe"

Well it's just like what Floria said, if you think about 'what if' possibilities, the number of parallel world created are too absurd too count. Those branching world can be said as a parallel world that is alike but different from its original. And for a god to be able to observe all such possibilities is not anything special.

With just one action I can increase the number of worlds! That kind of fact blow me off my feet but when he think over it again, it's not something that human or even gods should worry over.

The two of them keep on searching like that for a while. If others look at them, they don't give of any romantic vibe given by how serious both of them are. It just like newlywed discussing seriously about their new home.

"This one world… it has science and magic civilization combined and the level is a bit higher than the usual fantasy genre novel. There's also monarchy and democratic nations too. It's surprisingly had a lot genre mixed together"

"But Renya's power is perfectly fit in this kind of world right? They also had guns you know? Even if it was treated as a lost technology"

"Woah, really? Then did they also have a flying machine that is different from a plane?"

"n~, seems like they haven't reach that level yet. But the civilization level of each countries is kinda high.. for a fantasy world standard that is"

"Floria is also kinda fantasy for me"

"Isn't the Renya now is the same?"

"Oh that's right... The me now if it was in RPG game would be a level 1 god"

"Strictly speaking, it was pseudo god… maybe? A god that is like a human? A human that is like a god?"

"Which one is it? And how does that differ?"

"nwell, still not a completed god-feel? Incomplete like once you go to another world, you won't be able to get out of there until your entire god's power incarnate… kind of things?"

"That one.. isn't it a super important fact that I should know? That means I can't reset once I start right?"

"Basically, we can freely do what want if there's no other god resides in that world. It's not like we can ask other god to send us out from that world right? And we will also get bind down by that world nature law until Renya power matures"

"Are you also receives any similar restriction Floria?"

"Nope, not in my case. But in Renya's case, because Renya is in a way 'being reborn' by matters from that chosen world, it will takes a lot of time to raise your divine power (mana for the gods) until it was enough to be able to get out from that world. by the amount of divine power Renya has when you just being 'reborn' is impossible"

"Ah, I forgot that I'm now just a spiritual body…"

Renya just scratches his head realizing that he got most of his senses numb from doing training after training for a long time. He forgot that he had thrown his physical body after getting to the god's realm and accepting Floria 'trial'. He being accustomed to that state is all thanks to his amazing adaptive ability. No, in reality he just doesn't have time to worry about other things being faced off by that macho god of war.

"Anyway back to this world, it got many similarities to Renya world. Most of the food and tool's name were similar. I think it won't take too much trouble to adapt"

"Hmm… yeah, having many things in similar might be convenient"

"But there's many threatening things can be easily be seen even from here, not to the level of a dark age reigned by a demon king though"

"Well even if there's one I think we can just beat it right?"

"But despite the high culture level, the population overall is kinda low. Ah aren't you glad that polygamy is legalized here?"

"Wait, why did I have to be glad at it? And anyway is that even important?"

"Isn't it? Daddy isn't into that so he's different but when there are still many gods reside here, they're all mostly scrambling fighting against each other in order to get the most human woman and goddesses as they can"

"Knowing most legend and myth about the gods I can imagine about it a bit but… practice some restrain you pervert gods!"

To put a young maiden (according to her appearance that is. She already live longer than most human) common sense of man woman relationship in such peculiar way, Renya can only curses the gods that no longer here for giving her bad influences.

But even if Renya think that way logically, He also have a yearning feeling for a live surrounded by beautiful girls. How can he not be? On top of him being mentally healthy young male, he also had spent more than a century isolating himself to train for his battle.

Having mentally aged doesn't mean that his instinct as a man wither away.

Harem, he's philosophic level is not that high enough to not make him gets excited by that word.

"Well even if polygamy legalization isn't exist Renya can just build a country that legalizes it anyway"

"You make it sound like I will do anything in order to get a harem"

"You won't?"

"... Well that thing aside. I just want you to stop focusing only on it. Harem isn't the only fun things that we can do there right?"

"As expected Renya is also man eh? Good thing that Renya are honest"

"My excuse won't do much to Floria right? We've been together for soo long after all"

"And even after spending that long time Renya still hasn't tries to do anything weird with me. Honestly, for giving you such a difficult trial. I have readied myself so I can accept your advance anytime you know?"

"Stu~pid. Well... indeed it was some unreasonable method and demand when you took me here Floria. But after knowing the circumstances it felt wrong to push all the blame to you"

"The gods' standards aren't like that. If you say you want my body as an advance payment for your reward I would accept that"

"Man is an organism that always wants to looks cool you know? Even your father also like that in a way. So how can I possibly demand such thing from Floria?"

With Renya sounds like he just making excuse, Floria just smiles at him. A cherubic smile without any impurities, what could be hidden underneath?

"Anyway, if I were to lost to another world, that world seems to be a rather better place to get lost to. Well I have confidence that I can deal with most problem though"

"Yeah I know, but having our knowledge matched with that world's will be more convenient. It is our first time after all"

"Hmm that's true. It's better than, let's see, if we saw some fruit like apple, and then ask its names just to find out some weird name. Places with common knowledge are definitely better."

It's just Renya being sensitive about weird things.

"Then let's go with this world. Renya, you physical body will rebirth once you transfer there. Then I'm gonna track your location and descend there. Um! That sound like a plan"

"Yeah let's do that. But are you ok with that Floria? I mean if you stay here then you can become the one and only divinity here right? And after all you have a better quality as a god compared to your father"

"Maybe it's true, but being all alone and acting as the one and only supreme god is boring! Tampering the mortal world is not that fun either. I feel like I might even destroy two or three world because of my boredom"

"Okay I understand. I'll take it as my responsibility to take care of you. Rather, don't stay behind! Floria, one way or other you are more dangerous than your father"

With one step wrong, the worst god of destruction might be born from that silly joke. Well, it's not like Renya planned to leave Floria behind. He feels bad leaving her here alone. After all, if he is the one who got left behind, he felt that he might also do the same thing as Floria said before.

"By the way, can I use my 'Divine Armaments' that I create there?"

"Yes you can. Those things that stored inside 'Renya's world' are already like Renya's own god power"

"Well that's good to hear. But then again, from myth and legend, I think I hear that most gods only have at most 3 pieces of divine armaments... maybe I'm the only one who made this much haha"

"Don't mind it too much. After all, gods used divine armaments as a limiter for their tremendous power that is hard to control. For gods that have similar case like Renya where they aren't strong enough by themselves, possessing many divine armaments isn't that all weird"

"Oh... god is a cheat as expected. But now I'm also one though"

"Oh as expected of Renya, you understand things fast! Well enough talk. I'm going to send you to this world. Are you ready?"

"I'll entrust you that Floria. Do it with a bang!"

While Floria focusing her power, Renya absent-mindlessly stares at the hut surrounding. The dining room that he already familiar with, library where he study hard, workshop where he makes his tools while researching and improving them, bedroom where he mostly sleep like a baby after the hard training. And then the outside view, also that wasteland where he fight numerous time. He can't help reminiscing about all the time passed since he got here. And lastly that peaceful looks on that troublesome war god as he me this demise.

(Don't worry war god, just as your request, I will take responsibility of taking care of your daughter)

He doesn't mean it, but its kinda sound like a talk to his father in law to be before getting married. Realizing that, he puts on a bitter smile. At the same time, Renya's field of vision is being filled with dazzling light. Just like that day when he came to the god realm. Getting through the same door, Renya's existence is thrown into another world.


Floria, having detected Renya's rebirth while closing her eyes, is also reminiscing about her father that aren't here anymore. By realizing her father wish has the same meaning as eternal separation with him. She understands it, and she had prepared her heart for it. Even though she was a goddess, that fact was still heavy for Floria that is still a teenage girl if she was converted into a human girl. But by exchanging silly talk with Renya and being asked to come along together make her feel better.

"I think I'll be alright as long as I'm with Renya. That's why please…"

Please, watch over this newborn young god. Watch over him so he will get a successful future. Give him that divine protection from the war god that had judged numerous other gods. Just like that, Floria prays while chasing Renya's existence, throwing herself inside the dazzling light.

And then, the god realm which has lost its owner, as if it has done its purpose, silently crumbles to nothingness.