
Young fool

How are you my dear?

HephziLolami · Urban
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15 Chs

The date 6

"That won't be necessary, my precious granddaughter."

Liu Xinyi's brows furrowed in confusion as she wondered what her grandma could be on about.


"Look at this girl. Of course it's because I'm coming on your date with you." Grandma Liu laughed heartily like she didn't understand why Liu Xinyi was struggling to understand this.

Liu Xinyi's eyes widened in disbelief and she coughed. "W-what?!"

Where had it ever been heard in the history of blind dating or finding a partner that one's grandparent went on the date with them?

That would make her a laughingstock.

She would never live that one down and the first person that would come for her would even be her own best friend, cousins and business associates already looking for ways to get back at her for all the times she'd taken a sassy action against them.

She could already picture the looks on their faces if such a thing ever happened. The news would circulate for the longest time.

In fact, Liu Xinyi could already imagine the headlines that would be written on the tabloids.

'Demoness CEO gets escorted to date: her grandmother is the chaperone!'

'The Asian business market in shock as one of her most eligible bachelorettes is seen being escorted by her grandmother at her date.'

'Grandparents and blind dates: what do they have in common?'

'Maybe famous Demoness CEO isn't so heartless?'

But Xinyi had never cared much about what the society thought, so she was more embarrassed about her grandmother treating her like a child and chaperoning her on a date than about what the public would have to say about it.

She couldn't imagine her grandmother going on a date with her. That would be ridiculous, to put it mildly.

"Why are you so surprised?" Grandma Liu cut her off in a whining tone.

"I, uhm, I think I heard you wrong, grandma. What did you say?"

"You heard me clearly, my dear. I'm coming along on the date. I'll get a table with my good friend, Mrs Luo. You remember her, right?"

Xinyi thought for a moment. She knew most of the families in the capital and her family had at one point or the other done business with a few but she wasn't quite sure she'd ever came across that name before.

"Hmm...not really." Xinyi shook her head.

"I understand. Her grandson used to pick on you a lot when you were little and you would always hit him on the chest in anger. Aiya, I used to think you two were so cute back then but he had to leave the country with his grandfather for a few years and he eventually grew up abroad so you probably won't remember him anymore."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. You two were so cute back then, like the princess and her prince charming who kept trying to get her attention." Grandma Liu laughed, obviously remembering the scene even though Xinyi couldn't relate to the memories since she had no recollection of them.

As she thought about it though, Xinyi wondered why he was taken along with his grandfather at the time. Maybe he was a problem child or maybe he had some health challenge that needed desperate care which wasn't available in China at the time.

Xinyi grimaced as her grandmother kept going on and on about the Luo grandson's fondness towards her.

If she didn't like him back then, why would she like him now?

She'd always been a straight forward person even from childhood and she never intentionally disliked someone except they did something that truly disgusted her.

No matter how fake someone was, Xinyi would always see through it and let them know she wasn't going to take their crap.

She could already imagine the child from the Luo family from back then to be a two-faced idiot that was only trying to impress her.

"I understand Grandma, I probably forgot him because he relocated when we were so young. But why are you coming with me?"

"Aish, do you need me to spell it out for you? The last time you went on a date, you splashed the young businessman a cup of water on the face. Or should we talk about the one you stabbed in the thigh when he flirted with you?" Grandma Liu scolded and Xinyi's face clouded with embarrassment, a scowl overtaking her features.

Why hadn't this sly old woman forgotten that incident? It happened several months ago!

"Better still, maybe we should just go ahead to talk about the one that you threw over the table and almost choked to death when he mentioned the sleek idiot you once dated?" Grandma Liu maliciously continued.

Sighing, Xinyi nodded, eager to get back to her work and away from this talk. "I- alright, whatever you say is best. Grandma always knows best. I'll go with your arrangements. I'll see you on Saturday. Love you."

"Silly girl. Wear something bright. I don't want you to chase the handsome young man off by wearing dark clothes like you did the other day on your date with the Zhang family's second son. Bye."

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