
Young fool

How are you my dear?

HephziLolami · Urban
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15 Chs

Meeting Luo Zihan 3

Luo Zihan's gaze was on Liu Xinyi for several seconds, his thoughts wandering off as he merely stared at her. Anyone who caught him staring at the lady talking on her phone by the window side would probably wonder why he was staring at her with such a captivating gaze.

Only Luo Zihan knew the thoughts that were running in his mind as he mindlessly fixed his gaze on Liu Xinyi.

From behind, she looked as dazzling as a fairy, her dark hair shining under the bright lights. She had a narrow waist, which was quite noticeable for an average slim lady.

Then he saw Xinyi retuning to their table and he uncrossed his legs.

Xinyi walked back to the table, grabbing her bag as she stood beside her chair, her eyes moving over to Zihan who was already looking up at her with that confident gaze of his, his arms crossed over his chest. 

Her mind was occupied with the news from person that'd just called her but she couldn't help admiring how Luo Zihan looked like a powerful personality at that moment, his eyes observing her even as she still couldn't read his emotions from his expressions.

'Mr Luo is one interesting character, I must admit.' she mumbled to herself as she balanced her handbag on her left arm.

"Sorry, I have to take my leave right now. A family emergency came up." She announced sharply, her brows coming together as she realized her date would be cut short.

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted.

Zihan got up as well and observed her hasty movements, realizing that whatever came up would've been very urgent for her to suddenly wish to leave so quickly.

He took in the sudden knit in her brows that she tried to mask and instantly knew she was leaving for an urgent manner. Therefore, he nodded and buttoned his suit jacket as he got up, pushing his chair in properly.

"Alright." He nodded smartly.

Xinyi gave him a small smile. "It was nice meeting you. I enjoyed every bit of our conversation."

She stretched out her right hand and Zihan shook it, nodding in agreement to her words.

Her words were curt as if she was having a business related conversation with him and even her smile was reserved. He however, didn't think too deeply about it and just focused on the situation at hand.

"Do you need a ride there?" He asked and Xinyi shot him a look, her resolve instantly building up once again as a familiar feeling she usually got on some occasions after having a business meeting with some of her business partners. 

She narrowed her eyes slightly at Zihan, wondering why he asked her that question as she began to analyze him just as she'd analyzed the thousand of men that had tried to hit on her over the years.

She was used to hearing those lines.

'Do you need a ride?'

'I can give you a lift if you don't mind.'

'It's getting late, should we lodge in the hotel instead?'

'The weather is changing, how about we find somewhere to spend the night?'

"That won't be necessary, CEO Luo. I have my ride already." She told him with a blank face, all the slight fondness she'd developed for him instantly evaporating into thin air as her eyes held some bit of resentment.

Zihan instantly noticed the change in the woman's gaze but acted like he didn't. 

"Alright. Then can I have your number?"

Xinyi squinted.

She'd thought Luo Zihan building himself up to be a confident and straight forward person was quite admirable but Xinyi wasn't sure about that anymore.

To an extent, she liked his confidence and maybe she would've given him a second thought if it had been under some other circumstances but considering the situation of things, she honestly wasn't interested in him.

And the fact that he was straight out asking for her contact counted as flirting to her that moment. After all they'd just had a date and here he was, asking her for a ride then proceeding to ask her for her number after she declined him.


"No you can't." She told him plainly.

Then she turned around without one more word and walked over to the private room where the elderly ladies were busy chatting to inform her grandmother that she had to leave.

"Xinyi?" Grandma Liu was surprised about Xinyi's sudden appearance.

As she squinted, she realized Xinyi's expression was calm and collected. And a little bit cold. The elderly lady instantly realized that something must have happened for her to suddenly look this way. She knew her granddaughter more than anyone else and could tell when the lass was being displeased or disturbed by something.

But if she remembered correctly, Xinyi had been looking interested in her chat with Luo Zihan the other time. So what happened after they left?

Did Zihan tease her about their childhood? She didn't even remember him from their childhood and she wasn't a petty person that would take people's words top seriously except she was wronged by someone she held in high esteem so what could have happened?

"Grandma, something came up. I have to leave."

Grandma Liu ignored the slight frostiness emitting off Xinyi and instead went straight to the point.

"Why? It hasn't even been twenty minutes that we left you out there. What's so urgent? Is it work? Postpone it. This is a Saturday night." Madam Liu complained, getting up and walking over to Xinyi.

"No grandma, what came up is urgent. I have to go now, but I'll explain it to you later."

"Did my grandson say something that upset you? He's sometimes arrogant and aloof but don't take his words to heart."

"Uhm-" Xinyi was about to explain but madam Luo didn't give her a chance to do so as she continued.

"He doesn't know how to sugarcoat words properly, even when he's speaking to a lady and I know he might've said something to upset you. Don't take it to heart." Madam Luo stated with a frown, looking towards the door as if Zihan was standing there.

"No madam Luo, nothing like that happened. It's another matter entirely and isn't related to Mr Luo."

As Xinyi was speaking, she noticed that Madam Luo's expression had turned slightly awkward as she frowned at her.

"Who are you calling madam Luo? Call me grandma immediately."

"Uh..." She hesitated, unwilling to allow this woman force her to do what she didn't want to.

"I and your grandmother have known each other for ages. Zihan is your grandma's grandson just like you're my granddaughter. Now come on, don't be shy. Call me grandma."

Xinyi had no other choice than to do as told, so these old women would allow her leave.

"G-grandma." She stated softly, a tinge of red spreading over her cheeks even though her eyes still looked on seriously. 

Grandma Luo felt as if a soft feather was tickling her heart. She was filled with gladness as she began to imagine Xinyi communicating with her as her granddaughter in-law.

How beautiful would that be?

This girl usually out up a brave front but she was actually a cute girl who needed to be teased just a little and you would see how bashful she could get.

"That's enough. Hurry and head to where you're going. Don't speed on the road." Madam Luo urged her as she smiled cheekily at Xinyi. 

"Noted." Xinyi quickly left, her mind going back to her cousin who had called her and the purpose of the phone call.

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